February 2023

This Week

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Drexel Inn of Courts Panel Discussion: Minors' Rights

March 14

Join Drexel Inn of Court's on March 14 for a panel and discussion about Minors' Rights. The event will include a short happy hour at 5:30 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Gallery, followed by a presentation and panel in Room 340 at 6 p.m. The discussion will include the structure and function of the juvenile justice system as well as current topics, social media affects on juvenile proceedings, alternatives to incarceration for juveniles, and panelists’ perspectives on the state of t



2023-24 Mock Trial Team Tryouts

The Drexel Kline Trial Team will be holding tryouts for the 2023-2024 season. The tryout will consist of two parts. For Part One, by March 17, 2023, applicants must fill out a Google form, submit their resumes, and record themselves performing a pre-written, two-minute opening statement. Students who receive a callback will perform a 90-second cross examination on Sunday, March 26, 2023 at the law school. The Drexel Kline Trial Team will be holding tryouts for the 2023-2024 season. The tryout will consist of two parts. For Part One, by March 17, 2023, applicants must fill out a Google form, submit their resumes, and record themselves performing a pre-written, two-minute opening statement. Students who receive a callback will perform a 90-second cross examination



2023 PIE Prize Application

Due by March 3 at noon

PIE Prize Applications are due on Friday, March 3, 2023, at noon. Students who volunteered for the PIE Auction and met procurement requirements are eligible to apply. Students must be interning in unpaid summer public interest positions. PIE Prize Applications are due on Friday, March 3, 2023, at noon. S



Career Strategies Office 2023 Employment Survey

Complete by May 1

In order to receive tickets for graduation, you must complete your Employment Survey on Symplicity and have your survey finalized by a CSO advisor. CAREER STRATEGIES OFFICE 2023 EMPLOYMENT SURVEY – WE NEED YOUR HELP, CLASS OF 2023! In order to receive tickets for graduation, you must complete your Employment Survey on Symplicity and have your survey finalized by a CSO advisor. We thank you in advance for your help. This data is important for our ABA employment audit, US News ranking, and national reputation. This information is confidential and is not shared with individual identifying information. In addition to questions about employment, Nick Shalosky, Director of Bar Success, has a series of bar-related questions. Please answer these questions because it will help Nick advise you and future generations of law students at Drexel Kline School of Law. Step 1: Complete the Employment Survey before May 1. Here’s how: Log in to Symplicity (Feel free to reach out if you’ve forgotten your log-in) Click on your Profile Pic/Initials (circle at the top right) Select “My Account” Scroll to Employment Survey and complete all questions. Hit the finalize button. Step 2: Schedule an appointment on Symplicity to finalize your survey with a CSO Advisor (3L Employment Survey). It takes a few minutes either in person, Zoom, or phone and enables us to finalize your data accurately. Some quick tips for completing the survey: Judicial clerkships are classified as full-time and Bar Required by the ABA. This may seem counterintuitive, but this is how the ABA classifies judicial clerkships. Long-term refers to any job that is meant to be at least a year in length (not a temp job, contract position or gig). Judicial clerkships are long-term if they last at least one year. Start Date Deferred does NOT refer to the fact that you’re filling this survey out now and will start work later. The ABA uses this term to describe jobs that were deferred due to economic reasons during the 2008-09 economic downturn. Please ignore this category. No panicking if you do not have a job lined up – we will communicate with graduates seeking employment



New York State Bar Association Committee on Animals and the Law: 2023 Student Writing Competition

The Committee on Animals and the Law of the New York State Bar Association is very pleased to announce the 14th Annual Student Writing Competition. The deadline for submission is Friday, July 7, 2023. Announcement The Committee on Animals and the Law of the New York State Bar Association is very pleased to announce the 14th Annual Student Writing Competition. The deadline for submission is Friday, July 7, 2023. The Committee on Animals and the Law was established to provide information resources for the New York State Bar Association’s members and the public about non-human, animal-related humane issues, which arise from and have an effect upon our legal system. This competition seeks to foster legal scholarship among law students in the area of animals and the law. This competition provides law students with an incentive and opportunity to learn more about this area of law. Law students (which include J.D., L.L.M., Ph.D., and S.J.D. candidates), are invited to submit to the Committee on Animals and the Law, an article concerning any area of Animal Law. All submissions will be reviewed by a panel of attorneys and other professionals practicing or otherwise involved in animal law. The winners will be chosen in accordance with the competition rules. The first-place winner will receive $1,000 and a Certificate of Achievement. The second- place winner will receive $500 and a Certificate of Achievement. The third and fourth place winners will receive a Certificate of Recognition. The Committee also reserves the right to offer the winners (and other entrants), at the Committee’s discretion, the opportunity to publish his/her paper in the Committee’s Laws & Paws publication. Offers to publish are purely within the discretion of the Committee. The Committee in no way guarantees entrant’s the opportunity for publication. Questions? Send an email to the NYSBA Staff Liaison, Leanne Evans, at: levans@nysba.org Competition Rules Topic: Any topic on Animal Law. Eligibility: To be eligible for consideration, the submission must be written by a student currently enrolled (full time or part time) in an ABA-accredited law school. Students expecting to receive their degree in 2023 are eligible for consideration. The submission must be written by one, and only one student, i.e., papers jointly written by more than one student or that have been subjected to line editing by professors or advisors shall not be considered. No paper that has been previously published in any form shall be considered. We will only accept one submission per entrant. Deadline: Papers must be submitted no later than Friday, July 7, 2023 Award Criteria: Written submissions will be judged based on quality, clarity originality, and organization. All essays must also meet the following criteria: Length: Typed, double spaced, no less than 12 point Times New Roman font, on 81⁄2 inch by 11 inch paper, with 1 inch margins, and no more than 25 pages, including footnotes. Footnotes should be single spaced, and no less than 10 point font. Format: Email submission in Microsoft Word format to Leanne Evans at: levans@nysba.org, no later than Friday, July 7, 2023. Cover Page: Entrants must submit a cover page indicating the entrant’s name, law school, expected year of graduation, mailing address, email address, and telephone number. All other references to identifying information, such as name, law school, and contact information should be deleted or redacted from the body of the submission. Prizes Awarded: First place: $1,000 and a Ce

Writing Competition


Tuition and Financial Aid Information for Summer 2023

Click here to learn more about tuition and financial aid information and updates for summer 2023. Students in the Accelerated JD program will have their Law Merit Scholarships applied for summer, regardless of the number of credits taken in the summer. We have packaged summer Financial Aid for AJDs, and they do not need to take any additional steps. Students in the 3-year JD program cannot use their Law Merit Scholarships in the summer. Students in dual degree programs or international programs should speak with their advisors about the applicability of their scholarships in the summer. For students in programs not requiring them to take credits this summer, the law school is discounting tuition 33%. The discount does not apply to students whose plan of study requires them to take credits in the summer, including AJDs and dual degree students. For students taking fewer than 9 credits this summer, and entitled to the discount, the per credit tuition is $1,132, after the 33% discount. For students enrolled full-time (defined as taking 9 or more credits), and entitled to the discount, the discounted summer tuition is $16,985, after the 33% discount. The Student Fee for all summer students is $420. Students taking at least 4.5 credits (half time enrollment) can secure Federal Graduate Plus Loans to cover their expenses. Students can apply now for summer loans now at www.stu



Summer Course Offerings

The Summer schedule will be available through DrexelOne and the Web Term Master Schedule later this week. You can view the “grid” version of the schedule as well as the exam schedule on DragonNet. Summer registration for all students will open Friday, March 24 at 9 a.m. The Summer schedule will



Roadways to the Bench

April 3, 4-7 p.m.

Register to attend "Roadways to the Bench" with Judge Sharon King (U.S.M.J. for the D.N.J.) which will be held on Monday, April 3 from 4-7 p.m. at the James Byrne U.S. Courthouse located at 601 Market Street. This event seeks to build on the success of the first “Roadways” event which was held in 2019 and focused on promoting diversity on the federal bench. The highlight of the 2023 event will be a roundtable discussion with federal judges who will describe their pathway to the federal bench and take questions from law students and lawyers. It will be a wonderful opportunity for the participants to hear from, and engage with, the federal judges and we hope many of you will consider your own pathway to the federal bench. Register to attend "Roadways to the Bench" with Judge Sharon King (U.S.M.J. for the D.N.J.) which will be held on Monday, April 3 from 4-7 p.m. at the James Byrne U.S. Courthouse located at 601 Market Street. This event seeks to build on the success of the first “Roadways” event which was held in 2019 and focused on promoting diversity on the federal bench. The highlight of the 2023 event will be a roundtable discussion with federal judges who will describe their pathway to the federal bench and take questions from law students and lawyers. It will be a wonderful opportunity for the participants to hear from, and engage with, the federal judges and we hope many of you will consider your own pathway to the federal bench. Register Event Details Registration is limited and will be on a first come first served basis so please be sure to register soon.



Diversity & Inclusion Recruitment Reception at Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office

Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office will be hosting a Diversity & Inclusion Recruitment Reception at our office (3 South Penn Square, 19107) on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm. We welcome all 1L, 2L, and 3L students who are seeking internship opportunities to come meet with the District Attorney, Larry Krasner and our diverse Assistant District Attorney’s! Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office will be hosting a Diversity & Inclusion Recruitment Reception at our office (3 South Penn Square, 19107) on Tuesday, February 28, 2023 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm. We welcome all 1L, 2L, and 3L students who are seeking internship opportunities to come meet with the District Attorney, Larry Krasner and our diverse Assistant District Attorney’s! RSVP for this event by emailing your resume to daojobs@phila.gov by Monday, February 27th at 5 pm. This is an opportunity to dress professionally, network with peers, meet Assistant District Attorneys, and learn more about our internship/job opportunities for Law Students.



Pro Bono Opportunity: Chester County Mobile Home Tax Reassessment Project

Training will take place on Tuesday, February 14 from 12:15-1:15 via Zoom. If you are interested in participating in this project and attending next week’s training please RSVP to Rashida West at rtw27@drexel.edu. Mobile homeowners pay property tax just like owners of traditional real estate. Unlike traditional homes, however, most mobile homeowners don’t own their land. Also, unlike brick-and-mortar homes, even well-maintained mobile homes rarely appreciate in value during their limited useful lives. Pennsylvania Tax Code recognizes that mobile homes are depreciating assets, but the burden is on the homeowner to appeal an incorrect assessment. Simply keeping up with depreciation requires mobile homeowners to appeal every few years. Many homeowners are unaware they can appeal, unsure of how, or unable to appeal for many reasons. The consequence is every year these homeowners are charged thousands of dollars more than their fair share. Since 2019, Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP) and United Way of Chester County (UWCC) teamed up to solve this problem in Chester County. Thanks to the tremendous efforts of volunteers from our legal community, the project so far has helped over 750 mobile homeowners save an average of nearly $900 per year, every year. LASP is looking for student volunteers to conduct client interviews and write appeals to assist these homeowners, all conducted virtually. Student time commitment would be a one-hour virtual training plus shadowing current volunteers during 1-2 interviews. We are asking students to commit to taking at least 5 appointments; each appointment, including pre- and post-interview time, takes approximately 1 hour). To learn more about the project, please visit https://www.lasp.org/chester-county-mobile-home-tax-reassessments. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Sara Planthaber, LASP Staff Attorney, at splanthaber@lasp.org. Training will take place on Tuesday, February 14 from 12:15-1:15 via Zoom. If you are interested in participating in this project and attending next week’s training please RSVP to Rashida West at rtw27@drexel.edu.

