Contact Emma
Major: BS Information Systems & Data Science
Year: Junior
Hometown: Bend, OR
I chose this major because... There is so much power behind data and the possiblities it has to offer. Being able to use that knowledge I believe will allow us to develop so many more new softwares and devices for society to use.
Favorite Course(s): INFO 310: Human-Centered Design Process & Methods or HNRS 301: Acceptance Resistance Innovation
Clubs/Extracurricular Activities: Drexel Women in Computing Society (WiCS), President of Alpha Omega Epsilon, Teaching Assistant at CCI, Drexel Ski & Snowboarding Club
Co-ops I've done: Data Engineer at Gartner; Data Scientist at Comcast
Favorite thing/place at Drexel: Korman
When I'm not at Drexel, I'm... wandering around Philly with my friends!
When you are in Philadelphia, I think you should... Explore Center City and don't be afraid to go to all the events that the city has to offer!
Advice to new/incoming CCI students: Being willing to try and do new things! You are only in college for so long and this is going to be the most unique and different time of your life. Don't be afraid to try a new hobby, or join an interesting club.
What is your dream job? Being able to work on AI Models and explore more of what machine learning has to offer!
Favorite Animated Character: Moana
I am a junior double majoring in Information Systems and Data Science. I love to see the power that data has and how we can use that to our advantage. Some of my favorite things to do outside of class are hike, explore Philly, catch up on my reading or enjoy my favorite reality TV show.