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Meet Our Medical Students

Learn about a typical week as a Drexel Med student.

Kevin Rooney and Jannah Wing, MD Program Class of 2024

Kevin Rooney & Jannah Wing

“Going through all the stresses of medical school together has been incredible. Not only are we able to support each other and understand the everyday challenges of being medical students, but we are also able to study together and talk through tough topics. This has been incredibly helpful both for our mental health and academic success.” Ahead of Match Day 2024, MD students Kevin Rooney and Jannah Wing discussed their time in medical school and their plans for residency and beyond. They applied to residency programs through the couples’ match process, in order to pursue residency placements at the same hospitals or in the same geographic area. Read more.

Alyson Kim, Drexel MD Program Class of 2024

Alyson Kim

“I am pursuing general surgery, a decision that was majorly influenced by a shadowing opportunity I had in the operating rooms of an obstetric fistula hospital while conducting research in Western Kenya. Seeing patients’ lives totally transform through a repair that could only be done surgically introduced me to how life-changing surgery can be.” Ahead of Match Day 2024, MD student Alyson Kim discussed her time in medical school and her plans for residency and beyond. Read more.

Shawn Joshi, MD/PhD Biomedical Engineering Class of 2023

Shawn Joshi

"I was drawn to Drexel University College of Medicine because of the hyper-collaborative relationship with the Drexel University School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems and the revolutionary and creative researchers I’d be able to work with. During my time at Drexel, I was fortunate to work with highly flexible and supportive mentors and friends who shared my excitement for all the unique experiences in which I was able to participate. Those experiences include a Fulbright at Oxford in the United Kingdom, as well as a life-changing clinical rotation at NASA’s Johnson Space Center." Read more.

Diana Kinney, MD Program Class of 2023

Diana Kinney

"I was drawn to medicine due to a love for health and science, curiosity and passion for lifelong learning, and fulfillment through serving others. The curriculum at Drexel stood out to me from the beginning." Read more.

Om Kothari and Pooja Menon, MD Program Class of 2023

Om Kothari and Pooja Menon

“We unconditionally supported each other academically and emotionally while celebrating one another’s successes.” Om Kothari and Pooja Menon, MD class of 2023, share insights from their time in medical school and the couples’ match process. Read more.

Sixtus Akinlosotu, MD Program Class of 2023

Sixtus Akinlosotu

"I really love the health sciences and I wanted to help people using knowledge of these sciences at an individual and population level. Medicine seemed the best place to do this. I chose Drexel because I was very familiar with Philadelphia, because the fact didactics were online and would provide me a lot of flexibility for my other pursuits, and because Drexel had avenues for community engagement and a humanities curriculum." Read more.

Alexis Price-Moyer, MD Program Class of 2025

Alexis Price-Moyer

"Students should look forward to the experience of learning medicine in a close-knit, easily accessible location. West Reading is an up-and-coming environment that holds frequent festivals and allows those living there to become immersed in different cultures. It gives a small-town feel with the option of seeing urban and rural communities with a short drive." Read more.

Davin Evanson, Drexel MD Program Class of 2025

Davin Evanson

"The individual who interviewed me eased my worries about attending medical school with a family and told me that the brand-new West Reading Campus would be perfect for my situation. This conversation reassured me that I would have the tools at Drexel to excel in my medical education as a father and husband. Once I was accepted to Drexel and assigned to the West Reading Campus, I visited for a weekend and felt like it is where I am meant to be." Read more.

Freddy Munoz, Drexel MD/MS Dual Degree Program Class of 2022

Freddy Munoz

"The MD/MS program allowed me to expand my research experience while at the same time having the freedom to explore my desired areas of interest. Drexel particularly interested me since Philadelphia is such a medically relevant city. On top of that, the connections that Drexel provided gave me the opportunity to pursue any specialty or field of interest that I wanted." Read more.

Lesyla Cravens, Drexel MD Program Class of 2022

Lesya Cravens

"I chose the College of Medicine partially because I had great experiences with Drexel and its physicians during my MPH years and partially because of the collaborative environment I detected from the faculty and students during my interview. Instead of cut-throat competition, Drexel encourages teamwork and has a sense of family amongst its students. The faculty and administration listen to our concerns and make subsequent changes, which I feel is very important to ensure the best possible education and environment during these challenging years of training." Read more.

Alyssa Calder: Drexel MD/MS Program Class of 2022

Alyssa Calder

"Drexel was a great option for medical school for multiple reasons. I was ready to experience a new city with a diverse patient population. I would be able to rotate in different hospital and clinical settings to emphasize and strengthen my clinical experience. I also really appreciated Drexel’s emphasis on women in health care. Through Drexel, I was able to earn the title of Women’s Health Scholar, in which I learned about additional resources to support and advocate for my future patients." Read more.

Meera Jain and Tucker Wilkinson, Drexel MD Program Class of 2022

Meera Jain and Tucker Wilkinson

Ahead of Match Day, Meera Jain and Tucker Wilkinson, MD Program Class of 2022, reflected on their medical school journeys, the couples’ match process, and their hopes for the future. Read more about Meera and Tucker.

William Justice, MD Program Class of 2022

William Justice

Ahead of Match Day, William Justice, MD Program Class of 2022, reflected on his medical school journey and his hopes for the future. Read more about William.

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Contact Information

Drexel University College of Medicine
Office of Admissions
60 N. 36th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

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