Susan Fuchs, MS, IBCLC
Program Director/Clinical Instructor
Susan Fuchs is an international board certified lactation consultant with a background in nutrition. She was in one of the first cohorts of Drexel’s Lactation Certificate program while obtaining her graduate degree in nutrition. She was then a preceptor for the program while working at WIC (Women, Infants and Children), an adjunct clinical instructor and is now the program director. Having been part of many aspects of the program, she can see it, not only through the eyes of the faculty but also the students. Through this lens, she works to empower the students to grow their skills and confidence while helping families throughout the clinical sites and the community.
Susan is also a clinical lactation consultant at Jefferson Health NJ and is on their Baby Friendly committee. She is a part of multiple professional lactation organizations, both locally and nationally. She is a board member of LEAARC (Lactation Education Accreditation and Approval Review Committee), where she works to advance the global development of lactation education with a team of passionate lactation advocates. She also guest lectures and speaks at a variety of events and classes, looking to create an interdisciplinary approach to lactation care.
With a 20-year background of working with special needs children and being a mom herself, Susan looks to empower all families on their feeding journeys, no matter their goal, and provide them education and resources to make the best decisions for their families.
When not working, Susan likes to travel, garden, and spend time in the woods with her daughter.