Drexel Shines as Platinum “Well Workplace” Award Winner

Well Workplace Platinum AwardCongratulations to Drexel for being the sole Platinum winner of the 2021 Well Workplace Award from the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA), which strives to award corporations, educational institutions and health care systems that show strong well-being for their most valuable assets — their employees. WELCOA’s Platinum distinction is awarded to workplaces across the nation who have met the highest standard of wellness support and organization and have proven themselves to be a leader and pioneer in workplace health promotion.

Drexel embodies these qualities through the many services and activities offered by A Healthier U, Drexel’s award-winning wellness program for faculty and professional staff. Though Drexel has received the WELCOA Gold award in the past, the new programming offered in response to COVID-19, including the Ten at 10 program, allowed Drexel to shine as the only workplace nationally to receive Platinum status in 2021.

WELCOA has been certifying awards for the past two decades. Visit their website to see the other 2021 winners.