April 2021

This Week

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Kline Law Mock Trial Team Tryouts

The Drexel Kline Trial Team will be holding tryouts for the 2021-2022 season.

The Drexel Kline Trial Team will be holding tryouts for the 2021-2022 season. The tryout will consist of two parts. For Part One, by May 20, 2021, applicants must fill out a Google form, submit their resumes, and record themselves performing a pre-written, two-minute opening statement. Students who receive a callback will perform a 90-second cross examination via Zoom on Sunday, May 23, 2021. The Google form, which includes complete instructions for Part One of the tryout, including the pre-written opening statement to be performed by all applicants, can be found by clicking this link.

Typically, we hold an information session about the tryout process in person. Given the circumstances, we have pre-recorded the information session to view at your convenience. The link to the information session video can be found at this link.

Finally, we understand that many students wish to participate in other co-curriculars whose tryouts/write-on periods will also occur in May. To account for this and to ensure students have plenty of time to prepare, we have drastically simplified our tryout process from years past.  

If you have any questions, you can reach out to Phil Pasquarello, our Trial Competition Director, at ppasquarello@gmail.com.



Summer 2021 Textbooks and First Week Assignments

Students can use the “Buy Books” link in Drexel One to view and buy books at the campus bookstore for the Summer 2021 Semester.

Students can use the “Buy Books” link in Drexel One to view and buy books at the campus bookstore for the Summer 2021 Semester. The First Week Assignments for the Summer 2021 Semester are posted in the Registration and Exam Center found on DragonNet.



DiveIN Provides Tips on Well Being

Leading up to exams, DiveIN will publish well-being tips on its Facebook page.

Leading up to exams, DiveIN will publish well-being tips on its Facebook page. Follow along here: facebook.com/groups/diveinklinelaw.



3Ls: Complete Pro Bono Forms by April 23

3Ls should submit their pro bono forms by Friday, April 23.

Please be sure to submit your pro bono forms by Friday, April 23 (last day of classes). Necessary forms include: Project Registration Form, Timesheet, and Evaluations (student and supervisor).

Go to Forms



Moot Court Board Tryout Timeline

Students interested in competing in this year’s Moot Court Board try out can find the timeline of this year’s competition here.

For students interested in competing in this year’s Moot Court Board try out, here is the timeline of this year’s competition:

First, students must request an anonymous ID by emailing drexelmcb21@gmail.com. The email must include their name, email, phone number, and rising class (AJDs are rising 3Ls). The deadline to retrieve the anonymous ID is May 21, 2021 at 5 p.m. 

After May 21, students will receive an email with their anonymous ID that will be used for the entirety of the tryouts. 

On May 28, the Moot Court Board will release the problem for this year’s competition. Materials for this year’s competition will include a fact pattern, a batch of sources, and a shell brief. The shell brief will include a cover page, the question(s) presented, and a statement of the facts. Competitors will only be required to write the summary of the argument and the argument sections. Like in year’s past, this year’s competition will be a CLOSED UNIVERSE. That is, the Moot Court Board will be providing the competitors with the legal materials that they will be relying on for the competition. The problem will be released on the “2021 Moot Court Internal Competition” TWEN page.

Shortly after the problem’s release, Veronica Finkelstein will host a presentation that is tailored to this year’s problem. She will give a brief overview of the relevant law, discuss brief writing tips, and provide advice on preparing for oral argument. Additional details regarding this presentation will be provided closer to the release date of this year’s problem.

Briefs will be due on June 28, 2021 at 5 p.m. Competitors will submit their briefs, using their anonymous ID, on the 2021 Moot Court Internal Competition TWEN page.

On July 1, 2021, competitors’ briefs will be posted. These briefs will be posted to help competitors prepare for oral argument.

On July 17-18, 2021, the preliminary round of oral arguments will be held on zoom. At the preliminary round, students perform oral argument twice, once “on-brief” and once “off brief.” That is, students will be expected to argue for the side for which they wrote the brief, and against it as well.

The quarterfinal, semifinal and final rounds of oral argument for the internal competition will occur once the school year has begun. 

Lastly, if you have any additional questions before the problem is released, please feel free to contact any member of the Executive Board, Olivia Szumski (oss28@drexel.edu), Danni Kitzinger (dk889@drexel.edu), Paul Macri (psm54@drexel.edu). However, if you have any questions after the problem is released, please direct those questions directly to Member Liaison, Aleks Tulacz (amt438@drexel.edu). To preserve anonymity, she will serve as the point of contact between competitors and the Executive Board.



Volunteer with the Stern CLC and Earn Pro Bono Hours

Deadline: April 30, 2021

The students will work on a variety of legal issues such as property ownership (i.e. tangled titles, property taxes), probate administration, estate planning, etc.

The Andy and Gwen Stern Community Lawyering Clinic (Stern CLC), which is directed by Professor Rachel López, is seeking students to volunteer at the Clinic this Summer (2021). The students will be working with the Clinic’s Staff Attorney, Rodlena Sales to offer legal services to the West Philadelphia community and can use their volunteer hours toward their pro bono service requirements. Students can earn a maximum of 50 pro bono hours. 

The students will provide legal assistance and advice to individuals from the communities around Drexel’s campus. The students will work on a variety of legal issues such as property ownership (i.e. tangled titles, property taxes), probate administration, estate planning, etc. In addition, the students may have the opportunity to work with a community organization on a recreational project. 

The Stern CLC is housed in the Dornsife Center for Neighborhood Partnerships, which is situated at the border of Mantua and Powelton Village, two neighborhoods that are in close proximity to the Law School and University’s campus.  

If you are interested in volunteering with the Stern CLC this summer, please send a Statement of Interest and copy of your resume to Rashida West (rtw27@drexel.edu) and Rodlena Sales (ris27@drexel.edu). Please submit all materials by Friday, April 30, 2021.



SBA End of Year Raffle

Deadline: Friday, April 16, 7 p.m.

Free raffle, open to all law students!

Free raffle, open to all law students! Raffle closes Friday, April 16, at 7 p.m.

Answer the questions in this link to enter.

If you have any questions, email keb398@drexel.edu.



Important Information about Final Exams

Information about the final exam schedule, time limits, deferrals, accommodations and more.

Exam Schedule 

The exam schedule is mostly finalized and available in the Registration and Exam Center. All times are EDT, i.e., Philadelphia time.

Exam Types

  • Exam4 Common Time means everyone is taking the exam at the same time, with the exception of students who have arranged otherwise in accordance with deferment and accommodation policies. 
  • Exam4 Open Window means that the actual time limit of the exam is less than the window in which it is available (e.g., an exam with a 4-hour time limit that can be taken any time within a 24-hour window). Please pay close attention to the latest time an exam can be submitted (“Latest Due” column).
  • Blackboard Exam means the exam will be administered in Blackboard according to the conditions set out by the instructor, and you will not use the Exam4 software or website.

Exam Modes

This exam period, exams taken using Exam4 will have one of two modes, OPEN NETWORK (also called OPEN LAPTOP + NETWORK) and TAKEHOME.

  • OPEN NETWORK allows all hard drive and internet access, but does not allow students to copy and paste from outside the exam into their answer. This is mainly used for timed exams, meaning that you will open the Exam4 software and type your answer directly into it as you would for an in-person exam.
  • TAKEHOME mode allows all hard drive and internet access, and also allows copy and paste from outside the exam. This is mainly used for longer exams where you may want to save your work in a Word document gradually, and then transfer the response into Exam4 at the time of submission. You MUST ultimately transfer the response into Exam4 to submit it; you will NOT submit the Word document.

Time Limits/“Padding”

Time limits are noted in the schedule. However, please note that when you begin the exam, the due time that displays will have an additional 8 minutes added to it. That is, if you download a 3-hour exam at 9 a.m., the due time will show as 12:08 p.m. This 8 minutes is intended to give you some space to figure out how to settle into the remote exam, to resolve connectivity issues, to print the exam, and/or to make electronic markups on the exam. This 8 minutes is not meant as additional substantive time, and you should plan to submit your answer within the actual time limit so that if you do have upload issues, you will have this extra time to resolve them. The number 8 was chosen to make it clear this is padding and not part of the time expected for the exam. Again, the 8 minutes will already be reflected in the “due date” displayed by Exam4; it is not added on top of that time, and anything submitted past that time will be marked Late.

Honor Code Statement

The Honor Code Statement continues to be included in all exams and should also be submitted going forward by students with all papers and non-exam assignments for the semester. You will note that the Honor Code Statement affirmatively obligates all students to report cheating by themselves or others, and requires all students to start all exam answers/papers and assignments with the statement, “I affirm that I will abide by, and that this exam answer/paper/assignment comports with, the terms of the Honor Code Statement.” If you forget to include this sentence in your exam, you will have 24 hours from the time of exam submission to send it in an email to Theresa Gallo (tg337@drexel.edu). Failure to provide the statement will result in your exam not being graded and potential additional disciplinary consequences. Any questions about the Honor Code Statement should be directed to Dean Oates, kpo25@drexel.edu.

Exam IDs, Software, Process, and Practice 

  • Exam IDs are available through the retrieval link in the new Registration and Exam Center.
  • The exam software for this term is available to download from https://www.exam4.com/org/1163. You MUST download the finals version of the software to be able to take final exams. All students will be eligible for technical assistance regardless of whether they submit a practice exam, but it remains a really good idea to do a practice exam. 
  • A detailed Remote Exam Guide is available in the Registration and Exam Center. Common troubleshooting and the availability of support are also addressed.
  • All exam questions will be downloaded from Exam4.com unless the schedule notes the exam is being administered in Blackboard. A practice exam file will be available on Exam4.com so that you can run through the entire process described in Remote Exam Guide, if desired.

Exam Deferrals

Our regular conflict policy is in place, which is that if you have two or more exams scheduled in the same calendar day, you can request a deferral using the Exam Deferral Form. Generally, exams that span multiple days do not qualify for conflict deferral if you have an open day (i.e., a day without a scheduled exam) to take them. Additionally, deferrals may be requested, as always, for religious observance and exigent circumstance. Finally, students who are taking exams with common start times from a different (verifiable) time zone may request a delay if their exam would begin at an impractical time. All deferral requests, outside of emergency deferrals, should be submitted to LawOSA by 5 p.m. on April 16.

Exam Accommodations

Students with exam accommodations for disability will receive separate emails from Dean Gallo. If you are seeking accommodations, please ensure Dean Gallo has received or will receive your Spring 2021 AVL no later than April 23.

