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Women's Health Education Program WHEP Blog: Women in Medicine


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Ballroom Dancing

What Ballroom Dancing Taught Me About Medicine

I came to medicine from the world of ballroom dancing. While I knew that my stethoscope would be joining me far more often than my dance shoes, what I did not expect was how many lessons from the ballroom world would shape my learning and working in the clinical space. So many of the cardinal rules of ballroom dancing, also known as partner dancing, apply to medicine.


Artificial plastic model of human heart.

About Helen Brooke Taussig, MD

Helen Brooke Taussig, MD, was a visionary physician who is considered the founder of pediatric cardiology. Born in 1898, she would go on to have a prolific career in medicine at a time when few women were afforded the opportunity.


Hands holding red ribbon.

A Brief History of HIV Criminalization

HIV is criminalized when people who are HIV positive can face criminal charges for engaging in acts not considered criminal if done by a person who is HIV negative.


Eye Surgery

Women in Medicine: Dr. Patricia Bath

The 20th century marked an era where there was a substantial increase in the number of women entering the medical field and the number of female physicians making significant contributions to society. One such physician was Patricia Bath, MD, an innovative ophthalmologist, and scientist who invented laser cataract surgery.


Growing Fetus

Dr. Rodriguez-Trias: Advocate for Ending Sterilization Abuse

In the scope of women’s reproductive rights in the United States, a topic that is often overlooked is the country’s history of sterilization abuse. Minoritized women in the U.S. have historically been more likely to be sterilized than other women, often without their knowledge or consent. One aspect of the women’s health movement in the 1970s was to address these injustices, and this fight was led by Helen Rodríguez Trías, MD.


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