Asbestos Management

Some of the University buildings have asbestos containing building materials, such as pipe insulation, floor tiles, ceiling tiles and fireproofing. EHRS has established a rigorous asbestos control program at the University. The program includes:

  • Continual inspection to monitor the condition of the asbestos containing building materials.
  • Review of every work order submitted to Facilities to identify potential impact to asbestos containing building materials.
  • Review all projects to identify potential impact to asbestos containing building materials.
  • Contract a third-party vendor to remove asbestos containing building materials in accordance with Philadelphia Asbestos Control Regulations.
  • Contract a third-party vendor to oversee all asbestos abatement projects and conduct air monitoring.
  • Provide asbestos awareness training to all employees who may come in contact with asbestos containing building materials as part of their job (e.g. maintenance, engineering, and housekeeping workers).

Report all damaged asbestos containing buildings to EHRS. EHRS will immediately initiate an investigation to determine the appropriate course of actions (e.g. air monitoring, stabilization, removal, etc.).

Please contact EHRS if you have any questions or concerns. Additional information can be found on the EPA Asbestos website or the Philadelphia Asbestos Control website. 

Contact Us


Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.