Master’s and certificate programs offer education that propels your career forward as an expert in your field.
Take on the advanced needs and requirements of the complex systems in today’s building design.
Strive to solve complex issues encountered in manufacturing, biotechnology, energy and the environment, polymer science and others.
Gain knowledge and hard skills required to successfully manage complex construction projects including project management, estimating and budgeting, time management and planning.
Address challenges relating to infrastructure, sustainability, and issues around climate change, pollution, water management and air quality.
Become well-versed in hardware and software design and develop the ability to offer hybrid solutions in the field of computing.
Receive the deep technical training required to confront emerging threats in information technology security and related areas of concern.
Advance the design, construction and use of electronics and magnetism with the potential to make an impact on quality of life in society.
Develop into a leader capable of taking on growing roles in project management, design thinking and business oversight.
Work to create systems and policies that control, reduce or eliminate harmful impact on animals, plants, humans and the surroundings.
Design, develop and test the next generation in software and hardware for use in wireless, streaming, satellite and the Internet of Things.
Take on evolving science and technology enabled by harnessing data and automation.
Explore the fundamentals and the frontiers in the behavior of ceramics, electronic materials, metals and polymers.
Gain expertise in design and construction of the human-machine interface for industries like healthcare, manufacturing, and communications.
Develop and design robotic systems and technologies to create opportunities, address challenges and transform the field.
Become a visionary leader by designing and improving large scale systems and processes in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
Prepare for the next step in your career by earning a certificate in engineering management that complements your engineering master's.