Drexel HTML Templates for Email

The Mass Mailing team in Drexel IT uses standardized, responsive HTML templates for all University mass emails. Email requests sent to us will be formatted into this template.

Note: Be wary of scams that mimic names and letterhead from legitimate organizations, including Drexel University.

These templates come in three flavors: default, college/school/center, and office/department. The only difference lies in the wordmark used in the header.

Example Template

Default Drexel HTML Template 

How to Use Our Email Templates

Faculty and professional staff may obtain and modify the raw HTML code for these templates. You may even wish to load the template with your content, and attach that .html file with your email request to the Mass Mailing team. To request the raw code, send an email to mailreq@drexel.edu. Be sure to review these special instructions for the best outcome when using/modifying these templates.