Faculty & Staff

Resources for faculty and staff at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Faculty & Staff Resources

Information and resources for faculty and staff at Drexel University College of Medicine.

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About the Office of Faculty Affairs at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Office of Faculty

The Office of Faculty handles the recruitment and appointment, professional development, and retention of our exceptional, dedicated and diverse faculty.

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Opportunities for professional development for faculty at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Faculty Development Professional Development Resources

The development and retention of outstanding faculty, and ensuring faculty vitality, are critical to our success. We strive for a collaborative and exciting culture of scholarship, innovation and opportunity.

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Dr. Natalie May

Women in Medicine & Science Committee

Our mission is to support and promote the professional development, career advancement and leadership of women in medicine and science at our College of Medicine.

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News and Announcements

Current and New NEA Faculty Accounts

The Office of Faculty has created a policy regarding non-employee associate faculty and the types of access to Drexel services they will receive. Read more.

Drexel Community Learns Mental Health Awareness and Response

A mental health first aid course from the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS) is now available virtually. College of Medicine faculty and staff are encouraged to register for the class, which DBHIDS’ Healthy Minds Philly program brought to Queen Lane for graduate faculty members in 2019. Read more.

Health Outreach Program (HOP) Physician Volunteers Needed

Calling all physicians! Drexel Med’s Health Outreach Program (HOP) is looking for new physicians to volunteer in our clinics. These clinics are student-run and designed to support the underserved population in and around Philadelphia. They also serve to provide students with a safe environment to practice interviewing and case presentation skills. There are three clinics that rely on physician support in order to operate:

  • Eliza Shirley, Wednesdays, 6:30–8:30 p.m. — serves women and children
  • SalVal clinic, Tuesdays, 7–10 p.m. — serves mostly veterans
  • Streetside clinic, Fridays, 12–4:30 p.m. ― serves the impoverished in the Kensington neighborhood of Philly. Also functions as a needle exchange.


  • Service at HOP is completely voluntary.
  • The clinic schedule for the month is sent out and physicians can simply sign up for dates that fit their schedule.
  • Physicians can sign up as often or as little as they please.
  • At clinic, students will conduct the interview of patients and present the case to the physician. The physician will then take over the care of the patient and provide feedback to students on their interviewing and case presenting proficiency.

We have a dedicated team of physicians with a passion for teaching and service. If being a part of this incredible team interests you, please contact Vandan Patel at vsp35@drexel.edu or Sara Seyed at ss5289@drexel.edu.

New Funding Opportunities

New funding opportunities are regularly posted on the Research SharePoint website. A DrexelMed username and password are required. Note that some resources have tight application deadlines.

Discount for Drexel Authors

Since 2012, Drexel University Libraries has maintained a membership in BioMed Central. BMC is a publisher of open-access journals heavily focused on the life sciences, clinical medicine, science and technology. Over 180 of BMC's journals are peer-reviewed and ranked by Thomson Reuters in the Journal Citation Report. Open-access journals cover their costs through the collection of article-processing charges that authors pay upon article acceptance. Drexel's BMC membership offers Drexel authors discounted processing charges for articles accepted for BMC titles. Since 2010, Drexel authors have published more than 120 papers in peer-reviewed BMC journals. BMC Genomics, BMC Bioinformatics, and BMC Public Health have been the most popular for Drexel authors. Have questions about open-access publishing or the BMC journals? Your liaison librarian would be happy to speak with you!

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