Dr. Donald Fehlinger

Donald Fehlinger

Assistant Teaching Professor
Engineering Leadership and Society

Donald Fehlinger

Assistant Teaching Professor
Engineering Leadership and Society


Dr. Donald Fehlinger is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Department of Engineering, Leadership, and Society. He joined the department in the fall term of 2023. He has experience teaching various courses at Drexel on the topics of fluid and thermal sciences. Donald is a proud Drexel alumnus with a passion for teaching as part of passing on the Drexel experience to the next generation of students. His PhD was in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics on the topic boiling heat transfer. During his PhD, he was a Drexel GK-12 Fellow during which he first developed his appreciation for pedagogy through the direct application of his technical/scientific expertise in the classroom.

Research Interests

Phase Change Heat Transfer, Engineering Education

Areas of Study

Select Publications

M. M. Rahman, S. Ridwan, D. Fehlinger, M. McCarthy, “Wicking Enhanced Critical Heat Flux for Highly Wetting Fluids on Structured Surfaces”, Langmuir, 2020

D. Fehlinger, E. Ölçeroğlu, M. McCarthy, “Flow Enhancement of Methanol and Ethanol through Nanoporous AAO Membranes”, ASME International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Minichannels (ICNMM 2016), Washington, DC, July 10-14, 2016.

D. Fehlinger, M. M. Rahman, E. Ölçeroğlu, M. McCarthy, “Creating Biotemplated Nanostructured Filtration Membranes using the Tobacco Mosaic Virus”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition (IMECE 2014), Montreal, QC, Canada, November 14-20, 2014.

M.M. Rahman, J. Pollack, D. Fehlinger, E. Ölçeroğlu, M. McCarthy, "Increased Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Based On Hierarchical Microchanneled Copper Surfaces", ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2014), Montreal, QC, Canada, November 14-20, 2014.

D. Fehlinger, J. Ward, A. Fontecchio, “Increasing 11th Grader's Interest in STEM Majors via a NAE Grand Challenge: Securing Cyberspace-Themed Project”, Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2014), Madrid, Spain, October 22-25, 2014.

D. Fehlinger, J. Ward, A. Fontecchio, “Increasing Student Interest in STEM via the Kensington Kinetic Sculpture Derby”, Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE 2013), Oklahoma City, OK, October 23-26, 2013.

D. Fehlinger, E. Ölçeroğlu, M. M. Rahman, M. McCarthy, “Additive Nanomanufacturing using the Tobacco Mosaic Virus as a Nanoscale Biological Template”, ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference (SHTC 2013), Minneapolis, MN, July 14-19, 2013.