Medical Research Faculty

The Division of Pre-medical and Pre-health Programs is committed to providing a supportive educational environment for students so that they can thrive and prepare for their next academic and professional steps. Our faculty members are concerned first and foremost with teaching and helping our students to succeed.

  • Haviva Goldman, PhD

    Professor; Assistant Dean, Year 1 Curriculum
    Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
    Research Interests: Bone quality and skeletal fragility

  • Cheryl A. Hanau, MD

    Professor and Richard Shuman, MD, Chair
    Department: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

  • K. Chava Hurley, PhD

    Associate Professor
    Department: Otolaryngology

  • Bradford Jameson, PhD

    Department: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
    Research Interests: Medical and graduate student education; previous research focused on structure-based drug design studies for development of immune-regulatory compounds

  • Monika Jost, PhD

    Associate Professor; Director, Pre-medical and Pre-health Programs
    Department: Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

  • Kirsten Larson, PhD

    Department: Microbiology & Immunology
    Research Interests: Development of educational activities, flipped classroom experiences and peer evaluation

  • Jed Shumsky, PhD

    Professor, Neurobiology and Anatomy; Chair, Academic Affairs Committee; Senior Associate Dean of Educational and Academic Affairs, Graduate School
    Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy
    Research Interests: While no longer engaged in active research, he is serves as a consultant for students and faculty who would like help with behavioral testing, animal modeling of human conditions, and statistical analysis.

  • Michael White, PhD

    Department: Pharmacology & Physiology
    Research Interests: Ligand-gated ion channels; structure-function relationships; molecular modeling; ligand-receptor interactions

  • Blanche Young, PhD, MS

    Assistant Professor
    Department: Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Professional Studies

Drexel University College of Medicine Medical Science program graduate students participating in a group discussion.