Free Rec Center Group Exercise Classes for Faculty and Staff
University Recreation (UREC) is offering select free group exercise classes at the Drexel Recreation Center during the 2025 winter and spring terms for all Drexel faculty and professional staff. Join us for a midday workout, and sample some of the types of classes offered through UREC. You do not have to be a member of the Rec Center to take advantage of these offerings. Classes have a 20-person limit, so register today!
To register for these classes, you can follow the step-by-step process on the University Recreation website.
The Drexel Recreation Center is located at 33rd and Market streets and is accessible by the Drexel shuttle bus service. Please bring water or towels, sneakers. Any equipment or yoga mats will be provided.
If you have registered for a class and need to cancel, sign in to the Rec Center portal with your Drexel credentials, go to your profile in the upper right corner, select “program registrations,” select the class you want to cancel, and click on the three dots to cancel and confirm. If the instructor needs to get out any messages about the class or if a class is cancelled, you will receive an email notification.
Upcoming Offerings
Strength Days: Tuesday, March 4, April 8 and May 6, 2025
12-12:45 p.m. in Rec Center 216
These days will focus on strength. The focus may shift each week, some days targeting upper body, lower body, core, or a full body workout. Movements will include a mix of bodyweight or equipment using dumbbells, resistance bands, weighted bars, etc. The specific format may vary from a bootcamp style to a BODYPUMP class, for example, but it will always be strength based. A warm-up and cool-down will be included. Class will be taught at a level for everyone, with options to modify or advance moves.
Cardio Days: Wednesday, March 12, April 16 and May 14, 2025
12-12:45 p.m. in Rec Center 216
On these Wednesdays we will focus on cardio and getting the heart rate up as we train our endurance and stamina. These classes may be more HIIT style, quicker paced, stations, or incorporate classes like boxing, or Zumba. There will be a mix of bodyweight and equipment-based moves. A warm-up and cool-down will be included. Class will be taught at a level for everyone, with options to modify or advance moves.
Movement Days: Thursday, March 20, April 24 and May 22, 2025
12-12:45 p.m. in Rec Center 216
On these Thursdays we will slow the pace down and focus on a variety of movements or exercises for the whole body. It could be focusing on form, stretching, foam rolling, yoga or yoga like classes. These classes will be beneficial and relate to movements we do in other classes, as well as a more relaxing class to help give the body the recovery it needs.
If you have any questions about these offerings, please contact Diana Cordisco at