June 2021

This Week

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Apply for the Philadelphia Area Diversity Job Fair

The Philadelphia Area Diversity Job Fair (PADJF) encourages you to apply for an invitation to interview on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. All interviews will be held virtually.

The Philadelphia Area Diversity Job Fair (PADJF) encourages you to apply for an invitation to interview on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. All interviews will be held virtually.

PADJF is now in its 30th year of operation and was established to give legal employers in Philadelphia the opportunity to interview, recruit, and work with talented diverse law students attending the seven area law schools. PADJF aims to expose diverse law students to large law firms, corporations, federal, state and local government agencies, public interest organizations, and the judiciary. Participation in the fair is by invitation-only and students are selected by both employer pre-selections (50%) and a lottery (50%).

Student bidding is now open and will close on June 27, at 11:59 p.m. The link to the PADJF Symplicity site is: https://law-dmpd-csm.symplicity.com. There are currently 17 employers participating. To place a bid, students must upload a resume, personal statement, and transcript.

Detailed info was sent by email to the Class of 2023. Contact CSO if you need it re-sent.



Summer Check-in: Review Your Graduation Requirements

We encourage all students to review DegreeWorks before each term to make sure they are staying on track for their degree.

DegreeWorks is a tool available in DrexelOne, under the “Academics” menu. We encourage all students to review DegreeWorks before each term to make sure they are staying on track for their degree. Also, make sure all courses that you are registered for are showing as being applied toward your program/degree, as this may affect financial aid eligibility.



Apply for Summer Graduation

Students planning to complete their degree requirements in the summer term must apply for their degree on DrexelOne, under “Academics.”

Students planning to complete their degree requirements in the summer term must apply for their degree on DrexelOne, under “Academics.” When submitting the form, please review the curriculum to ensure it is as you expect in regards to any concentrations, and do not apply until it is accurate. Any legal name changes that may affect the diploma name should also be taken care of prior to applying for the degree.

