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Dragon Well-being and Belonging Certificates

Drexel Well-being and Belonging CertificatesDrexel describes belonging as “a sense of psychological, physical and emotional safety that affords the ability for each member of the Drexel University community to be their authentic self without fear of judgment.” Having that sense of safety can, in turn, contribute to a sense of well-being. The Well-being and Belonging Certificate series offers multiple ways of viewing well-being and belonging, and courses that can contribute to both.

Social Connections

Social well-being is one dimension of overall well-being and can be defined as developing and maintaining positive interactions with other people and with local and global communities. Social well-being can contribute to, or detract from, our sense of overall well-being. The question is, how can we improve our social well-being? This certificate program includes the courses listed below and many more to promote social well-being. It will take approximately three hours to complete.

  • Micro-Module: Improving Your Well-Being Through Social Connections
  • Creating Social Change: A Guide for Everyday Citizens
  • Micro-Module: Starting a Conversation 
  • A Guide to Cultural Competence Video Series: The B's of Relationship Building
  • Dr. Vivek Murthy on the Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World – Parts 1 and 2 - Next Big Idea Club

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Physical Resilience

Physical well-being is one dimension of overall well-being and includes several facets. One of these facets is physical resilience, which can be described as the ability to adapt and recover after adversity or stress. The Well-being and Belonging: Physical Resilience certificate program offers the courses below and more that provide suggestions and tools for improving your physical resilience. It will take approximately two hours to complete.

  • 5 Tips for Better Naps
  • Micro-Module: Your Body's Reaction to Stress
  • Micro-Module: Physical Habits for Happiness and Well-Being
  • MM: Sensory-Based Strategies for Stress
  • Micro-Module: Building a Sustainable Workout Habit

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Strengthen Your Mind and Body

How we feel – exhausted or energized in our minds and bodies – has an enormous impact on our overall well-being. The Well-being and Belonging Certificate: Strengthen Your Mind and Body offers ideas for feeling stronger and able to respond to events in our lives. The certificate includes the courses listed below and more. It will take approximately 3.5 hours to complete.

  • Alex Hutchinson on Endurance
  • Ayelet Fishbach on Getting It Done - Next Big Idea Club
  • Daniel Levitin on Reenvisioning the Aging Process – Parts 1 and 2 - Next Big Idea Club
  • Video Series: Body Language - TED Talks
  • Micro-Module: Practicing Gratitude

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Feeling Your Emotions

Emotional well-being allows us to successfully respond to stresses in our lives and is an important part of overall well-being. The Well-being and Belonging Certificate: Feeling Your Emotions offers tools and suggestions for improving emotional well-being, including the courses listed below. It will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete.

  • Micro-Module: How to Get Out of a Mental Rut
  • Micro-Module: How to Feel Your Feelings
  • Dealing With Difficult Emotions or Life Events
  • Wellness: The Science of Happiness
  • Micro-Module: Combating Stigma and Misconceptions About Mental Health

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The World Around Us

Environmental well-being is one facet of overall well-being, and focuses on the relationships between oneself and others, the spaces one inhabits, and the planet. The Well-being and Belonging Certificate: The World Around Us offers ideas for enhancing those relationships and includes the courses listed below. It will take approximately 2.5 hours to complete.

  • Cultivating Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging at Work
  • Ethan Kross: The Restorative Effects of Green Space
  • Dr. Jennifer Eberhardt: Home Sweet Home
  • Create a productive work environment
  • Escape Anxiety With a 5-Minute Grounding Practice

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Healthier and Happier at Work

Feeling healthier and happier at work supports overall well-being and helps us to flourish both at work and elsewhere in our lives. The Well-being and Belonging: Healthier and Happier at Work certificate program offers the courses listed below and more to enhance your physical, mental and emotional workplace well-being. It will take approximately four hours to complete.

  • Boost Your Wellness with Healthy Workplace Habits
  • Micro-Module: Combating Workplace Perfectionism 
  • A Guide to Empathy at Work 
  • Beating Burnout: Spot the Symptoms and Take Action
  • Assessing Your Strengths, Interests, and Values 

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Next Big Idea Club

In a world where we’re sometimes encouraged to separate our work selves and our personal selves, it can be challenging to remember that we’re whole human beings with perspectives that cross that line regularly. The Dragon Wellness & Belonging Certificate: Next Bid Idea Club offers courses that focus on our humanity and ways to embrace it. The courses below and many others are included in the program. This certificate program will take approximately six hours to complete.

  • Harnessing Emotions in the Workplace With Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy - Next Big Idea Club
  • Dr. Vivek Murthy on the Healing Power of Human Connection in a Sometimes Lonely World - Part 1 - Next Big Idea Club 
  • Dr. Ethan Kross on Harnessing the Chatter in Our Minds for Good - Next Big Idea Club 
  • Shellye Archambeau on Being Unapologetically Ambitious - Next Big Idea Club 
  • James Suzman on What Hunter-Gatherer Societies Teach Us About Work, Time, and Well-Being - Next Big Idea Club

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