You Can Now Earn Wellness Points and Get Paid for Ten at 10

Have you heard about Ten at 10, Drexel's new employee wellness program that encourages faculty and professional staff to reset and refresh every day at 10 a.m.? Now, in addition to helping Drexel create a culture of care, you can also earn points toward the Wellness Incentive Program by participating in Ten at 10.

To claim your points, log in to the Health Advocate Wellness Incentive Portal at and click "Ten at 10" in the To Do List (upper right-hand corner of the screen). Every date that you participate and enter will earn you 1 wellness point ($1)!

Read what your colleagues have to say about Ten at 10:

"I started working at Drexel on campus back in February. As a relatively new employee, I value the Ten at 10 initiative for providing a built-in way to bond with colleagues I was only just getting to know in person. I especially enjoy Water Cooler Wednesdays because they offer my team the 'face time' we've been missing. I work with some awesome people, and it's great to get to check in face-to-face regularly. It's really helped me feel connected to the Drexel community, even from farther away. Also, the initiative works healthy habits into my day that I otherwise might neglect, such as practicing mindfulness on Mondays, which I've always wanted to try and could really use during these times. I'm grateful these activities are encouraged at Drexel, while I'm hearing many of my friends in different industries feeling overwhelmed and overworked from all the changes. It will be great to take these shared activities back to campus with us once it reopens!"

–Rachel Natbony, Web Editor, Finance and Administrative Services

"I am so thankful for Ten at 10! I love the variety and the accountability. I doubt if I would put shoes on and go for a walk if it were not for Take A Hike Tuesdays. Our office agreed to do Ten at 10 together, and it's fun to connect via a Teams chat after each session, or for Water Cooler Wednesdays. We've been sharing pictures of our walks, websites for mindfulness activities, etc. I am very grateful for these times to remain connected with everyone!"

–John Michael (JM) Szczepaniak-Gillece, Digital Marketing Services Manager, College Engagement, Marketing and Communications, College of Nursing and Health Professions

"Ten at 10 has definitely kept me feeling more grounded and connected to my colleagues, which is something I miss working remotely. Not everyone is a fan of their commute, however as a working parent I use my commute as a time to center myself and unwind; therefore I greatly look forward to my alone time in the car. The Ten at 10 makes me pause and ensure that, if nothing else, I spend 10-15 minutes doing something for myself, and I give myself permission to focus on me. On the days when my schedule gets the best of me and I miss sketching time for Ten at 10, I can surely feel the difference in my day."

–Judy D. Walterson, Executive Assistant, Office of the Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Chief Operating Officer

“The Ten at 10 has helped me refocus myself with the transition from office to working from home. Since working at home, I have not taken mental moments to re-center myself. The resources provided by Ten at 10 have helped me by putting together information that lead me to balance my life and work."

–Kristin E. Nestor, Executive Assistant, Human Resources

To get started with Ten at 10, please visit Wellness Administrator Monica Fauble is happy to hear your feedback and answer any questions: