Enterprise Learning

Blue Lightbulb

The goal of enterprise learning is to provide required online courses as well as optional learning opportunities that offer skills, knowledge and connections that are meaningful and essential to the Drexel community. Enterprise Learning will consist of:

  • Required online courses on vital topics such as Information Security, Protection of Minors, Title IX, and Code of Conduct/Conflict of Interest.
  • Opportunities for a deeper dive into each topic, including resources, virtual roundtable discussions, and connections to Drexel experts.

Online courses will be assigned in Career Pathway throughout the year. Faculty and professional staff members will be able to complete them at any time from when they are assigned through the due date of November 1, 2024.

Use the menu below to access information on each enterprise learning topic.

Protection of Minors and Reporting Child Abuse

Drexel University Information Security Compliance

Understanding Title IX

Drexel University Active Threat: We’re Prepared, Are You?

Drexel University Research Compliance and Regulatory Affairs