Tuition Remission Applications Are Now Online

November, 2018

Farewell to paper forms: Drexel Human Resources is pleased to announce that, effective immediately, you can now apply for Drexel University Tuition Remission online through the DrexelOne portal.

With the new, automated application in effect, applications for tuition remission will be submitted via DrexelOne for the upcoming Winter Term. The application process for full-time benefits eligible faculty and professional staff members has changed, and application submission is required each term the tuition remission benefit is intended for.

2019 Winter Term Registration: Paper applications received on or before November 26, 2018, will be honored. Going forward, electronic tuition remission applications must be submitted.

Please review the Tuition Remission Policies for Faculty and Professional Staff and Family Members. The Tuition Remission for Family Members Policy has recently been revised. We encourage any faculty or professional staff member using the benefit for family to review the policy, particularly the "Scope of Benefit" and "Application" sections. The update ensures that family members will receive the maximum allowable grant aid and eliminates the requirement to submit a FASFA.

Come to one of our upcoming tutorial sessions to learn how the process of applying for tuition remission works. Visit Career Pathway for more information about upcoming sessions, and to register to attend.

If you have further questions, please contact: