Sensitive Information File Server

Overview of Service

The Sensitive Information File Server (sometimes referred to as "encrypted network drive," or "encrypted shared drive") can be used by groups to store and collaborate on active folders and files that contain sensitive data. Additional protections are in place on the Sensitive Information File Server to prevent unintentional sharing of sensitive data.

Description & Features

  • 100 GB free storage space
  • Access limited to Drexel owned devices
  • Daily backups and twice daily snapshots allowing users to recover accidentally deleted files
  • Documents are encrypted in transit and at rest
  • High performance storage
  • Mirrored storage to a secondary location for disaster protection
  • Space available for inter-departmental projects

Getting Started

Please send your department name, a brief description of the data you want to store, an estimation of how much storage space will be required, and a point-of-contact to the Operational Security team at

Requesting Help

Our Accounts team can help with general file server questions including requesting additional storage space. They can be reached at or by calling the IT Help Desk at 215.895.2020. If requesting additional storage, please include justification for the increase.

For issues specific to the Sensitive Information File Server, such as permission changes or new folder requests, please email the Operational Security team at

Additional Information

Access to the Sensitive Information File Server is limited to Drexel-owned and encrypted computers--departments wishing to have students utilize this share must be prepared to provide a Drexel-owned and encrypted computer.

Those working with external collaborators should consider using LiquidFiles to transfer data. For more information about this service, please contact our Accounts team at or by calling the IT Help Desk at 215.895.2020.

Permissions can be granted to entire folders or restricted to specific subfolders (not recommended). Shared folders and files on the file server can only be accessed via connection to the Drexel domain.

University File Servers are for storing active shared documents and should not be used to back up computers. IT offers other file backup services for both personal and University-owned computers.