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Institute for Molecular Medicine & Infectious Disease Research Seminar Series

The Institute for Molecular Medicine & Infectious Disease supports seminars for faculty, invited speakers and graduate students. For more information about upcoming seminars in the current schedule or in future schedules, contact Christine Kinsinger at Seminars take place on Wednesdays at 1 p.m. (or as noted), in the New College Building or on the Queen Lane Campus (room/hall indicated below), unless otherwise indicated.

January 29, 2025 (2 pm)
Dornsife/Public Health

Engaging Communities in Infectious Disease Research: Vaccine Clinical Trials
Speaker/Institution: Michele Andrasik, PhD, Fred Hutchinson CC, UW

February 26, 2025

NGS and Clinical Microbiology
Speaker/Institution: Kyle Rodino, PhD, UPenn
Host: DJ Hall

March 26, 2025
Eukaryotic Pathogens


April 30, 2025
Eukaryotic Pathogens

Therapeutics Research and Development for Parasitic Infections
Speaker/Institution: Glen C McGugan, Jr, PhD, NIH-NIAID
Host: Akhil Vaidya

2024 Past Seminars

January 31, 2024: Immune response in Lyme Disease
Speaker/Institution: John N. Aucott
Host: Mary Ann Comunale

February 28, 2024 Bacteriology/Pathogenesis: The pathogen hypothesis for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease
Speaker/Institution: Brian J. Balin, PhD, PCOM
Host: Garth Ehrlich

March 27, 2024 Eukaryotic Pathogens: Topic T.B.A.

April 24, 2024: Topic T.B.A.
Speaker/Institution: Michael Mitchell, PhD, UPenn
Host: Abigail Onufer/MIIM Students

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2023 Past Seminars

January 25, 2023: Unexpected Roles of Toll-Like Receptor Adaptors TRIF and Mal/MyD88 in Microglia Responses to Neurotropic Murine Betacoronaviruses
Speaker/Institution: Elijah Davis, Drexel University
Host: Sonia Navas-Martin

February 22, 2023: Antimalarial Drug Discovery: An Academic/Industrial Collaboration from Orphan Screening hit to Robust Dual Targeting Leads
Speaker/Institution: David B. Olsen, PhD, Merck Research Laboratories
Host: Akhil Vaidya / Jim Burns

March 29, 2023: t.b.d.
Speaker/Institution: Gabriela Canziani, PhD, Drexel University
Host: Irwin Chaiken / Jim Burns

April 26, 2023: t.b.d.
Speaker/Institution: Mackenzie Collins, Drexel University
Host: Michael Nonnemacher

August 30, 2023: T.B.A.
Speaker/Institution: Christopher Rodell, PhD, Drexel University
Host: Jim Burns/Mike Nonnemacher

September 27, 2023: T.B.A.
Speaker/Institution: Mudhit Tyagi, PhD, Thomas Jefferson University
Host: Mike Nonnemacher

October 25, 2023: T.B.A.
Speaker/Institution: Tricia Burdo, PhD, Temple University
Host: Abigail Onufer/MIIM Students

November 29, 2023: T.B.A.
Speaker/Institution: Brenna Duffy, Drexel University (tentative)
Host: Sandhya Kortagere

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2022 Past Seminars

January 26, 2022: Why are babies at risk for sepsis? A systems biology approach to understanding neonatal sepsis
Speaker/Institution: Amy HY Lee, PhD, Simon Fraser University
Host: Josh Mell

February 23, 2022: T.B.A.
Speaker/Institution: Dennis Cvitkovitch, PhD, University of Toronto
Host: Garth Ehrlich

March 30, 2022: Structural vaccinology for malaria and COVID-19
Speaker/Institution: Niraj H. Tolia, PhD, NIAID
Host: Akhil Vaidya

April 27, 2022: T.B.A.
Speaker/Institution: B. Meena Bansal, MD, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Host: Mike Nonnemacher

August 31, 2022: Regulation of synaptic/extrasynaptic NMDA Receptor Balance: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Opportunities
Speaker/Institution: Antonio Sanz-Clemente, PhD, Drexel University
Host: Sonia Navas-Martin

September 28, 2022: An HSV-2 Trivalent vaccine protects against HSV-1 infection in mice
Speaker/Institution: Kevin Egan, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Hosts: Jim Burns and Steve Jennings

October 26, 2022: T.B.D.
Speaker/Institution: Alumni Fellow

November 30, 2022: Defining the role of liver macrophages in HIV/HBV coinfection and development of HCC
Speaker/Institution: Alexis Brantly, Drexel University
Host: Michael Nonnemacher

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2021 Past Seminars

January 27, 2021: Topic: T.B.D.
Speaker/Institution: Heather Pinkett, PhD, Northwestern University
Host: Joshua Mell, PhD

February 24, 2021: Moving lipids inside cells
Speaker/Institution: Anant K. Menon, PhD, Weill Cornell Medical College
Host: Akhil Vaidya, PhD

Postponed March 31, 2021
Postponed: Biological Parallels of the HIV and SARS-CoV2 Pandemics: Discovering Vulnerabilities for Intervention
Speaker/Institution: Lishomwa Ndhlovu, MD, PhD, Weill Cornell Medicine
Host: Pooja Jain, PhD

April 28, 2021: Topic: T.B.D.
Speaker/Institution: Dominique Soldati-Farve, PhD, University of Geneva
Host: Hangjun Ke, PhD

September 1, 2021
Topic: pH regulation in malaria parasites
Speaker/Institution: Hangjun Ke, PhD, Drexel University
Hosts: Akhil Vaidya and Jim Burns

September 29, 2021
Topic: Antiviral therapy: Towards the personal and the precise
Speaker/Institution: Craig E. Cameron, PhD, UNC Chapel Hill
Hosts: Brian Wigdahl and Michael Nonnemacher

October 27, 2021
Topic: Understanding the role BTLA, exosomal and cellular, has in T-cell dysfunction associated with HTLV-1 chronic diseases
Speaker/Institution: Julie Joseph, Drexel University
Host: Pooja Jain

December 1, 2021
Topic: Osteopontin (SPP1): Regulation of Neuroinflammation and HIV Persistence in Tissues
Speaker/Institution: Amanda Brown, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Host: Pooja Jain

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2020 Past Seminars

Oct. 28, 2020: Immunology
Speaker/Institution: T.B.D.

Sep. 30, 2020: Antibiotic discovery by means of computers
Speaker/Institution: Cesar de la Fuente, University of Pennsylvania
Host: Sonia Navas-Martin, PhD

Sep. 2, 2020: Biased Dopamine D3 receptors: From Neuronal Signaling to Behavior
Speaker/Institution: Sandhya Kortagere, PhD, Drexel University
Host: Akhil Vaidya, PhD

July 29, 2020: Successful Development of a Chimeric Epitope-based Vaccine for Lyme Disease
Speaker/Institution: Richard Marconi, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center

July 21, 2020: Transcending a self-imposed barrier: PTEX function in transport across the malaria parasite vacuole membrane
Speaker/Institution: Joshua Beck, Iowa State University

Canceled-COVID-19: April 29, 2020
Phenotypic Characterization of Essential Mitochondrial Proteins with Unknown Function in Plasmodium falciparum
Speaker/Institution: Ian Lamb, Drexel University
Host: Akhil Vaidya

Canceled-COVID-19: March 25, 2020
The MitoNEET Family: Novel 2Fe-25 Proteins That Mediate Cluster Tansfer in a Redox and TZD Dependent Manner
Speaker/Institution: Patricia Jennings, UCSD
Host: Hangjun Ke

February 26, 2020: CryoEM Structures of Endogenous Protein Complexes Enriched Directly from Malaria Parasites Eukaryotic Pathogens
Speaker/Institution: Chi-Min Ho, Columbia University
Host: Akhil Vaidya

January 29, 2020: Immunoglobulin A as an Anchor for Gut Bacteria Bacteriology/Pathogenesis
Speaker/Institution: Gregory Donaldson, Rockefeller University
Host: Garth Ehrlich

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2019 Past Seminars

October 30, 2019: The Effect of HIV-1 Tat Genetic Variation on Neuropathogenesis Associated with Cognitive Impairment
Speaker/Institution: Cassandra Spector, Drexel
Host: Mike Nonnemacher

October 23, 2019: Novel Approaches to Control and Eliminate Malaria (View Agenda)

October 22, 2019: Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Microbial Genomics in Health and Disease (View Agenda)

October 15, 2019: HIV Disease, Vaccines, and Therapies Working Toward a Cure (View Agenda)

August 28, 2019: Identifying Predictive Patterns in Microbiome and Genomic Data Using Discrete Classification Mathematics
Speaker/Institution: Jeffrey Lapides, Drexel
Host: Garth Ehrlich

February 27, 2019: The MitoNEET Family: Novel 2Fe-2S Proteins That Mediate Cluster Transfer in a Redox and TZD-dependent Manner
Speaker/Institution: Patricia Jennings, University of California at San Diego
Host: Hangjun Ke

January 30, 2019: Molecular Dissection of Horizontal Gene Transfer by Natural Transformation in Vibrio cholerae
Speaker/Institution: Ankur Dalia, Indiana University Bloomington
Host: Josh Mell

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2018 Past Seminars

November 28, 2018: Analyzing B Cell Responses to Vaccines, One Cell at a Time
Speaker/Institution: Adrian McDermott, NIAD, NIH
Host: Elias Haddad

October 31, 2018: Mechanisms of T Follicular Helper (Tfh) Impairment in Chronic HIV Infection
Speaker/Institution: Marita Chakhtoura, Drexel University College of Medicine
Host: Elias Haddad

September 26, 2018: A Fatal Case of Chronic Dengue Encephalitis
Speaker/Institution: Tory Johnson, Johns Hopkins University
Host: Michael Nonnemacher

August 29, 2018: Hepatitis B Virus Replication: An Xquisite Balancing Act
Speaker/Institution: Michael Bouchard, Drexel University College of Medicine
Host: Michael Nonnemacher4

April 25, 2018: Towards Translational Evolutionary Biology Using the Lens of Genomics
Speaker/Institution: Vaughn Cooper, University of Pittsburgh
Host: Josh Mell

March 28, 2018: Infectious Complications Following Prostate Needle Biopsy: An Increasing Problem With Need for Novel Solutions
Speaker/Institution: Jay Raman, Penn State University
Host: Brian Wigdahl

February 28, 2018: Defining HIV-1 Integration Architecture and Impact on Treatment/Cure Strategies
Speaker/Institution: Alexander Allen, Drexel University
Host: Mike Nonnemacher

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2017 Past Seminars

October 25, 2017: Integration of the Bacterial Cell Cycle and Biofilm Formation
Speaker/Institution: Jason Heindl, University of the Sciences
Host: A. Ma

September 27, 2017: B Cell Activation Versus Rabies Virus: A Race Against Time
Speaker/Institution: James McGettigan, Thomas Jefferson University
Host: J. Burns

August 30, 2017: Unique Applications of Molecular Diagnostics for the Control of High Consequence and Transboundary Pathogens
Speaker/Institution: Jessie Trujillo, Kansas State University
Host: G. Ehrlich

May 10, 2017: Corrinoid Production and Utilization in Bacteria and Eukaryotes
Speaker/Institution: Amy Ma, Drexel
Host: G. Ehrlich

April 26, 2017: Tackling the Tsunami of Drug Resistance
Speaker/Institution: David Fidock, Columbia
Host: A. Vaidya

March 29, 2017
Speaker/Institution: Sean Brady, Howard Hughes Medical Center
Host: J. Beld

March 1, 2017: Applying 'Omics in the Discovery of Diagnosis and Prevention Strategies
Speaker/Institution: Mark Shirtliff, U of Maryland
Host: G. Ehrlich

January 25, 2017: Identifying Key Temporal and Taxonomic Bacterial Clusters in the Aging Microbiome
Speaker/Institution: Rob Beiko, Dalhousie U
Host: J. Mell

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Students walking down the hall at the Institute for Molecular Medicine and Infectious Disease at Drexel University College of Medicine.