Lead-based Paint Management

Buildings constructed prior to 1978 may contain lead-based paint. The deterioration of lead paint can result in exposure to lead-containing dust. Women who are pregnant and children under the age of 6 are most vulnerable lead dust exposure.

EHRS has established a rigorous program to control exposure to lead-based paint. The program includes:

  • Continual inspection to monitor the condition of the painted building materials.
  • Review of every work order submitted to Facilities to identify potential impacts.
  • Review all projects to identify potential impacts.
  • Contract a third-party vendor to stabilize or remove lead-based paint.
  • Contract a third-party vendor to oversee all lead-based paint removals and conduct project monitoring.
  • Provide lead-based paint awareness training to all employees who may come in contact with lead-based paint materials as part of their job (e.g. maintenance, engineering, and housekeeping workers).

Report all damaged painted surfaces to EHRS. EHRS will immediately initiate an investigation to determine the appropriate course of actions (e.g. stabilization, removal, etc.).

Please contact EHRS if you have any questions or concerns. Additional information can be found on the EPA Lead website. 



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Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.