Biomedical Studies Program Meet Evin Kilicarslan
MBS Program Class of 2024

Evin Kilicarslan, Drexel Biomedical Studies Program Class of 2024

Hometown: Naperville, Ill.
Undergraduate: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Student's next step: Drexel University College of Medicine, MS in Biomedical Studies (MBS)

Can you tell me about yourself before you came to Drexel? What drew you to medicine?

I was drawn to medicine when I was hospitalized with sepsis when I was seven years old. During my treatment process, I was completely amazed with everything that they were doing to me, so much so that I requested local anesthetics during my peripheral line placement so I could watch it go through my arm to my heart on the ultrasound. My pediatrician was amazing and continued to be my role model throughout my life. I hope to be as good a physician as he is.

Before coming to Drexel, I got my EMT license in Illinois and worked as a medical assistant and COVID-19 PPE Conservation Department Lead in my local hospital system. After working in health care for a year, I was asked to come back to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to work on a research project as a staff member. After that project finished, I came to Drexel. I completed the Biomedical Science and Engineering graduate curriculum before transferring into MBS.

Why did you apply to Drexel’s Biomedical Studies (MBS) program?

I applied to the Biomedical Studies program because I needed to address undergraduate pre-med coursework in which I underperformed. I wanted to better prepare myself for medical school with the unique offering of the second-year coursework. The combination of these two aspects allowed me to perform very well on the MCAT and gain academic confidence in myself enough to where I knew I would not only survive a medical school curriculum but also thrive.

What were your relationships with MBS faculty and classmates like?

My relationship with academic faculty and classmates was exceptional. The Biomedical Studies faculty are always open to chat or meet with you. There was never a time where faculty were difficult to meet or contact. They are very understanding and non-judgmental, which helped form a positive and trusting relationship with them. The Biomedical Studies staff truly put you first and really want you to succeed.

My classmates were all very friendly with each other and we created a very collaborative environment. I would study with different classmates and was always comfortable asking any of my classmates' questions that I would have. I really miss my them and wish I continued on to medical school with them. I definitely formed memories I will never forget.

How did the Biomedical Studies program prepare you for medical school? Would you recommend it to other students?

The Biomedical Studies program prepared me for medical school better than I could have expected. It was integral to my achieving a high score on the MCAT. I also learned how to handle the load and volume of material that you will encounter in medical school. My first medical school block just ended at the beginning of October, and I felt like I was among the most relaxed of my current classmates. Not only was I relatively relaxed and low-stress during my first block, but I also scored very high on my block exam. The volume of material did not feel foreign, and I knew how to navigate the space of medical school immediately due to the Biomedical Studies program.

I absolutely would recommend the Biomedical Studies program to other students. The Biomedical Studies program is the ultimate “prepare you for medical school” program. It really allows you to gain confidence in yourself as a student and to prove to medical programs that you have what it takes to be a successful medical student. Without the Biomedical Studies program I would not be where I am today.

How did you choose your current MD program?

University of Illinois College of Medicine (UICOM) had been my top choice for five years and it also happens to be a very strong program. I wanted to stay in Illinois because my wife works in the state, my family still lives here, and I am still very close with my friends from childhood. Having all these people around during medical school will prove to be vital. I hope to stay in Illinois as an attending physician and UICOM has a strong match rate to Illinois and Chicago residency programs at academic institutions. My career goal is to be an attending at an academic institution, so I can be both a physician and educator.

Biomedical Studies program graduate students in the classroom at Drexel University College of Medicine.

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