Itzhak Fischer

Itzhak Fischer, PhD


Department: Neurobiology & Anatomy


  • PhD in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry - University of California (1981)
  • MS in Computer Science - University of California, Irvine (1983)
  • MS in Biology - Israel Institute of Technology (1976)
  • BS in Chemistry - Israel Institute of Technology (1970)

Other Languages Spoken


Itzhak Fischer, PhD, is professor in the Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy. He has been with Drexel and its predecessor institutions since 1991 and served as chair of the department for 25 years. Prior to that he was an assistant professor in the Department of Neurology at Harvard Medical School.

Research Interests

Cellular and molecular strategies in promoting regeneration; structure and function of neuronal cytoskeleton


Neural Stem Cells and Progenitors

Neural Stem Cells and Progenitors

(click to enlarge)

We study the properties of multipotential neural stem cells as well as neuronal restricted precursors (NRP) and glial restricted precursors (GRP) and test their therapeutic potential following grafting into the injured adult spinal cord. We found that, in contrast to neural stem cells, transplants of lineage restricted precursors survive and differentiate in the adult CNS into the appropriate phenotypes and generate a microenvironment that allow formation of neurons even in the injured spinal cord. Our transplantation experiments address fundamental issues of the potential and fate as well as the development of therapeutic strategies for cell replacement in the repair of spinal cord injury. Our current projects test the ability of neural precursors to form functional connections in a model of dorsal column lesion and repair a neuronal circuit in the lumbar spinal cord.

Bone Marrow Stromal Cells

Bone Marrow Stromal Cells

(click to enlarge)

The use of human marrow stromal cells (MSC), an adult stem cell, is promising because MSCs can be obtained from the bone marrow of spinal cord injury patients. Our grafting experiments of adult stem cells into the injured spinal cord demonstrated that they provide protection from secondary injury and produce a permissive environment for growing axons by secretion of therapeutic factors. Our studies are focused on developing clinically relevant protocols that allow delivery of cells by minimally invasive methods (lumbar puncture) and detection of grafted cells by non-invasive imaging (MRI).

Gene Therapy/Genetically Modified Fibroblasts

(click to enlarge)

Gene Therapy/Genetically Modified Fibroblasts

We use retrovirus and lentivirus vectors to genetically modify cells (ex vivo gene therapy) and deliver neurotrophin genes as a strategy of promoting survival of injured neurons and axon regeneration. We have modified fibroblasts using a retrovirus containing neurotrophic genes neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) or brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and a marker gene, allowing us to track genetically modified cells via various staining methods. We also use lentivirus for in vivo gene therapy by direct injection of high titer virus into the spinal cord, creating neurotrophin gradients to promote axon growth.

Structure and Function of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton

Structure and Function of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton

(click to enlarge)

We have studied the expression and function of cytoskeleton proteins, particularly microtubule proteins in the nervous system during development and regeneration in both the PNS and CNS. We used biochemical, cellular, and molecular approaches that include inhibition by antisense oligonucleotides, microinjection of recombinant antibodies, analysis of transcriptional regulation and transgenic animal. We study the role of MAP1B and tau in axonal growth and the mechanism of their phosphorylation and possible application of these genes to improve regeneration. These projects continue mostly through collaborations.


Neural Stem Cells

"Preparation of Neural Stem Cells and Progenitors: Neuronal Production and Grafting Applications"
Zholudeva LZ, Jin Y, Qiang L, Lane MA, Fischer I
Neuronal Cell Culture, 73-108. (2021)

"Transplanting neural progenitor cells to restore connectivity after spinal cord injury"
I Fischer, JN Dulin, MA Lane
Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 21, pages 366–383 (2020)

"Vascularization of self-assembled peptide scaffolds for spinal cord injury repair"
Tran KA, Partyk PP, JinY, Bouyer J, Fischer I, Galie PA
Acta Biomaterialia. PMID 31904559 DOI: 10.1016/j.actbio.2019.12.033 (2020)

"Harnessing neurovascular interaction to guide axon growth"
Partyka PP, Jin Y, Bouyer J, DaSilva A, GodseyGA, Nagele RG, Fischer I, Galie PA
Scientific Reports DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-38558-y. Impact – 5. (2019)

"Combining Neural Transplantation with Therapeutic Intermittent Hypoxia to Treat the Injured Spinal Cord"
Zholudeva LV, Randelman M, Dilbarova R, Caplan M, Qiang L, Fischer I, Lane MA
Cell Transplantation 28 (4), 491-491 (2019)

"Axonal regeneration of different tracts following transplants of human glial restricted progenitors into the injured spinal cord in rats"
Jin Y, Shumsky JS, Fischer I
Brain Res. 2018 May 1;1686:101-112. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2018.01.030. Epub 2018 Feb 1 (2018)

"Heptamer peptide disassembles native amyloid in human plasma via Heat Shock Protein 70"
Cunningham TJ, Greenstein J, Yao L, Fischer I, Connors T
Rejuvenation Res. 2018 May 30. doi: 10.1089/rej.2017.2049. [Epub ahead of print]. (2018)

"Transplantation of Neural Progenitors and V2a Interneurons after Spinal Cord Injury"
Zholudeva LV, Iyer N, Qiang L, Spruance VM, Randelman ML, White NW, Bezdudnaya T1, Fischer I, Sakiyama-Elbert SE, Lane MA
J Neurotrauma. 2018 Aug 10. doi: 10.1089/neu.2017.5439. [Epub ahead of print]. (2018)

"Neural progenitor cells promote growth and alter axonal mRNA localization in adult neurons"
Marianda TT, Jin Y. Kalinski AL, Fischer I, Twiss JL
eNeuro 4(1) DOI: 10.1523/ENEURO.0171-16.201 (2017)

"Transplantation of neural progenitor cells in chronic spinal cord injury"
Jin Y, Bouyer J, Shumsky JS, Haas C, and Fischer I
Neuroscience 2016.01.066. Epub 2016 Feb 4. PMID:26852702, 2016.

"Glial restricted precursors maintain their permissive properties after long-term expansion but not following exposure to pro-inflammatory factors."
Hayakawa K, Haas C, Ying Jin1, Bouyer J, Otsuka T, Fischer I
Brain Res. 2015 Oct 21. pii:S0006-8993(15)00766-0. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2015.10.022. PMID: 26498878, 2015.

"Guiding migration of transplanted glial progenitor cells in the injured spinal cord."
Yuan X, Haas C, Ying Jin1, Yao L, Hayakawa K, Wangm Y, Wang C, Fischer I
Science Report Mar 14;6:22576. doi:10.1038/srep22576. PMID: 26971438, 2015.

"Evaluation of the anatomical and functional consequences of repetitive mild cervical contusion using a model of spinal concussion."
Jin Y, Bouyer J, Haas C, Fischer I
Experimental Neurol. 257, 175-188. PMID: 26070306, 2015.

"Transplanting neural progenitors into a complete transection model of spinal cord injury."
Medalha CC, Y Jin, T Yamagami, C Haas, I Fischer
J Neurosci Res. 92(5):607-18, 2014.

"Behavioral and anatomical consequences of repetitive mild thoracic spinal cord contusion injury in the rat."
Jin Y, J Bouyer, C Haas, and I Fischer
Exp Neurol. 257:57-69, 2014.

"Human astrocytes derived from glial restricted progenitors support regeneration of the injured spinal cord."
Haas C and Fischer I
Journal of Neurotrauma. Jun 15;30(12):1035-52. doi:10.1089/neu.2013.2915. PMID: 23635322, 2013.

"Differential Effects of Distinct CNS Regions on Cell Migration and Axonal Extension of Neural Progenitor Transplants."
Jin Y, Sura K, Fischer I
J Neurosci Res. Nov;90(11):2065-73. doi:10.1002/jnr.23099. PMC3439565, 2012.

"Neural precursors extend neurites that cross Chondroitin Sulfate Proteoglycan border."
Ketschek A, Gallo G, Fischer I.
Neurol. 235:627-37. PMC3345077, 2012.

"Phenotypic analysis of astrocytes derived from glial restricted precursors and their impact on axon regeneration."
Haas C, Neuhuber B, Yamagami T, Rao M, Fischer I
Experimental Neurol. 233(2):717-32, PMCID: PMC3272137, 2012.

"Grafted neural progenitors integrate and restore synaptic connectivity across the injured spinal cord."
Bonner JF, Connors TM, Silverman WF, Kowalski DP, Lemay MA, and Fischer I
J Neuroscience. 31:4675-4686. PMID: 21430166, 2011.

"Transplantation of human glial restricted progenitors and astrocytes into spinal cord contusion."
Jin Y, Neuhuber B, Singh A, Bouyer J, Bonner J, Himes BT, Campanelli JT, Fischer I
J. Neurotrauma. 28(4):579-94. PMCID:PMC3070147, 2011.

"Neuriteoutgrowth of neural progenitors in presence of inhibitory proteoglycans."
See J., M. Neuhuber B, Bonner, and I. Fischer
Journal of Neurotrauma 27(5):951-57. PMID:20102265, 2010.

"Promoting directional axon growth from neural progenitors grafted into the injured spinal cord."
Bonner JF, Blesch A, Neuhuber B, Fischer I
Journal of Neuroscience Research 88(6):1182-92. PMCID: PMC2844860, 2009.

"Stem cell delivery by lumbar puncture is a suitable alternative to cell delivery by direct injection."
Neuhuber B, Barshinger AL, Paul C, Shumsky J , Mitsui T, Fischer I
J. Neurosurgery: Spine 9:390-399, 2008.

"Neurogenesis in Talpha-1 tubulin transgenic mice during development and after injury."
Coksaygan T, Magnus T, Cai J, Mughal M, Lepore A, Xue H, Fischer I, Rao MS.
Exp Neurol.197:475-85, 2006.

"Long-term fate of neural precursor cells following transplantation into developing and adult CNS"
Lepore AC, Neuhuber B, Connors TM, Han SS, Liu Y, Daniels MP, Rao MS, Fischer I
Neuroscience 142(1):287-304, 2006.

"MR imaging of lineage-restricted neural precursors following transplantation into the adult spinal cord"
Lepore AC, Walczak P, Rao MS, Fischer I, Bulte JW
Exp. Neurol. 201(1):49-59, 2006.

"Neural precursor cells can be delivered into the injured cervical spinal cord by intrathecal injection at the lumbar cord"
Lepore A, Bakshi A, Swanger SA, Rao MS, Fischer I
Brain Research 1045:206-216, 2005.

"Lineage-restricted neural precursors survive, migrate and differentiate following transplantation into the injured adult spinal cord"
Lepore A, Fischer I
Experimental Neurology 194:230-242, 2005.

"Transplantation of neuronal and glial restricted precursors into contused spinal cord improves bladder and motor functions, decreases thermal hypersensitivity, and modifies intraspinal circuitry"
Mitsui T, Shumsky JS, Lepore A, Murray M, Fischer I
J. Neuroscience 25(42):9624-36, 2005.

"Transplantation of glial-restricted precursor cells into the adult spinal cord: Survival, glial-specific differentiation, and preferential migration in white matter"
Han SS, Liu Y, Tyler-Polsz C, Rao MS, Fischer I
Glia 45:1-16, 2004.

"Differential fate of multipotent and lineage-restricted neural precursors following transplantation into the adult CNS"
Lepore AC, Han SSW, Tyler-Polsz CJ, Cai J, Rao MS, Fischer I
Neuron Glia Biology 1:113-126, 2004.

"Grafted lineage-restricted precursors differentiate exclusively into neurons in the adult spinal cord"
Han SS, Kang DY, Mujtaba T, Rao MS, Fischer I
Exp. Neurol. 177:360-375, 2002.

"Characterization and intraspinal grafting of EGF/bFGF-dependent neurospheres derived from embryonic rat spinal cord"
Chow SY, Moul J, Tobias C, Himes BT, Liu Y, Obrocka M, Hodge L, Tessler A, Fischer I
Brain Res. 874:87-106, 2000.

"Neural stem cells and gene therapy: Prospects for repairing the injured spinal cord"
Han S, Fischer I
JAMA 293:2300-2301, 2000.

Bone Marrow Stromal Cells

"Intrathecal delivery of stem cells to the spinal cord."
Neuhuber B, and Fischer I
In: K. K. Jain (ed.), Drug delivery to the central nervous system, Series: Neuromethods 45, Humana Press – Springer.
Chapter 10:219-232, 2010.

"Secretion profile of human bone marrow stromal cells: donorvariability and response to inflammatory stimuli."
Zhukareva, V., M. Obrocka, J. D. Houle, Fischer I, and B. Neuhuber
Cytokine. 50(3):317-321. PMID:20185331, 2010.

"Transplantation of human marrow stromal cells and mono-nuclear bone marrow cells into the injured spinal cord."
Samdani, A. F., C. Paul, R. R. Betz, Fischer I, B. Neuhuber 
Spine. 34(24):2605-2612, 2009.

"Grafting of marrow stromal cells into spinal cord injury: A comparison of minimally-invasive delivery methods"
Paul C, Samdani AF, Betz RR, Fischer I, Neuhuber B
Spine. In press. 2009.

"Effects of plating density and culture time on bone marrow stromal cell characteristics"
Neuhuber B, Swanger SA, Howard L, Mackay A, Fischer I
Exp. Hematol. 36 (9):1176-1185, 2008.

"Recovery of function following grafting of human bone marrow-derived stromal cells into the injured spinal cord"
Himes BT, Neuhuber B, Coleman C, Kushner R, Swanger S, Kopen GC, Wagner J, Shumsky JS, Fischer I
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 20(2):278-296, 2006.

"Combining exercise with transplantation of rat bone marrow stromal cells does not improve repair or recovery in rats with thoracic contusion injuries"
Yoshihara H, Shumsky JS, Neuhuber B, Otsuka T, Fischer I, Murray M
Brain Research 1119(1):65-75, 2006.

"Lumbar puncture delivery method of bone marrow stromal cells in spinal cord contusion: a novel method for minimally invasive cell transplantation"
Bakshi A, Barshinger AL, Swanger SA, Madhvani V, Neuhuber, B, Fischer I
J. Neurotrauma 23(1):55-65, 2006.

Axon growth and recovery of function supported by human bone marrow stromal cells in the injured spinal cord exhibit donor variation"
Neuhuber B, Himes BT, Shumsky JS, Gallo G, Fischer I
Brain Res. 1035:73-85, 2005.

"Analysis of allogeneic and syngeneic bone marrow stromal cell graft survival in the spinal cord"
Swanger SA, Neuhuber B, Himes BT, Bakshi A, Fischer I
Cell Transplant 14(10):775-86, 2005.

"Reevaluation of in vitro differentiation protocols for bone marrow stromal cells: Disruption of actin cytoskeleton induces rapid morphological changes and mimics neuronal phenotype"
Neuhuber B, Gallo G, Howard L, Kostura L, Mackay A, Fischer I
J. Neurosci. Res. 77:192-204, 2004.

"Minimally invasive delivery of stem cells for spinal cord injury: advantages of the lumbar puncture technique"
Bakshi A, Hunter C, Swanger S, Lepore A, Fischer I
J. Neurosurgery Spine 3:330-337, 2004.

In vitro differentiation of human marrow stromal cells into early progenitors of neural cells by conditions that increase intracellular cyclic AMP"
Deng W, Obrocka M, Fischer I, Prockop D
Biol. Biophy. Res Comm. 282:148-152, 2001.

Gene Therapy, Modified Fibroblasts and Matrices

"Transplants of neurotrophin-producing autologous fibroblasts promote recovery of treadmill stepping in the acute, sub-chronic, and chronic spinal cat."
Krupka AJ, Fischer I, Lemay MA J
Neurotrauma, Dec 20. doi: 10.1089/neu.2016.4559. PMID:27829315), 2016.

"Chondroitinase activity can be transduced by a lentiviral vector in vitro and in vivo."
Jin Y, Ketschek A, Jiang Z, Smith G, Fischer I
J Neurosci Methods. 15;199(2):208-13. PMID: 21600922, 2011.

"Handbook of Clinical Neurolog."
Blesch A, Fischer I, Tuszynski MH
Chapter 37: Gene Therapy, Neurotrophic Factors and Spinal Cord Regeneration

"In vitro analysis of a novel injectable polymeric scaffold for spinal cord repair"
Comolli, NK, Neuhuber B, Fischer I, Lowman AM.
Acta Biomat. In press. 2009.

"Neurotrophic factors promote and enhance locomotor recovery in untrained spinalized cats"
Boyce, VS, Tumolo M, Fischer I, Murray M, Lemay MA.
J. Neurophysiol. 98(4):1988-96, 2007.

"Transplants of fibroblasts expressing BDNF and NT-3 promote recovery of bladder function following spinal contusion injury in rats"
Mitsui T, Fischer I, Shumsky JS, Murray,
Exp. Neurol. 194(2):410-31, 2005.

"Combined effects of neurotrophin secreting transplants, exercise, and serotonergic drug challenge improve function in spinal rats"
Nothias JM, Mitsui T, Shumsky JS, Fischer I, Antonacci MD, Murray M.
Neurorehabil Neural Repair 19(4):296-312, 2005.

"Alginate encapsulated BDNF-producing fibroblast grafts permit recovery of function after spinal cord injury in the absence of immune suppression"
Tobias CA, Han SS, Shumsky JS, Kim D, Tumolo M, Dhoot NO, Wheatley MA, Fischer I, Tessler A, Murray M
J. Neurotrauma 22:138-156, 2005.

"Immunosuppression with either cyclosporine a or FK506 supports survival of transplanted fibroblasts and promotes growth of host axons into the transplant after spinal cord injury"
Hayashi Y, Shumsky JS, Connors T, Otsuka T, Fischer I, Tessler A, Murray M
J Neurotrauma 22(11):1267-81, 2005.

"Combined effects of neurotrophin secreting transplants, exercise and serotonergic drug challenge improve function in spinal rats"
Nothias JM, Mitsui T, Shumsky JS, Fischer I, Anonacci MD, Murray M
Neurorehab Neural Repair 19(4):296-312, 2005.

"Mechanically engineered hydrogel scaffolds for axonal growth and angiogenesis after transplantation in spinal cord injury"
Bakshi A, Fisher O, Dagci T, Himes BT, Fischer I, Lowman A
J Neurosurgery Spine 3:322-329, 2004.

"Peptide-modified alginate surfaces as a growth permissive substrate for neurite outgrowth"
Dhoot NO, Tobias CA, Fischer I, Wheatley MA
J. Biomedical Materials Research Part A 71:191-200, 2004.

"Delayed grafting of BDNF and NT-3 producing fibroblasts into the injured spinal cord stimulates sprouting, partially rescues axotomized red nucleus neurons from loss and atrophy and provides limited regeneration."
Tobias CA, Shumsky JS, Shibata M, Tuszynski MH, Fischer I, Tessler A, Murray M
Exp. Neurol. 184:97-113, 2003.

"Transplants of fibroblasts genetically modified to express BDNF promote axonal regeneration from supraspinal neurons following chronic spinal cord injury"
Jin Y, Fischer I, Tessler A, Houle JD
Exp Neurol. 177(1):265-75, 2002.

"Grafts of BDNF-producing fibroblasts rescue axotomized rubrospinal neurons and prevent their atrophy"
Liu Y, Himes BT, Murray M, Tessler A, Fischer I
Experimental Neurol. 178:150-164, 2002.

"Transplants of cells genetically modified to express neurotrophin-3 rescue axotomized Clarke's nucleus neurons after spinal cord hemisection in adult rats."
Himes BT, Liu Y, Solowska JM, Snyder EY, Fischer I, Tessler A
J. Neurosci. Res. 65:549-564, 2001.

"Transplantation of genetically modified fibroblasts expressing BDNF in adult rats with a subtotal hemisection improves specific motor and sensory functions."
Kim D, Schallert T, Liu Yi. Browarak,T, Nayeri N, Tessler A, Fischer I, Murray, M
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 15:141-150, 2001.

"Grafting of encapsulated BDNF-producing fibroblasts into inured spinal cord without immune suppression in adult rats."
Tobias CA, Dhoot NO, Wheatley MA, Tessler A, Murray M, Fischer I
J. Neurotrauma 18:287-301, 2001.

Fibroblasts genetically modified to produce BDNF support regrowth of chronically injured serotonergic axons"
Jin Y, Tessler A, Fischer I, Houle JD
Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 14:311-317, 2000.

"Improved recombinant retroviral titers utilizing trichostatin A"
Tobias CA, Kim D, Fischer I
BioTechniques, 29:884-89, 2000.

Transplants of fibroblasts genetically modified to express BDNF promote regeneration of adult rat rubrospinal axons"
Liu Y, Kim Y, Himes T, Chow S, Murray M, Tessler A, Fischer I
J. Neuroscience 19:4370-4387, 1999.

Intraspinal grafting of fibroblasts genetically modified by recombinant adenoviruses"
Liu Y, Himes T, Tryon B, Moul J, Chow SY, Jin H, Murray M, Tessler A, Fischer I
NeuroReport 9:1075-1079, 1998.

"Application of recombinant adenovirus for in vivo gene delivery to spinal cord."
Liu Y, Himes T, Moul J, Huang W, Chow S, Tessler A, Fischer I
Brain Res. 768:19-29, 1997.

Neuronal Cytoskeleton

"Resurrecting the mysteries of Big Tau"
Fischer I, Baas PW
Trends in Neurosciences. 43 (7), 493-504. (2020)

"Neurogenesis in Talpha-1 tubulin transgenic mice during development and after injury"
Coksaygan T, Magnus T, Cai J, Mughal M, Lepore A, Xue H, Fischer I, Rao MS
Exp Neurol. 197(2):475-85, 2006.

"Axonal transport of microtubule associated protein 1B (MAP1B) in sciatic nerve of adult rat: distinct transport rates for different isoforms"
Ma D, Himes T, Shea TB, and Fischer I
J. Neurosci. 20:2112-2120, 2000.

"Induction of MAP1B phosphorylation in target-deprived afferent fibers after kainic acid lesion."
Soares S, Fischer I, Ravaille-Veron M, Vincent JD, Nothias F.
J. Comp. Neurol. 396: 193-210, 1998.

"The neurofilament antibody RT97 recognizes a developmentally regulated phosphorylated epitope on microtubule-associated protein 1B"
Johnstone M, Goold RG, Fischer I, Gordon-Weeks PR.
J. Anatomy 199:229-244, 1997.

"Localisation of Microtubule-Associated Protein 1B Phosphorylation Sites Recognised by Monoclonal Antibody SMI-31"
Johnstone M, Goold RG, Bei D, Fischer I, Gordon-Weeks PR
J. Neurochemistry 69:1417-1424, 1997.

"Structural analysis of the proximal region of the microtubule-associated protein 1B promoter"
Liu D, Fischer I
J Neurochem. 69(3):910-9, 1997.

"Tau-like proteins in the nervous system of goldfish"
Liu Y, Xia J, Ma D, Faber DS, Fischer I
Neurochem Res. 22(12):1511-6, 1997.

"Differential regulation of microtubule-associated protein 1B (MAP1B) in rat CNS and PNS during development"
Ma D, Nothias F, Boyne LJ, Fischer I
J. Neurosci. Res. 49:319-332, 1997.

"Triton-soluble phosphovariants of the heavy neurofilament subunit in developing and mature mouse central nervous system"
Shea TB, Dahl DC, Nixon RA, Fischer I
J. Neurosci Res. 48(6):515-23, 1997.

"Two alternative promoters direct neuron-specific expression of the rat microtubule-associated protein 1B gene"
Liu D and Fischer I
J. Neurosci. 16:5026-5036, 1996.

"Microtubule-associated protein MAP1B is concentrated in the distal region of growing axons."
Black MM, Slaughter T, Fischer I
J. Neuroscience. 14:857-870, 1994.

Review Articles

"Resurecting the mysteries of Big Tau"
Fischer I, Baas PW
(2020) Trends in Neurosciences:

"Transplanting neural progenitor cells to restore connectivity after spinal cord injury"
Fischer I, Dulin JN, Lane MA
(2020) Nature Reviews 21, 366–383. PMID 32518349

"Improving the therapeutic efficacy of neural progenitor cell transplantation following spinal cord injury."
Lane MA, Lepore LC, Fischer I
Expert Rev Neurotherapeutics, (Dec 21:1-8. doi:10.1080/14737175.2017.1270206. [Epub ahead of print] PMID 27927055), 2017.

"Using neural stem cells to enhance repair and recovery of spinal circuits after injury."
Hou S, Fischer I
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2017.

"Spinal Cord Concussion: studying the potential risks of repetitive injury."
Fischer I, Haas C, Raghupathi R, Jin Y
Neural Regeneration Research DOI:10.4103/1673-5374.169634, PMID: 26981079, 2016.

"Examining the properties and therapeutic potential of glial restricted precursors in spinal cord injury."
Hayakawa K, Haas C, Fischer I
Neural Regeneration Research Apr;11(4):529-33. doi:10.4103/1673-5374.180725, PMID: 27212899, 2016.

"Guiding the migration of grafted cells to promote axon regeneration."
Yuan X, Haas C, Fischer I
Neural Regeneration Research 14;6:22576. doi: 10.1038/srep22576. PMID: 26971438, 2016.

"The "other" concussion: Spinal cord concussion."
Jin Y, Bouyer J, Haas C, Fischer I.
Atlas of Science., 2016.

"Transplantation of neural progenitor cells in chronic spinal cord injury."
Jin Y, Bouyer J, Shumsky JS, Haas C, Fischer I
World Biomedical Frontier., 2016.

"The future of stem cells in neurodegenerative disease."
Rao, M, Fischer I and Zeng X. Editors.
Special issue of Brain Research. Volume 1638, Part A, Pages 1-114, 2016.

"Neural stem cell therapy for spinal cord injury."
Haas C, Ghobrial G, Bonner J, Fischer I.
in "Neural Stem Cells in Health and Disease" Shetty, A Ed. World Scientific. 2014.

"Transplanting neural progenitors to build a neuronal relay across the injured spinal cord."
Haas C and Fischer I
Neural Regeneration Research 9: 1173-1176. PMID: 25206777, 2014.

"Cellular replacement in spinal cord injury."
Bonner JF, Lepore AC, Rao M, Fischer I
In: Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation. Neural Repair and Plasticity. Selzer ME, Clarke S, Cohen LG, Kwakkel G, Miller RH (eds). Pp. 435-456, 2014.

"Preparation of Neural Stem Cells and Progenitors: Neuronal Production and Grafting Applications."
Bonner JF, C Haas, and I Fischer
Methods in Molecular Biology – Neuronal Cell Culture. Volume 1078. Editors: Amini, Shohreh; White Martyn L. Methods Mol Biol. 1078:56-88, 2013.

"Transplantation of neural stem cells and progenitors in animal models of disease."
Bonner J and Fischer I
In Neural Stem Cell Assays. Kaur, N and Vemuri M eds. Wiley Blackwell, 2013.

"Gene Therapy, Neurotrophic Factors and Spinal Cord Regeneration."
Blesch A, Fischer I, Tuszynski MH
Handbook of Clinical Neurol, Chapter 37, 2012.

"Cellular replacement in spinal cord injury."
Bonner J, Lepore AC, Rao M, Fischer I
In: Textbook on Neural Repair and Rehabilitation.
Selzer ME, Clarke S, Cohen LG, Duncan PW, Gage FH (eds). In press.
Neural Repair and Plasticity, 2011.

"Intrathecal delivery of stem cells to the spinal cord."
Neuhuber B, and I. Fischer
In: K. K. Jain (ed.), Drug delivery to the central nervous system, Series: Neuromethods 45, Humana Press – Springer. Chapter 10:219-232, 2010.

"Handbook of Clinical Neurology"
Blesch A, Fischer I, Tuszynski MH
Chapter 37: Gene Therapy, Neurotrophic Factors and Spinal Cord Regeneration, 2009

"Cellular replacement in spinal cord injury."
Fischer I, Lepore AC, Han SSW, Tessler AR.
In: Textbook on Neural Repair and Rehabilitation. Neural Repair and Plasticity.
Selzer ME, Clarke S, Cohen LG, Duncan PW, Gage FH (eds). Pp. 445-467, 2006.

"Cellular  replacement in spinal cord injury."
Fischer I, Tessler AR, Han SSW, Lepore AC
In: Selzer M, ed. Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation. London: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

"Recommended guidelines for studies of human subjects with spinal cord injury."
D K Anderson, M Beattie, A Blesch, J Bresnahan, M Bunge, D Dietrich, V Dietz B Dobkin, J Fawcett, M Fehlings, I Fischer, R Grossman, J Guest, T Hagg, E D Hall, J Houle, N Kleitman, J McDonald, M Murray, A Privat, P Reier, J Steeves, O Steward, W Tetzlaff, M H Tuszynski, S G Waxman, S Whittemore, J Wolpaw, W Young and B Zheng.
Spinal Cord 43: 453-458, 2005.

"Cellular replacement in spinal cord injury"
Fischer I, Tessler AR, Han SSW, Lepore AC.
Textbook of Neural Repair and Rehabilitation. London: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

"Towards a definition of recovery of function"
Murray M, Fischer I, Smeraski C, Tessler A, Giszter S.
J. Neurotrauma 21:405-413, 2004.

"Plasticity following injury to the adult central nervous system: Is recapitulation of a developmental state worth promoting?"
Emery DL, Royo NC, Fischer I, Saatman KE, McIntosh TK.
J. Neurotrauma 20:1271-1292, 2003.

"Transplantation of genetically modified cells contributes to repair and recovery from spinal injury."
Murray M, Kim D, Liu Y, Tobias C, Tessler A, Fischer I
Brain Res. Reviews 40:292-300, 2002.

"Transplantation and gene therapy: Combined approaches for repair of spinal cord injury."
Murray M, Fischer I
Neuroscientist 7:28-41, 2001.

"Gene Therapy Strategies"
Fischer I and Liu Y
Axonal Regeneration in the Central Nervous System. New York, NY: Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 563-602. 2002.

"Candidate cells for transplantation into the injured CNS"
Fischer I.
Seil FJ, ed. Progress in Brain Research, Vol. 128 Neural Plasticity and Regeneration. Cambridge, MA: Elsevier; 128:253-257. 2000.

"MAP1B expression and microtubule stability in growing and regenerating axons"
Gordon-Weeks PR and Fischer I.
Microscopy Res. and Technique 48:63-74, 2000.

"Neural stem cells and gene therapy: Prospects for repairing the injured spinal cord."
Han S, Fischer I
JAMA 283:2300-2301, 2000.

Contact Information

Department of Neurobiology & Anatomy
2900 W. Queen Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19129
Phone: 215.991.8400
Fax: 215.843.9082