Helpful Links

Drexel CyberDragons Club

The CyberDragons club is for all students who want to learn more about cybersecurity and/or compete in collegiate competitions. With the assistance of security professionals, our goal is to educate members on securing a corporate environment. Members will participate in a wide range of exercises to reach this goal.

Drexel's Technology Guideline for International Travelers

The Office of Global Engagement and the Office of Research provide many recommendations for travel while on University business. Drexel IT Information Security also provides the following technology, information security, and privacy recommendations.

Drexel Encryption Brochure

This brochure touches on numerous options to protecting your information. Options such as Computer Encryption, Backup Methods, File Server Encryption, Smartphone Protection, and more!

Technology Update

Our individual, occupational, and social lives are increasingly interconnected by ubiquitous networks. The devices and services connected to those networks contain immense databases of sensitive private information. While cyber criminals work to steal and misuse this information, Drexel implements countermeasures to safeguard it. Success in that effort depends on each of us joining the effort to secure our systems at work and at home.

Learn to Bug Hunt!

Want to learn how to be a bug bounty hunter? Bugcrowd has provided resources such as video tutorials, slide presentations, and interactive labs! Follow the link above or go to github to learn about the most common vulnerabilities in cyberspace.

Watch for Scam Alerts

The Federal Trade Commission keeps an updated database of relevant consumer scams that may impact you. Drexel Information Security encourages you to check in periodically to recognize and understand scams that may be targeted towards you, and how best to stop them. 

