Using University Lists for Mass Email

Procedure Overview

All mass emails sent through the drexel-official and drexel-announce lists require the approval of a Drexel vice president/provost or higher. If you're not sure who should review your message for approval, contact us.

Send your mass mailing request to with the following information:

  • Contact Information:
  • Requested Send Date:
  • Audience:
  • Subject:
  • Reply-to:
  • Approving Authority:
  • Text of the Message (in body or attached as .html or .doc/.docx/.rtf)

Procedure Details

Contact Information

The name, phone number, and email of the person requesting the mass email in case we have questions or need clarification.

Requested Send Date

The date(s) you would like the mass email distributed. While we make every effort to meet these requests, actual send date might vary (we will contact you in such cases).


The subset of the Drexel community you would like your message to go to. We have basic splits by location, status, college, and position, but we can also put together ad hoc queries depending on your needs. If you need to target a specific group, contact us, and we will let you know if our data supports it.


The subject line you want for your message.


The email address you would like any replies to your message to go to.

Approving Authority

The vice president/provost or higher who approved your message for distribution. If you are not a "Delegated Authority" or a "Trusted Sender," please forward or attach the approving communication from the approving authority with your mass mailing request.

Text of the Message

Include the text of your message in the body of the mass mailing request, or attach the text as a .doc/.docx/.rtf file. We will format the text into the appropriate HTML template (either one of our default templates, or a template appropriate for your office or college). Alternatively, if you have the message already formatted into HTML, you can attach it as a .html file. We will test any new templates, and spot-check the formatting of previously-used templates (let us know if you want a test copy prior to distribution). See our HTML Guide for more information.

More Information

Please allow the Mailing List team at least two business days to send your mailing. However, mailings can often be sent more quickly, and emergency or time-sensitive mailings are handled as appropriate.

  • The accuracy of message content is the responsibility of the requestor. Typos in messages sent to IT for distribution are NOT grounds for resending the message except under special circumstances (e.g. gross errors in names or event details).
  • We determine whether messages go to Official (no unsubscription) or Announcement (unsubscription) lists based on message content. See more information about this determination here, and let us know if you have any concerns or requests.
  • Attachments are not allowed except under special circumstances.
  • Frequent reminder messages are discouraged, since repeat messages alienate (y)our audience and can be marked as spam. Checkpoints in a major event's planning (e.g., submission of abstracts, registration) are fine.
  • No commercial messages will be accepted except those deemed beneficial to the University by the approving authority.
  • Only IT personnel have access to these drexel-official/announce lists. Drexel IT will never sell, rent, or otherwise share these lists with non-University groups or individuals. The provision of lists of University email addresses to external groups or individuals, by anyone, is an explicit violation of the Acceptable Use Policy.