Schuylkill Yards

Schuylkill Yards: A Development of Brandywine Realty Trust
Schuylkill Yards: A Development of Brandywine Realty Trust

Drexel University and Brandywine Realty Trust have partnered to develop a unique "knowledge community" known as Schuylkill Yards.

Schuylkill Yards will rise on 14 acres between Drexel's University City Campus and Amtrak's 30th Street Station, the nation's third-busiest rail transit hub. The project will include approximately five million square feet of entrepreneurial spaces, teaching and research facilities, corporate offices, residential and retail development, and hospitality and cultural venues. A public realm plan includes new public spaces and green connections to the rest of University City, anchored by the 1.3-acre Drexel Square.

Watch: Schuylkill Yards Master Plan

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Public Realm

The creation of and use of public space within Drexel’s public realm in University City remains a significant focus as we advance the incremental delivery of the Schuylkill Yards development project. Gaining national attention, Drexel Square Park is recognized and featured by Urban Land Institute (ULI) as a project that promotes creativity and resilience in an urban setting, as well as effective partnership.

Inspired by Drexel's innovation and civic engagement missions and the opportunity to connect Philadelphia's academic and business centers, Schuylkill Yards has the potential to catalyze the nation's next great urban innovation community on both sides of the Schuylkill River.