Alumni Projects

A small look into our large archive of projects since Smart House's founding.

Smart Garden

Green Gold

Multitouch Interactive Table

Lightweight Green Roof - Version 2

Visible Light Communication

Increasing Solar Cell Efficiency

Smart fridge RFID Refrigerator

Electrochemical Flow Capacitor

Effects of Dynamic Lighting on Circadian Rhythm

Biomass Digestion

Use of Biomass Digesters for Household Heating

Cool Roof Coating

Daylight Simulation Lighting

Flexible Floor Plans

Urban Renewal Insulation

Water Recovery System for Residential Retrofit

Urban Crop Cultivation

Biowalls and Indoor Air Quality

Low Cost Energy Recovery Systems

Rain Barrel Project

Intelligent Temporary Agricultural Structure Prototype

Technological Improvement to Recording an Individuals Dietary Information

Vacuum Insulation Windows with Polarization

Woodring Labs IAQ/Ventilation HVAC

Wind Energy Harvester

Composite Daylighting

Hydro Generator Pipe Insert

Harvesting Rainwater in Domestic Settings