About Real Estate and Facilities
Through development and oversight of design and construction guidelines, Real Estate and Facilities improves the aesthetic character and visual unity of Drexel's campuses while meeting academic programmable space needs. The department provides maintenance services as cost effectively as possible, while aiming to implement proven sustainable practices.
Real Estate and Facilities strives to support instruction and research, improve the quality of life, and enhance the public image of campus facilities while creating and sustaining an environment that will attract, keep and support the best and brightest students, faculty and professional staff.
The main departments within Real Estate and Facilities are:
- Business Operations is responsible for the department's strategic financial planning, financial guidance and personnel management; also oversees budgeting of the capital construction master plan, which supports the University's overall strategy for academic success.
- Environmental Health and Radiation Safety recognizes, evaluates and controls health and safety risks at the University, responding to and managing the necessary cleanup of on-campus hazards.; also ensures health and safety compliance by assisting research, teaching and clinical departments in meeting all federal, state and local standards and regulations.
- Facilities Services maintains grounds and athletic sports facilities, manages the recycling program and sustainable waste initiatives, provides custodial services, provides preventative maintenance and ensures efficient and safe transportation services between Drexel's three campuses.
- Planning, Design and Construction oversees all Drexel University new construction, renovations and design. Liaises with contractors, consultants and regulators as required.; facilitates the development and execution of the campus master plan and related initiatives.
- Real Estate manages Drexel University's real estate portfolio and conducts reviews, analyses and negotiations for all leased space requests and agreements.
Drexel Real Estate and Facilities' mission is to achieve excellence in sustainable facilities and services and to advance Drexel's living, working and learning environments, enabling the success of all University stakeholders with a healthy, efficient and ecologically sound campus environment.
Operating Principles
- Deliver sustainable facilities and services meeting or exceeding customer needs and expectations.
- Promote worker participation in sustainability initiatives.
- Operate in a fiscally responsible manner with an entrepreneurial spirit.
- Provide goal-directed and people-sensitive spirit.
- Produce desired outcomes through collaboration, teamwork and communication.
Contact Us
For general maintenance and non-emergency requests, please submit an online work request.
Facilities Management
Environmental Health & Radiation Safety
For maintenance emergencies after business hours: 215.895.2222.