Promotion Policy for Professional Staff and Faculty Members in an Administrative/Supervisory Role

Policy Number: HR-55
Effective Date: October 2017
Responsible Officer: President, Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University


The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for the Promotion of Drexel University Professional Staff Members and Faculty Members in an Administrative/Supervisory Role.

Drexel University Professional Staff Members and Faculty Members in an Administrative/Supervisory Role are encouraged to develop their skills and seek advancement opportunities. Drexel is committed to career mobility of Professional Staff Members and Faculty Members in an Administrative/Supervisory Role and, generally, to providing promotional opportunities to qualified individuals.


This policy applies to all Professional Staff Members and Faculty Members in an Administrative/Supervisory Role at the University, excluding any Professional Staff Members affiliated with a collective bargaining unit.


Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Department of Human Resources.


The President of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University is the official responsible for the administration of this policy.


To qualify for a Promotion, a Professional Staff Member or Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role must:

  • Have been in his/her current position at Drexel for at least six continuous months and;
  • Have received an overall performance rating of at least "Fully Achieved Expected Results" on his/her most recent annual performance review.


Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role is defined as an individual employed by Drexel University in a tenured, tenure-track, non-tentured track or adjunct position who teaches within any college, school, center or institute in the University who also holds an administrative role, such as Associate/Assistant Dean or Department Head, or a supervisory role that requires him/her to have direct reports.

Minimum Qualifications are the minimum threshold of education and experience required to perform a given job.

Professional Staff Member is defined as an individual employed in any non-faculty category by Drexel University, including an individual who is deemed to be either exempt or non-exempt under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and/or applicable state law.

Promotion is an advancement involving a change of classification for an individual, within or between budgetary units, which may or may not involve a salary increase, and / or a salary grade change. To be promoted, the Professional Staff Member or Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role must meet the Minimum Qualifications or minimum hiring standards required by the new job title or position.


If a Professional Staff Member or Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role within a department is identified for a possible Promotion, before any Promotion is determined, the supervisor shall:

  • Contact the department's Human Resources Business Partner (HRBP).
  • Provide the HRBP with the following documents:
    • The current job description.
    • A job description of the new role, with additional duties highlighted.
    • A completed memo of promotional recommendation, indicating the reasons and logic of the requested Promotion.
    • The Professional Staff Member's or Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role's most current resume/CV or equivalent document listing the individual's qualifications.
    • If the individual is being promoted into a supervisory role from a non-supervisory role, documentation certifying the Professional Staff Member or Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role has completed the Management Essentials certificate, if applicable or that he/she will complete prior to being promoted. See the section below regarding this requirement.
    • The HRBP will review the promotional candidate's qualifications against the Minimum Qualifications of the new role.
      • If the HRBP determines the candidate meets the Minimum Qualifications of the new role, all documents will be forwarded to the compensation department.
      • If the HRBP determines the candidate does not meet the Minimum Qualifications, the HRBP will contact the manager/supervisor and detail the decision.
  • If documentation is forwarded to the Compensation Department:
    • The Compensation Department will review the documentation and may recommend a new salary grade, salary increase and potentially a new job title.
  • The HRBP will review the compensation recommendations with the department administrator and provide assistance, if necessary, in completing all required forms for processing (i.e. PAF).
  • HR will prepare and deliver a letter informing the Professional Staff Member or the Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role of the Promotion and any changes in title, salary or grade.
    The department should not communicate the Promotion with the Professional Staff Member or Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role until the promotional letter has been received from Human Resources.

Promotion to a Supervisory Role From a Non-supervisory Role
When a Professional Staff Member or Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role is promoted from a non-supervisory role to a supervisory role, the individual may require additional skills and knowledge in supervising/managing Professional Staff Members or faculty. As such, it is required that any Promotion involving a non-supervisor to a supervisor, the promoted Professional Staff Member or Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role must complete the Drexel University online certificate program, Management Essentials, which begins the training needed to be successful in a Drexel management role.

  • If a non-supervisor Professional Staff Member or Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role is being promoted to a supervisory role, documentation must be provided that confirms the individual has completed the Management Essentials certificate.
  • Information and course descriptions of the Management Essentials certificate can be found at:
  • If the Professional Staff Member or Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role has not completed the Management Essentials certificate at the time he/she is recommended for Promotion, the Promotion will be put on hold until the individual completes the coursework.
  • If the Professional Staff Member or Faculty Member in an Administrative/Supervisory Role has successfully completed the Management Essentials certificate, the documentation will be added to promotional paperwork and to the individual's file.
  • If the promotional candidate is a graduate of the Supervisory Certificate Program, he/she will receive credit for any courses already taken and passed.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in this policy, nothing herein is intended to alter the at-will status of any Professional Staff Member. The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University at all times retains the right to terminate any Professional Staff Member at any time for any lawful reason, or for no reason at all.