• Recipe for Safer Batteries — Just Add Diamonds

      August 28, 2017

      Yury Gogotsi, PhD, Distinguished University and Bach professor in the College of Engineering, and his research team from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, recently published their work — entitled “Nanodiamonds Suppress Growth of Lithium Dendrites” — in the journal Nature Communications. In it, they describe a process by which nanodiamonds — tiny diamond particles 10,000 times smaller than the diameter of a hair — curtail the electrochemical deposition, called plating, that can lead to hazardous short-circuiting of lithium ion batteries.

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    • Recipe for Safer Batteries — Just Add Diamonds

      August 25, 2017

      While lithium-ion batteries, widely used in mobile devices from cell phones to laptops, have one of the longest lifespans of commercial batteries today, they also have been behind a number of recent meltdowns and fires due to short-circuiting in mobile devices. In hopes of preventing more of these hazardous malfunctions researchers at Drexel University have developed a recipe that can turn electrolyte solution — a key component of most batteries — into a safeguard against the chemical process that leads to battery-related disasters.

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    • Vladislavis Sautkulis Hopes to Build Iron Man Style Suit

      August 24, 2017

      Imagine Iron Man’s strong suit of armor. That’s what Vladislavis Sautkulis ’19 is working to create, minus the weapons and flight capabilities, of course.

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    • Dr. Soroush Awarded NSF Grant

      August 17, 2017

      Dr. Soroush was awarded an NSF grant for his research titled, “GOALI: Collaborative Research: Model-Predictive Safety Systems for 

      Predictive Detection of Operation Hazards.” 

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    • Media Watch: Want to know what's in your water?

      August 15, 2017

      Charles Haas, PhD, LD Betz Professor of Environmental Engineering and head of the Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Department in the College of Engineering, who is a renowned expert in assessing health risks associated with chemical and biological agents in water, weighed in on the Environmental Working Group's water testing results database.

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    • Ph.D. Student Receives Foundation of the Association of Energy Engineers Scholarship

      August 15, 2017

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    • Staying Dry on a Rainy Day

      August 10, 2017

      Professor Christopher Li receives a collaborative NSF grant to develop a method for altering materials’ surface properties through the use of polymers to improve new materials development.

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    • Ph.D. Student Receives Geosynthetic Institute Fellowship

      August 09, 2017

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    • Publication by Drs. Lau and Soroush Featured in I&EC Research Virtual Special Issue

      August 08, 2017

      Drs. Lau and Soroush’s article “Influence of oCVD Polyaniline Film Chemistry in Carbon-Based Supercapacitors” was included in the I&EC Research Virtual Special Issue “Invited Papers from ACS Philadelphia”.

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