PhD candidate Tyler Mathis (advisor: Yury Gogotsi) has received a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) award for the project, “Mechanisms of reversible electrochemical reactions and ion transport in two-dimensional materials with nanoconfined fluids" to be conducted at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) over six months beginning in March 2020.
Two-dimensional (2D) pseudocapacitive energy storage materials with nanoconfined fluids are promising systems for new high-power, high-energy electrochemical energy storage devices. The objective of Tyler's work is to study the fundamental reactivity and transport phenomena occurring at the redox-active interfaces of 2D MXenes to better understand how ions and solvents interact with pseudocapacitive materials to improve their charge storage capabilities.
Tyler’s work will combine the expertise of the Nanomaterials Group (NMG) in MXene synthesis with the specialized electrochemical characterization techniques at ORNL. This work will enable better understanding of the nanoscale mechanical changes that that are occurring with the bulk electrochemical response of MXene electrodes.
SCGSR awards are made in recognition of outstanding academic accomplishments and the merit of the proposed research. They reflect the awardee’s potential to advance his/her PhD studies and make important contributions to the mission of the DOE Office of Science.