Professor Il-Yeol Song Wins Best Paper Award from Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE)

College of Computing & Informatics Professor Il-Yeol Song, PhD and co-author Veda C. Storey, PhD (Georgia State University) won the DKE Best Paper 2017 Award for their paper titled “Big data technologies and Management: What conceptual modeling can do.” 

The paper was recognized by Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE) editorial board members as having the largest impact and most citations among all papers published in 2017. Song was recognized during a virtual, formal award ceremony on Nov 3, 2020.

The paper, published in DKE in March 2017, explores the “five V’s” of big data including volume, velocity, variety, veracity, and value, are reviewed, as well as new technologies, including NoSQL databases that have emerged to accommodate the needs of big data initiatives. “The era of big data has resulted in the development and applications of technologies and methods aimed at effectively using massive amounts of data to support decision-making and knowledge discovery activities,” states the abstract. The paper also analyzes the role of conceptual modeling for big data and provides suggestions for effective conceptual modeling efforts with respect to big data. The paper is free to read until October 1, 2021. 

A Drexel faculty member since 1988, Song’s research interests include conceptual modeling, data warehousing, big data management, data analytics, CRM and smart aging. He has published over 210 peer-reviewed papers in these areas. He won four teaching awards from Drexel, including the most prestigious Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award. He served as deputy director of NSF-sponsored research Center on Visual & Decision Informatics (CVDI) between 2012 and 2014. He is an ACM Distinguished Scientist and an ER Fellow. He won the Best Paper Award in the IEEE CIBCB 2004. He is the recipient of 2015 Peter P. Chen Award in Conceptual Modeling. He is a co-editor-in-chief of Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE) as well as an area editor of Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE). He has served as a chair/co-chair of over 20 international conferences and workshops, including serving as steering committee chair of the ER conference between 2010-2012. He holds a PhD in computer science from Louisiana State University, an MS in systems sciences from Louisiana State University, and a BS in nuclear engineering from Han-Yang University in Seoul, Korea.

Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE) stimulates the exchange of ideas and interaction between these two related fields of interest. DKE reaches a world-wide audience of researchers, designers, managers and users. The major aim of the journal is to identify, investigate and analyze the underlying principles in the design and effective use of these systems. 

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