Safety Data Sheets

The Department of Environmental Health and Safety maintains an online database of safety data sheets (SDS). The database can be accessed by logging into your BioRAFT account. The search function is located on your “Home” page in BioRAFT.


It can be searched using the chemical name or chemical abstract number (CAS Number). It is recommended, but not required, that each lab keep hard copies of the safety data sheets for all of the chemicals within their lab. The hard copies should be kept in a labeled binder, sorted in alphabetical order.  The safety data sheets must be kept in a visible location in the laboratory, near the entrance door to the laboratory. 

Vendors and manufacturers are required by federal law to provide safety data sheets upon request, free of charge, within a reasonable time frame. Many venders post their safety data sheets on their webpages.

The researcher is responsible for reviewing the safety data sheets for each material and recording which materials are carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic. This information must be conveyed to all students and/or employees engaged in research in his/her laboratories, including locations used and stored within the lab. This information must be posted at the entrance to each lab in an effort to inform any individual who may need to enter that space.  A copy of this information must be sent to EHRS.


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Monday–Friday: 9 a.m.–5 p.m.