Tuition Remission for Professional Staff

Policy Number: HR-22
Effective Date: April 2014
Last Revision: September 1, 2022
Responsible Officer: President, The Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University


This policy sets forth the terms and conditions governing the Tuition Remission benefit available to eligible Professional Staff Members of the Academy of Natural Science of Drexel University. The Tuition Remission benefit offers development opportunities to eligible full-time Professional Staff Members by providing tuition assistance for non-credit courses and certificate programs taken at Drexel University.


This policy applies to all eligible full-time Professional Staff Members, including full-time Professional Staff Members affiliated with a collective bargaining unit, including Drexel Affiliates as negotiated.


Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Department of Human Resources.


The President, Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University is the official responsible for the administration of this policy. The Provost office is the Drexel University official responsible for administration of tuition remission appeals for Professional Staff.


The Academy of Natural Science of Drexel University provides Tuition Remission to eligible full-time Professional Staff Members to enhance their occupational proficiencies and provide opportunities for professional development.


Eligible Employees are full-time Professional Staff Members of Drexel University.

Faculty Member is defined as an individual employed by Drexel University in a tenured, tenure-track, non-tenured track or adjunct position who teaches at any college, school, center or institute in the University or University Affiliate.

Full-Time Employee is an employee who is regularly scheduled to work 40 hours per week or 100 percent appointment.

Professional Staff Member is defined as an individual employed in any non-faculty category by the Academy of Natural Sciences Drexel University, including an individual who is deemed to be either exempt or non-exempt under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and/or applicable state law.

Tuition Remission provides eligible Professional Staff Members with a waiver for selected Drexel University academic programs providing all requirements are met.

University refers to Drexel University, but does not include its affiliated entities.



  1. Eligibility to receive Tuition Remission is effective upon completion of 90 days of full-time benefits eligible employment and is available at the start of the next term after their 90th day of employment.
  2. Professional Staff Members who are regularly scheduled to work fewer than 40 hours per week or who have less than 100 percent appointment are not eligible to receive Tuition Remission.
  3. Professional Staff Members in a Long-Term Disability status are not eligible to receive Tuition Remission
  4. To be eligible for Tuition Remission, Eligible Employees may not be registered as full-time students. The Office of the Provost establishes the number of credit hours that an individual must take in order to be classified as a full-time student. In accordance with the Undergraduate Student Full-time/Part-time Status Policy Statement, an undergraduate student who is enrolled for 12 or more credit hours per term is deemed a full-time student. In accordance with the Graduate Full-Time/Part-Time Status Policy, a graduate student who is enrolled for nine (9) or more credit hours per term is deemed a full-time student.
  5. Retired Professional Staff Members are eligible to receive Tuition Remission to the same extent that the benefit was available immediately prior to retirement, provided that the retired Professional Staff Member meets the retirement criteria set forth in the Retirement Eligibility and Benefits Policy, HR-21.
  6. An Eligible Employee who receives Tuition Remission and subsequently withdraws from the associated class after the drop/add period has expired will lose the benefit for that class. In such an instance, the amount of the Tuition Remission attributable to the class from which the employee has withdrawn will be rescinded and the Eligible Employee will be responsible for paying the full cost of tuition, as well as any related fees, for that class. A hold will be placed on the Eligible Employee's student account and the employee will have their Tuition Remission benefit suspended until the debt has been repaid.
  7. An Eligible Employee who receives Tuition Remission and subsequently receives a grade of "F" in any coursework paid for by Tuition Remission will have their Tuition Remission benefit suspended for two (2) academic terms. Eligible Employees will have the option of paying the full cost of tuition and fees for classes in lieu of the two-term Tuition Remission suspension.
  8. If an Eligible Employee voluntarily resigns from employment prior to the end of a term, Tuition Remission will end as of the date the Eligible Employee ceases employment and the employee will be responsible for the prorated cost of tuition and fees for the remainder of the term.
  9. If an Eligible Employee is involuntarily terminated from employment for cause or performance, their Tuition Remission benefit will end as of the date the Eligible Employee ceases employment and the employee will be responsible for the prorated cost of tuition and fees for the remainder of the term.
  10. If an Eligible Employee is involuntarily terminated from employment due to layoff or other reduction-in-force, they will continue to receive Tuition Remission for the then current term of enrollment only. Eligibility to receive the Tuition Remission benefit for any subsequent term ceases.
  11. Eligible Employees may not enroll in a course paid for with Tuition Remission if the course conflicts with their regularly scheduled work hours, except that an Eligible Employee's direct supervisor at their discretion and with the approval of the department head, may waive this condition under the following circumstance:
    1. The associated course will directly benefit the Eligible Employee's job performance or will increase their potential and value to the University; or
    2. The associated course is required for the Eligible Employee's completion of their course of study, is only offered during their regularly scheduled work hours, and an equivalent course is not offered outside of those regularly scheduled work hours. When such a waiver is granted, the Eligible Employee may not be enrolled in more than one course per term (undergraduate or graduate for-credit courses, non-credit courses or certificate programs,) for which attendance is required during regularly scheduled work hours.
  12. An Eligible Employee receiving Tuition Remission does so voluntarily, and course attendance and related course activities and studies do not constitute work as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act, the workers compensation act or any other wage and hour laws or regulations otherwise applicable to University employees.

Scope of Benefit

  1. Tuition Remission covers the costs for graduate or undergraduate classes and 100 percent of non-credit courses and certificate programs only. The University will waive the General Fee for Eligible Employees.
  2. Schools and programs to which this benefit does not apply include but are not limited to the following:
    1. College of Medicine M.D. program;
    2. School of Law J.D. programs; Non-J.D programs are permitted;
    3. Lebow College of Business Executive MBA program and Doctorate of Business;
  3. The University reserves the right to determine, without notice, that other schools or programs are eligible or ineligible for purposes of this benefit. Prior to enrollment, Eligible Employees should check the course description web page on for enrollment information and cost details to the school and/or program in which they plan to enroll before applying for Tuition Remission.
  4. The University reserves the right to limit enrollment by Eligible Employees to 15 percent of the total enrollment in a course.
  5. Eligible Employees may receive 100 percent Tuition Remission for up to a maximum of 11 undergraduate course credits or eight (8) graduate course credits per term.
  6. Drexel University non-credit courses and certificate programs are eligible for 100 percent Tuition Remission.


  1. All Eligible Employees who plan to use Tuition Remission must apply for and be accepted into the University.
  2. All Eligible Employees must complete the Tuition Remission online application on DrexelOne, under the Employee tab. You must complete the application for each academic year in which you intend to receive the Tuition Remission benefit. Applications are due July 1, prior to the start of the upcoming academic year.
  3. Incomplete applications or applications containing inaccurate information will not be processed/accepted.
  4. Eligible Employees receiving Tuition Remission are fully responsible for any tax liability incurred as a result of receipt of this benefit. University Payroll will make the appropriate withholdings in connection with the Tuition Remission benefit. Additional information is also available at the University's Payroll website. Tax-related information regarding Tuition Remission is provided to Professional Staff Members as a courtesy and is not intended as tax advice. A Professional Staff Member receiving Tuition Remission should consult their own tax advisor regarding the tax implications of this benefit.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in this policy, nothing herein is intended to alter the at-will status of a Professional Staff Member. The Academy of Natural Sciences of University at all times retains the right to terminate any at-will Professional Staff Member at any time for any lawful reason, or for no reason at all.