Selected Publications
“Protonation state of the selectivity filter of bacterial voltage-gated sodium channels is modulated by ions”
Damjanovic A, Chen AY, Rosenberg RL, Roe DR, Wu X, Brooks BR
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 88, 527-539, 2020
“ERIN: A portal to resources for higher education in neuroscience”
Olivo RF, Burdo JR, Calin-Jageman R, Grisham WE, Linden ML, Rosenberg RL, Symonds LL, Thornton JE
J. Undergrad. Neurosci. Educ. 13, A126-A130, 2015
“The α7 nicotinic receptor allosteric modulator, PNU-120596, causes conformational changes in the extracellular ligand binding domain similar to acetylcholine”
Barron SC, McLaughlin JT, See JA, Richards VL, Rosenberg RL
Molec. Pharmacol. 76, 253-263, 2009
“Agonist-driven conformational changes in the inner β-sheet of α7 nicotinic receptors”
McLaughlin JT, Fu J, Rosenberg RL
Molec. Pharmacol. 71, 1312-1318, 2007
“Cell-free expression and functional reconstitution of homo-oligomeric α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors into planar lipid bilayers”
Lyford LK, Rosenberg RL
J. Biol. Chem. 274, 25675-25681, 1999
“Calcium-dependent inactivation of L-type calcium channels in planar lipid bilayers”
Haack JA, Rosenberg RL
Biophys. J. 66, 1051-1060, 1994
“Cell-free expression of functional Shaker potassium channels”
Rosenberg RL, East JE
Nature. 360, 166-169, 1992
“Calcium channels in planar lipid bilayers: Insights into mechanisms of ion permeation and gating”
Rosenberg RL, Hess P, Reeves JP, Smilowitz H, Tsien RW
Science. 231, 1564-1566, 1986
“Reconstitution of neurotoxin-modulated ion transport by the voltage-regulated sodium channel isolated from the electroplax of Electrophorus electricus”
Rosenberg RL, Tomiko SA, Agnew WS
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 81, 1239-1243, 1984
“Modification of a voltage-gated K+-channel from sarcoplasmic reticulum by a pronase-derived specific endopeptidase”
Miller C, Rosenberg RL
J. Gen. Physiol. 74, 457-478, 1979