Physician Refresher/Re-Entry Program Medical Documentation Course

The Medical Documentation Course is an online self-paced, in-depth program that focuses on patient evaluation, documentation of the encounter and its billing. Instruction is presented through self-paced videos and handouts. There is pre-, during, and post-assessment of the trainee’s documentation: pre-assessment to understand baseline, after the videos to practice learned material, and then post-course to assure there is sustained facility with documentation practices, with written and verbal feedback.

Course fee


Availability and timeline

Self-paced, available upon request. Virtual with real-time check-ins, follow-up every two weeks for two months.


  • List common reasons for physicians’ problems with boards of medicine
  • Describe appropriate documentation including clinical reasoning
  • Identify essential elements of interviewing
  • Describe interview practices of focused populations: family, children, adolescent, older adults (optional)
  • Review coding and documentation guidelines for billing
  • Describe some common legal pitfalls in patient documentation
  • Document sample patient notes (pre-, during, and post-assessment)
  • Review feedback received on sample patient notes (pre-, during, and post-assessment)

   My experience in the Drexel Physician Refresher/Re-entry Program has been fantastic and enjoyable! The curriculum for the course has been carefully created to strengthen the fundamental skills and attitudes needed to care for patients in many settings.   
Anna Ligocki, MD, MS - 2022
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