Interdisciplinary Smart Initiatives Minor

The Interdisciplinary Smart Initiatives (INSI) minor will allow students from across the University to plan and complete multidisciplinary projects that use technology to solve problems related to urban communities. The new minor is housed within the Westphal College of Media Arts & Design, but its students can come from any undergraduate program at Drexel. As long as students want the chance to produce an innovative, tangible project, they can take the minor; whether they’re studying biology, engineering, Architecture, Interior Design or something else. The minor is predicated on giving students the opportunity to create projects that will tackle issues of sustainability and technology within the urban environment. Arising from the Drexel Smart Initiatives program, which includes Drexel Smart House, the minor consists of four new required courses and three free electives. Giving students a basis in multi-disciplinary research and problem solving, The INSI minor’s goal is to facilitate an opportunity for students to launch collaborative projects as part of their minor coursework.

About the Minor

The Interdisciplinary Smart Initiatives Minor (INSI) will provide students across the University an experience of both breadth and depth through multi-disciplinary practices and learning. Students will develop skills and knowledge in the topics associated with problem solving, innovative technology, leadership and immersive participatory experiences. Skills and knowledge will be delivered through collaborative teaching and coursework, skill building, experimentation, experiential learning, and engaging research initiatives. Intended to build on experiential learning that is the foundation of a Drexel education, The Interdisciplinary Smart Initiatives Minor (INSI) will require the completion of seven courses (25 credits); sixteen credits are satisfied by the four required core courses; and nine credits are satisfied by electives. The INSI Minor will be open to all University students and allow flexibility in both content and scheduling to support the rigor associated with various majors.

More Information

The Interdisciplinary Smart Initiatives Minor is open to all University students that meet the criteria for acceptance. Because of the nature of the minor, success is dependent upon students showing self-discipline, being highly motivated and self-reliant. All applications for the minor will be submitted to the director of the minor.

Please contact Dr. Ulrike Altenmüller-Lewis at with questions concerning the INSI Minor.


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