Drexel Recognized as a 2024 Well Workplace by the Wellness Alliance
Drexel University joined 23 other organizations across the country in being recognized as a winner of the prestigious Wellness Alliance’s “Well Workplace Gold Award” in 2024. For the 2024 award cycle, Drexel was the only university in the nation to receive this honor.
The Wellness Alliance’s seven benchmarks for building effective workplace wellness programs emphasize the importance of committed leadership, collaboration, and data-driven decision-making. These include aligning leadership with wellness goals, forming a dedicated wellness team, collecting relevant employee data, and creating a comprehensive wellness plan.
The approach for which Drexel received Gold-level recognition focuses on selecting initiatives that address the whole employee’s needs, fostering health-promoting environments, and developing sustainable programs that ensure long-term success and impact.
Employees can learn more about the programs and opportunities that make Drexel’s wellness program special by visiting the A Healthier U website and/or stay in the know on all things Drexel wellness by joining the A Healthier U Microsoft Teams.