Logo & Branding Guidelines
It takes years of consistent messaging and visual representation to build an effective brand. Through these efforts, the College of Medicine has successfully established the brand Drexel University College of Medicine.
Elements of the brand, or identity, of the College include the name and the logo.

The brand follows Drexel University's Identity Program. Guidelines specific to the College of Medicine brand are outlined here and in the Marketing, Advertising & Promotional Materials policy.
The College of Medicine's Marketing & Communications Department oversees the use of the brand. All advertising and marketing materials must be reviewed by the department's staff prior to production and distribution.
Examples of these materials include, but are not limited to:
- Brochures
- Email templates
- Posters
- Presentations
- Signs
- Specialty items (pens, mugs, clothes, etc.)
- Stationery
- Videos
Things to Remember
If you plan to use the Drexel University College of Medicine brand on any materials, there are a few things you'll want to keep in mind:
All Drexel University College of Medicine communications and marketing materials must comply with HIPAA privacy standards.
- Consent forms
When using photographs and/or personal statements of individuals in marketing materials, appropriate consent from the subject, including employees and students, must be obtained utilizing approved consent forms.
Patient consent form [PDF]
Multimedia consent form [PDF]
Photo release form [PDF]
- Copyrighted material
Images, text, music and other intellectual property created by others may be used only with the prior written permission of the copyright owners. If copyrighted materials are included in marketing materials, the written permission of the copyright owner must be submitted to the College of Medicine Marketing & Communications Department when the marketing materials are submitted for review and approval. This policy applies to periodical articles, books and other printed material, artwork, photographs, video, website captures and music. The payment of royalty fees for the use of copyrighted material is the sole responsibility of the department or individual using or reproducing the copyrighted material.
- Drexel Medicine
Drexel Medicine® is a registered trademark and may not be used without written permission from the executive director of the Marketing & Communications Department.
- College seal
The former College of Medicine seal is reserved for use as a symbol of the Alumni Association. The seal may not be used on any other materials.
- Taglines
Individual college and school taglines or slogans are not permitted.
- Signage
Signs for offices and buildings should be ordered from Facilities Management (facilities@drexel.edu). However, the Marketing & Communications Department approves the design.
- Specialty items
Logo design standards also apply to specialty items — pens, mugs, clothes, etc. The Marketing & Communications Department must review all products utilizing the brand and/or logo.
Need Help?
For high-quality marketing materials that adhere to the branding guidelines, we encourage you to work with the Marketing & Communications Department. The department's staff can assist you with the design, review, production and distribution of branded materials.
If you have any questions about the branding guidelines, please contact the College of Medicine's Marketing & Communications Department at 267.359.6363 or dnz29@drexel.edu.
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