October 2022

This Week

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Networking Tip from the CSO

The Thanksgiving break is a great time to contact your network by email and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. A short, friendly email can be a good way to stay connected. The Thanksgiving break is a great time to contact your network by email and wish them a Happy Thanksgiving. A short, friendly email can be a good way to stay connected. Think of your former employers, college professors, family friends, acquaintances who have advised you along the way. You



Cozen O'Connor 1L Meet & Greet and Q&A Panelcozen-oconnor-meet-greet

November 16, 5 p.m.

You're cordially invited to a 1L Meet & Greet and Q&A Panel. Come join associates from our Philadelphia office to learn more about our summer program and associate life at Cozen O'Connor. You're cordially invited to a 1L Meet & Greet and Q&A Panel. Come join associates from our Philadelphia office to learn more about our summer program and associate life at Cozen O'Connor. Date November 16, 5 - 6 p.m. Location One Liberty Place 1650 Market Street, 28th Floor RSVP by November 9 to Bailey Shaffer at bshaffer@cozen.com. Drinks and snacks will be provided! Please feel free to dress casual. Click here for invitation



Diversity Reception hosted by Jacqueline C. Romero United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania

November 16, 5:30 p.m.

Jacqueline C. Romero United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania requests the honor of your presence at our Diversity Reception. Come



Then & Now: Queer History and Progress From the People Who Lived It

November 10 (Virtual & In-Person)

Join us for this conversation between gay rights pioneer Mark Segal, and Stradley Ronon’s esteemed executive director Gillian Facher. Mark and Gillian will discuss their intertwined histories, their perspectives on LGBT+ progress, and how they both disrupted the status quo simply by being who they are. You're Invited to Then & Now: Queer History and Progress From the People Who Lived It, hosted by Stradley Ronon. Event Details Thursday, November 10 5-6 p.m. ET Presentation | 6-7 p.m. Cocktails & Networking Stradley Ronon’s Town Hall (Virtual Option Available) 2005 Market Street, 26th Floor, Philadelphia Join us



Spring ’23 ADR Mediation Team Tryouts

Application Deadline: October 22 at 5 pm

Mediation Team Tryout applications are due on Saturday, October 22 at 5 pm. Tryouts will be held over Zoom on Tuesday, November 8 and Wednesday, November 9 starting at 6:30 p.m. Additionally, there are tryout time slots available the morning of Saturday, November 12, for those of you who are unable to try out during the week. Each tryout will run for 15 minutes. You only try out one day! Mediation Team Tryout applications are due on Saturday, October 22 at 5 pm. Tryouts will be held over Zoom on Tuesday, November 8 and Wednesday, November 9 starting at 6:30 p.m. Additionally, there are tryout time slots available the morning of Saturday, November 12, for those of you who are unable to try out during the week. Each tryout will run for 15 minutes. You only try out one day! To try out for the Mediation Team, you must complete the following by October 22 at 5 pm: (1) submit the attached Mediation Application and a copy of your resume to Mediation Coach Jon-Jorge (jj@warren.law) and Taylor Trusky (tmt327@drexel.edu). Please make the title of your resume file [(last name) Resume] and the title of your application file [(last name) Mediation Application] ex. [Trusky Resume]; and (2) sign up for one tryout time slot using t



Drexel Inn of Court Student Membership Event

October 18, 5:30 p.m.

The Drexel University Kline School of Law Inn of Court seeks law student members! This is a great opportunity to network and learn with lawyers and judges. There’s a no-obligation orientation on October 18 if you’re interested in learning more. The Drexel University Kline School of Law Inn of Court seeks law student members! This is a great opportunity to network and learn with lawyers and judges. There’s a no-obligation orientation on October 18 if you’re interested in learning more. New Member Orientation and welcome happy hour on Tuesday, October 18, beginning at 5:30 p.m. and lasting until approximately 7:00 p.m. at Fadó Irish Pub, 1500 Locust Street, Philadelphia, PA. If you are planning to attend, please click here to RSVP. All Members and pr



The U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Bar Association Virtual Administrative Law Jobs Panel

October 20, 12 p.m.

Please join NALP over Zoom for an panel discussion regarding jobs in administrative law. Law students and attorneys are welcome to join us as we hear from panelists regarding their various experiences in administrative law. Please join NALP over Zoom for an panel discussion regarding jobs in administrative law.



CLASP Prospective Applicant Information Session

October 24, 6-7 p.m.

Join LatinoJustice's CAP Leadership Institute and CLASP fellows who will talk to you through their experiences in the fellowship and discuss ways to make your application for the program more competitive!

Join LatinoJustice's CAP Leadership Institute and CLASP fellows who will talk to you through their experiences in the fellowship and discuss ways to make your application for the program more competitive!

The Corporate/Law Firm Alliance Summer Program (CLASP) is an internship intended to provide qualified law students (at selected schools) with career building opportunities for two consecutive summers at a partnering corporate legal department and law firm.

Register here



Sign up for a Patent Law Webinar

October 12, 13, 16, 18, or 20

Calling all patent law eligible students! If you are a student with a degree (or at least two years of coursework) in engineering, computer sciences or the hard sciences (chemistry, biology, physics, or related fields), and are interested in becoming a Patent Agent or Attorney, Practising Law Institute (PLI) invites you to an online presentation by Mark Dighton, PLI's Director of Law School Relations and Administrative Director of their Patent Office Exam Course.

Calling all patent law eligible students! If you are a student with a degree (or at least two years of coursework) in engineering, computer sciences or the hard sciences (chemistry, biology, physics, or related fields), and are interested in becoming a Patent Agent or Attorney, Practising Law Institute (PLI) invites you to an online presentation by Mark Dighton, PLI's Director of Law School Relations and Administrative Director of their Patent Office Exam Course.

Topics for discussion include:

  • The latest info on the Patent Office Exam,
  • Who can take it,
  • How it works (it's on computer and “on demand”),
  • When you should take it (you don't need to…and probably shouldn't…wait until you graduate), and
  • Recommendations on when and how to study for this very difficult Exam.
  • Scholarships to PLI's other IP programs will also be discussed.

Just sign up for ONE of the presentations below. (All five talks are the same.)
Wednesday, Oct 12 at noon - Register
Thursday, Oct 13 at 5pm - Register
Sunday, Oct 16 at 2pm - Register
Tuesday, Oct 18 at 8pm - Register
Thursday, Oct 20 at noon - Register



National Womxn of Color Collective (NWOCC) Networking 101

November 5

“It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.” How do you make yourself stand out and create lasting relationships? Join us to learn the basics of networking and learn how to leave a lasting impression. “It’s not what you know. It’s who you know.” This phrase has been proven to prevail time and time again. So how do you make those connections? How do you differentiate between firms and approach them? How do you make yourself stand out and create lasting relationships? Join us to learn the basics of networking and learn how to leave a lasting impression. Register to Attend



National Womxn of Color Collective (NWOCC) Resume Workshop

October 15

Want to improve your resume and make it stand out? Learn the basics of building your legal resume, as well as how to overcome resume bias and discuss c



Carpenter, McCadden & Lane Recruiting 2L Summer Associates

Deadline: October 20

Carpenter, McCadden & Lane is a Workers' Compensation defense firm and handles cases throughout Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and West Virginia. The firm is recruiting 2Ls for 2023 summer associate positions in their Pittsburgh & Philadelphia (West Chester) offices. Carpenter, McCadden & Lane is a Workers'

Funding Opportunity
