Which jack has active network service?
Connect your Ethernet network cable into the lower left most jack of the wire station in your bedroom or common room.
The first time you connect, each term, you MUST launch your web browser and complete an on-line registration and security scan. This registration process will begin automatically the first time you connect your computer to a wired Internet connection each quarter.
How do I connect a wired game console or network appliance to the wired network?
Before your game console or network appliance can be connected to the wired network, you MUST first connect to the jack with a laptop or desktop computer and complete the registration and security process. Once completed, the game console or network appliance can then be connected.
How are triple occupancy rooms supported?
When Residential Living creates a triple occupancy room (out of a double), Residential Living works with IT to activate an additional network jack. This is common in Towers Hall.
See the active network jack list a comprehensive listing.