Alumni Association of Drexel University College of Medicine

Alumni Association of Drexel University College of Medicine

Mission Statement

Drexel University College of Medicine alumni include graduates of the College of Medicine and the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies, including its legacy schools: Woman's Medical College, Medical College of Pennsylvania, Hahnemann Medical College and Hahnemann University School of Medicine, as well as graduates of the Graduate Medical Education programs in our affiliate hospitals.

The Drexel University College of Medicine Alumni Association fosters and maintains a connection with alumni by providing a structure that supports opportunities for engagement, develops and cultivates meaningful relationships, and works toward the achievement of the goals of the College of Medicine and the University.

We will accomplish this by:

  • Establishing a connection between students and the Alumni Association
  • Supporting programs and events that facilitate and encourage networking between alumni
  • Providing a forum for feedback regarding the College of Medicine
  • Providing opportunities for alumni lifelong engagement through volunteer activities and philanthropic support

To learn how you can become an active member of the Association, please call 215.895.ALUM (2586) or email the Association at

The Alumni Association Throughout The Years

Philadelphia’s Evening Ledger, June 4, 1915

For over 145 years the Alumni Associations of Woman’s/Medical College of Pennsylvania (W/MCP) and Hahnemann University (Hahnemann) have been pillars of strength for their alumni. In that period, the Associations were undergoing interwoven transformations as two illustrious schools were brought together under the umbrella of Drexel University. Learn More.

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