Drexel IT Troubleshooting

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Troubleshooting Tips

Many technical problems can be diagnosed and resolved with some common steps. Here you will find ways to diagnose a technical issue you are experiencing, along with ways in which you can address it; however, should you need support, please do not hesitate to contact us at drexel.edu/servicedesk, 215.895.2020, or helpdesk@drexel.edu.

Diagnosing a Problem


The first step in making sure you are having a problem is replicating it. If the issue is something you are accessing through your web browser, try the same process in another browser. We typically recommend having the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox available to do this, but both Edge and Safari will work, too.

If the issue is with a piece of software, try having someone with the same software on another device test it out to see if they receive the same error.

Resolving a Problem


One of the first things you can try if you are having technical issues is to restart the computer or device you are using. This will ensure that all active applications are shutdown and any problems from running too long are addressed. While this does not always resolve problems, it is a good first step.

Web Application Troubleshooting

Try Incognito/Private Browsing

Sometimes the issue in browser-based applications has something to do with the cache or other corruption from prolonged use without shutting down. Launching an incognito or private browsing window can be a good way to check if this is the case. If the issue does not persist within the private window, then clearing your cache should resolve the problem.

Try Another Browser

We recommend having at least one other browser installed on your computer for testing purposes. If you primarily use Edge or Safari, installing either Chrome or Firefox are good alternatives to check if the issue persists across browsers.

Clear Cache and Cookies

Many issues with browser-based applications can be resolved by clearing the browser cache and cookies. Before doing this, trying using an incognito or private browsing window to check if this will work.

Update to Latest Version

Make sure that you keep your primary web browser up to date. This will ensure you have the latest security features in place to protect your browsing.

Mobile App Troubleshooting


One way to try and address issues with mobile apps is to fully uninstall the app from your device, restart the device, and then reinstall the application. Doing so may resolve the issue.


Ensure that you are using the proper credentials to login to the application. If there is a way to reset your password, try doing that to be certain you have the right credentials.