May 2023

This Week

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Moot Court Board Tryouts

This is a reminder that anonymous ID request for Moot Court Board tryouts is still open until June 1. This is a reminder that anonymous ID request for Moot Court Board tryouts is still open until June 1. To receive an anonymous ID, please email Maddie Mull ( the following information: Nam



Public Interest Summer Brown Bag Lunch Series

Thursdays at 12 p.m. from June 1 through July 27

Every summer, the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Law School Public Interest Professionals Committee hosts weekly brown bag lunchtime programs, where practitioners discuss different aspects of public interest practice. Every summer, the Philadelphia Bar Association’s Law School Public Interest Professionals Committee hosts weekly brown bag lunchtime programs, where practitioners discuss different aspects of public interest practice. The programs will be held every Thursday during the lunch hour, beginning on June 1 and continuing through July 27, at the Bar Association offices at 11th and Market Streets in Philadelphia. These events are a great way to get an overview of public interest law, connect with public interest practitioners and meet other law students who are interested in the work. Most public interest employers in Philadelphia are aware of the lunch series and encourage their interns to attend. If your employer doesn’t know about this – don’t hesitate to let them know you would like to attend. Summer employers are generally very supportive of law students participating in these type of professional development events! Registration All sessions run from 12-1 pm and, unless otherwise noted, will take place at the Philadelphia Bar Association Offices, 1101 Market Street, in the 10th floor Board Room. Plan to arrive early and bring photo i.d. for admission to the offices.  Thursday, 6/1/23: “Collaborative Advocacy in the Public Interest Community” (School Funding case) Thursday, 6/8/23: “Post-Graduate Fellowshi



Negotiation and Arbitration Tryouts 2023

Applications due Monday, May 15

Arbitration and Negotiation Team Tryout applications are now open and due on Monday, May 15, at 5 pm. FALL 2023 NEGOTIATION TEAM TRYOUTS Negotiation Team Tryout applications are now open and due on Monday, May 15, at 5 pm. Tryouts will be held over Zoom on May 22 and 23 starting at 6:00 pm. Each tryout will run for 15 minutes. You only try out one day! To try out for the Negotiation Team, you must complete the following by May 15 at 5 pm: (1) download and submit the Negotiation Application and a copy of your resume to Dibya Patnaik at; and (2) sign up for one tryout time slot using this link After the deadline, you will receive the tryout problem as well as your confirmed tryout time by May 16. FALL 2023 ARBITRATION TEAM TRYOUTS Arbitration Team Tryout applications are now open and due on Monday, May 15, at 5:00 pm. Tryouts will be held over Zoom on May 24 and 25 starting at 6:00 pm. Each tryout will run for 10 minutes. You only try out one day! To try out for the Arbitration Team, you must complete the following by

