$398K Grant Fuels CCI’s Research into Digital Ad Archiving

Two professors in Drexel University’s College of Computing and Informatics have received a grant for their proposal on preserving personalized digital advertisements. Mat Kelly, PhD, assistant professor, and Alex Poole, PhD, associate professor, have received a 2024 National Leadership Grant for Libraries from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) for their proposal, “Preserving Personalized Advertisements for More Accurate Web Archives”, along with colleagues Michael Nelson and Michele Weigle from Old Dominion University. Kelly and Poole, as principal investigator and co-principal investigator, respectively, will study the preservation of personalized digital advertisements viewed live by users. According to the IMLS, archiving these advertisements has proven elusive to conventional methods and archival crawlers. The grant, amounting to $398,927, will fund the development of best practices and tools to archive future web content and reconstruct ads from previously archived content. The expected outcomes of “improved digital archiving practices, enhanced historical records and increased access to digital cultural artifacts” will benefit researchers, archivists and the public, according to the IMLS.

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