Dr. Barrett has published over 200 papers and has edited five books.
Recent publications:
"Drug Discovery and Development, Drug Regulation and Prescription Writing"
Barrett JE
In: Brody’s Human Pharmacology: Mechanism-Based Therapeutics, 6th edition. Elsevier, in press.
"The purpose of repurposing"
Barrett JE and Kim FJ
Commentary on "The repurposed anthelmintic mebendazole in combination with trametinib suppresses refractory NRASQ61K melanoma"
Oncotarget, in press.
"Graduate education in pharmacology: Addressing the need for specialized training for pharmaceutical and biotechnology careers"
Barrett JE, McGonigle P and Clark JE
Pharmacology Research, 2016, 113, 327-331.
"Rodent models of Alzheimer’s disease in drug discovery"
Barrett JE and McGonigle P
In: Drug Discovery Approaches for the Treatment of Neurodegenerative Disorders: Alzheimer's Disease, Adejara, A. (Ed). Academic Press, 2016, pp. 235-247.
"Animal models of reward and loss"
Barrett JE
Conference report, Forum on Health and National Security, Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress, Financial Stress and Behavioral Health in Military Service Members: Risk, Resilience, Mechanisms and Targets for Intervention, 33-35, 2016.
"Perspectives and trends in pharmacological approaches to the modulation of pain"
Barrett JE and Haas DA
In: Pharmacological mechanisms and the modulation of pain. Barrett, JE (Ed). Elsevier Publishing Co., pp. 1-33, 2016
"Pharmacological mechanisms and the modulation of pain"
Barrett JE (Ed)
Elsevier Publishing Co., 2016.
"Analgesic response to intravenous ketamine is linked to a circulating microRNA signature in female complex regional pain syndrome patients"
Douglas SR, Shenoda BB, Qureshi RA, Sacan A, Alexander GM, Perreault M, Barrett JE, Aradillas-Lopez E, Schwartzman RJ, and Ait SK
Journal of Pain, 16, 814-824, 2015.
"Circulating microRNA signatures in rodent models of pain"
Qureshi RA, Tian Y, McDonald MK, Capasso KE, Douglas S, Gao R, Orlova IA, Barrett JE, Ajit SK, and Sacan A
Molecular Neurobiology, in press, 2015.
"The pain of pain: The challenges of animal behavior models"
Barrett JE
European Journal of Pharmacology, 753, 183-190, 2015.
"A store-operated calcium channel inhibitor attenuates collagen-induced arthritis"
Gao XH, Gao R, Tian YZ, McGonigle P, Barrett JE, Dai Y and Hu H
British Journal of Pharmacology, 172, 2991-3002, 2015.
"Effect of the Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor JNJ-26481585 in pain"
Capasso KE, Manners MT, Qureshi RA, Tian Y, Gao R, Hu H, Barrett JE, Sacan A and Ajit SK
Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 55, 570-578, 2015.
"Potent analgesic effects of a store-operated calcium channel inhibitor
Gao R, Gao X, Xia J, Tian Y, Barrett JE, Dai Y and Hu H
Pain, 154, 2034–2044, 2013.
"Translational neuroscience: Applications in neurology, psychiatry and neurodevelopmental disorders"
Barrett JE, Coyle JT and William, M (Eds.).
Cambridge University Press, 2012.
"MicroRNA modulation in complex regional pain syndrome"
Orlova I, Alexander G, Qureshi R, Sacan A, Graziano A, Barrett JE, Schwartzman R and Ajit S
Journal of Translational Medicine, 2011, 9, 195.
Commentary: "mGluR2 Positive Allosteric Modulators: Therapeutic Potential for Treating Cocaine Abuse?"
Barrett JE
Neuropsychopharmacology, 2010, 35, 2007-2008.