This January, several faculty and students from Drexel’s College of Computing & Informatics (CCI) information science department joined the ACM GROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP 2025) to present research, take part in panels, and serve in key roles.
The GROUP conference, first held in Philadelphia in 1982, is a premier venue for research on sociotechnical studies, practice-centered computing, computer-supported cooperative work, human-computer interaction, computer-supported collaborative learning, open-source software and related areas.
At this year’s conference, held in Hilton Head, South Carolina, CCI information science faculty and students participated in the following ways:
Research Papers
- Helena M. Mentis, PhD, Jwawon Seo, Ignacio Avellino, “Psychological Ownership in Teleinstructive Augmented Reality.”
- Katherine Ann Zellner, Aleksandra Sarcevic, PhD, Maja Barnouw, Megan A. Krentsa, Travis M. Sullivan, Mary Suhyun Kim, Randall Burd, “Addressing Teamwork Delays during Life-Saving Interventions through an Activity Theory-Informed Analysis.”
Doctoral Consortium
Other Conference Participation
- Afsaneh Razi, PhD served on the conference Organizing Committee, co-chairing the Workshops
- Aleksandra Sarcevic, PhD is currently the ACM Group Steering Committee Chair and has also served on the conference Program Committee.
- Jessica Medina, a first-year IS PhD student, was also in attendance.
Please visit the ACM GROUP 2025 website for more information about the conference.