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Garth D. Ehrlich

Garth D. Ehrlich, PhD, FAAAS, FAAM

Professor of Microbiology & Immunology; Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

Department: Microbiology & Immunology, Otolaryngology


  • BA - Alfred University cum laude (1977)
  • PhD - Syracuse University (1987)
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship - SUNY Upstate Medical Center (1988)

Awards & Honors

  • American Academy of Microbiology (ASM), Distinguished Lecturer Roster (2023-2025)
  • American Academy of Microbiology (ASM), Elected Fellow (2022)
  • BioSpectrum 2020, University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata INDIA, Conference Chair (honorary)
  • NIH, NIDCD's Otitis Media Working Group Workshop, Invited Panel Member (2020)
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Elected Fellow (2014)

Garth Ehrlich, PhD, FAAAS, FAAM is a professor of microbiology and immunology, and otolaryngology-head and neck surgery at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Administrative Overview

Dr. Ehrlich is the executive director of three Research Centers of Excellence in the Institute for Molecular Medicine and Infectious Diseases: the Center for Advanced Microbial Processing (CAMP), the Center for Genomic Sciences (CGS), and the Center for Surgical Infection and Bacterial Biofilm. He also serves as executive director of the Genomics Core Facility, which is a University-wide sequencing and bioinformatics service core. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic Dr. Ehrlich founded and currently serves as executive director of the Center for Molecular Diagnostics, and as section director, Molecular Pathology Section, Drexel Medicine Diagnostics (a CLIA/CAP certified high-complexity clinical diagnostics laboratory).

Editorial Roles

Dr. Ehrlich is editor-in-chief of Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarker, a MaryAnn Liebert Publication. In addition, he is an associate editor of BMC Evolutionary Biology and the MDPI journal GENES.

Productivity Metrics

Dr. Ehrlich has a Google h-factor of 83, an i10-index of 227 and with nearly 28,000 citations of his published papers; he also has a ResearchGate h-factor of 78 with an RG Score of 51 and has had 6 papers cited by the Faculty of 1000.


2024 Germany - ILADS

Make plans to join us in Germany next spring for the ILADS European Scientific Conference. April 19-21, 2024, Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Starnberg, Germany

2024 AlzPI & IDSA Joint Conference

Microbes & Dementia: Bridging Silos to Accelerate Innovation, PCOM, Philadelphia PA, July 27, 2024

Research Interests

Use of large-scale comparative genomic technologies to explore the molecular pathogenesis of chronic infectious diseases and the human genetics of susceptibility and resistance to infection.


Chronic Bacterial Pathogenesis

Dr. Ehrlich and his lab are interested in how chronic bacterial pathogens persist in the face of antimicrobial therapy, and the innate and adaptive host responses. To understand this complex phenomenon, Dr. Ehrlich promulgated the rubric of “bacterial plurality,” which embodies the concept that chronic pathogens display enormous heterogeneity at many levels including: phenotypic, metabolic and genotypic. The reasoning behind the development of this theoretical construct was to provide a paradigm that more accurately models chronic pathogenic processes enabling the development of rational therapies for these diseases that are recalcitrant to current medical management. It is our belief that the extant paradigms of bacterial pathogenesis passed down to us from Robert Koch and developed for acute epidemic infections, although powerful and useful for clonal planktonic infections, acted for decades as blinders toward our understanding of chronic infections.

As part of our studies of bacterial plurality, we have participated in the development of a new understanding of bacterial ecology, which includes the realization that bacteria have a developmental life cycle, can exist as solitary organisms or as part of a complex interacting multicellular community, and can phenotypically adapt to changing environmental conditions. Phenotypic heterogeneity is explained by the fact that nearly all bacteria can form biofilms or even more complex large-scale structures for protection, generation of reducing power and dispersal.  Metabolic heterogeneity results (in part) from the understanding of limiting nutrient fluxes into a biofilm.

Genotypic heterogeneity at the bacterial species level is a result of genomic plasticity embodied in Dr. Ehrlich’s distributed genome hypothesis (DGH), which he advanced in 2001. The DGH states that chronic bacterial pathogens utilize a survival strategy wherein a large set of genes are distributed among a population and are not found in all members of a species; thus there exists a supra-genome (pangenome) at the population level that is far greater in size than the genome of any one organism. The DGH includes the concept that energetic methods of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) are population-based virulence factors that evolved specifically to create diversity and drive strain evolution. Furthermore, the distribution of contingency genes among a population serves as a supra-virulence factor that provides for improved population survival through increased rates of horizontal gene transfer, which provides the engine for rapid adaptation to environmental conditions through the reassortment of genes among strains.

As part of the development of the field of comparative genomics and to test the DGH, our Research Centers of Excellence have been on the cutting edge of genomic technology development for nearly 20 years, beginning with the design and operationalization a fully automated robotic Sanger sequencing facility in the late 90s that covered everything from colony picking to cycle sequencing. Subsequently in 2003 we were chosen as academic partners and alpha testers by 454 LifeSciences to participate in the development of their revolutionary massively parallel long-read pyrosequencing technology (the first of the next-generation DNA sequencing technologies). We then received our beta test instrument from 454 in 2005. As part of the next big jump in technology, we became beta testers for Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) SMRT technology in 2011, and in 2017 we upgraded our facilities to include PacBio’s second-generation Sequel platform. In parallel with our development of sequencing technologies we have created, in-house, a suite of bioinformatic and mathematical modeling tools to analyze the genomic data generated in our laboratories. Most recently we have developed and applied machine learning algorithms to identify in an unbiased fashion distributed genes that are associated with specific traits.

Using these technologies and computational tools we have:

  1. Performed whole genome sequencing, assembly and annotation on over 4,000 bacterial strains
  2. Performed comparative genomics on these and many other sequenced bacterial strains to characterize the core, distributed and supra-genomes of dozens of bacterial species and to identify candidate genes associated with virulence and tissue tropisms.

The data from these studies have demonstrated that the DGH holds for all bacterial species examined, including pathogens and nonpathogens alike, and that the supra-genomes for the vast majority of bacterial species are several times the size of the species’ core genomes. Importantly the species examined cover Gram-negatives, Gram-positives, Gram-indeterminates, spirochetes, professional pathogens, opportunistic pathogens and free-living environmental and commensal organisms. We therefore feel comfortable stating that the DGH is broadly applicable across the entire spectrum of free-living bacteria and that bacterial diversity provides bacterial species as a whole—regardless of their individual environmental niches—with the ability to persist in the face of multifaceted environmental challenges.

More recently we have been expanding the concept of population-based virulence factors, which are phenomena that exist only at the population level and are thus not observable at the level of the individual bacterium. These include biofilm formation, caserna construction and other complex cellular organizations such as nanowires; bacterial communication systems such as quorum sensing and vesicle formation and disbursement; and horizontal gene transfer mechanisms. Collectively these systems imbue bacteria with a type of intelligence analogous to cellular automation.

An Infectious Etiological Component for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)?

Dr. Ehrlich and his team have been at the forefront of the movement to determine if bacteria and other infectious agents can act as triggers in the development of AD. Dr. Ehrlich serves as a founding board member of the Alzheimer’s Pathobiome Initiative (AlzPI), a global consortium of researchers focused on developing improved diagnostics and therapeutics for AD and precursor syndromes. Towards this end they have developed a species-specific, trans-pan-domain molecular diagnostic that can quantitatively determine the microbial composition of any specimen for any cellular microbe including bacteria, fungi, and parasites. The application of this diagnostic has resulted in the recent publication of a high impact paper by Mone et al (2023).

Development of Anti-biofilm Drugs

Working in collaboration with colleagues in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Assistant Professor Donald (DJ) Hall, and Chemistry, Professor Frank Ji, Dr. Ehrlich is leading a team in the development of the first drugs rationally designed to treat biofilm infections. Bacterial biofilms are metabolically resistant to antibiotics. To overcome this resistance, which is triggered by the stringent response, Dr. Ehrlich’s team has developed a combination in silico-laboratory pipeline for the identification and testing of small molecules that act as competitive inhibitors of the RelA enzyme to be used with antibiotics for their “re-potention” against bacterial persister cells. Excitingly, our lead compound also profoundly inhibits virulence factor production by both major Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Gram-positive (MRSA USA 300) bacteria – thereby “defanging” these pathogens. This project has attracted preliminary funding from the Bill and Marion Cook Foundation and the Coulter-Drexel Translational Research Partnership Program.

Human Disease, Susceptibility and Performance Gene Mapping and Cloning

We are involved in a number of human gene identification projects with a recent emphasis on understanding the susceptibility and resistance to bacterial infection. Currently, we are working with Drs. Noam Cohen and Dani Reed, respectively at the University of Pennsylvania and the Monell Chemical Senses Institute, to understand the innate immune role of the genes that encode the bitter taste receptors (the bitterome). This project involves genotyping infection-defined cohorts of patients, and comparing their genetics with their sinonasal microbiomes, as well as functional studies of their ciliated epithelium in response to bacteria and their metabolic products. We are also continuing our long-standing interest in skeletal diseases, and have recently identified a family with a unique patellar tendon insertional defect that follows an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance. Additionally we are also exploring a program to identify genes associated with control of tuberculosis (TB), as there are many patients with latent TB who never develop clinical disease.

Our legacy human genetic projects have included mapping (M) and cloning (C) of genes for several skeletal and connective tissue diseases including Crouzon syndrome (M&C), Jackson-Weiss syndrome (M&C) ectrodactyly (M), and Dupuytrens’ contracture (M); as well as several, gastrointestinal/mobility diseases including hereditary pancreatitis (M&C), DAIA (M), and severe pediatric gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD (M).

In the Media

See Dr. Ehrlich on Wikipedia.

See Dr. Ehrlich on Google Scholar.

“RFK Jr.'s insistence that the government ignores chronic disease is misguided”
NBC News, yahoo! News (February 1, 2025)

“Why the brain's microbiome could hold the key to curing Alzheimer's”
New Scientist (February 19, 2024)

Could a Breakdown in the Brain’s Networks Allow Infections to Contribute to Alzheimer’s Disease?
Drexel News (September 13, 2023)

“The International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society Brings Annual Scientific Conference to Boston”
PR Newswire (June 29, 2023)

“Lyme Disease Vaccine in Stage 3 of Clinical Trials”
Garth Ehrlich, PhD, a professor in the College of Medicine, was interviewed in the May 8 episode of WTXF’s (Fox29) “Good Day Philadelphia” for a segment about development of a possible upcoming lyme disease vaccine.

Additional articles...

"User Group Meeting: Development, validation, and applications of a high-fidelity, species-specific, eubacterial pan-domain microbiome assay on the PacBio System - PacBio - PacBio - Sequence with Confidence"
In this PacBio User Group Meeting presentation, Garth Ehrlich of Drexel University College of Medicine shares his work on developing a microbiome assay that uses SMRT Sequencing to provide high-quality coverage of the 16S bacterial rRNA for species identification.

"Tick Tock: Pennsylvania is ground zero for Lyme disease, and one Drexel professor is pursuing a cure."
Grid Philly (September 10, 2019)

"Medicine and government have failed to help us battle Lyme disease" (August 23, 2019)

"What Makes Lyme Tick"
Exel Magazine (2019)

"Find a tick on your body? In Pa., you can get it tested — for free."
Philadelphia Inquirer (June 13, 2019)

"Can germs cause Alzheimer’s disease?"
Philadelphia Inquirer (November 8, 2018)

"Applications of a high-fidelity, eubacterial pan-domain microbiome assay"
PacBio (October 19, 2018)

"Dead Or Alive, Drexel Wants Ticks For Research"
KYW-Newsradio (1060-AM) (August 26, 2017)

"Find a tick on your dog, your child, or your shirt? Send it to Drexel"
Philadelphia Inquirer (August 23, 2017)

"Dr. Garth Ehrlich Talks With Us About Oral Pathogens"
YouTube: Oral Systemic Link (July 17, 2017)

"Lyme Disease on Rise Amid Diagnosis, Treatment Controversy"
WCAU-TV (NBC-10) (May 19, 2017)

"Lyme disease, tick-borne infections on rise as controversy over diagnosis, treatment persist"
Bucks County Courier Times (May 12, 2017)

"The Infection Connection"
Exel Magazine (2016)

"Go-To Lyme Drugs Don’t Always Kill The Bug, At Least For Some"
The Huffington Post (July 15, 2016)

"Good Question: An Interview About Proper Tick Removal"
KYW-TV (CBS-3) (May 24, 2016)

"Four decades after its discovery, Lyme disease still confounds doctors, patients"
WHYY/Newsworks (May 21, 2015)

"Approaches to treating Lyme disease differ" (May 3, 2015)

"College of Medicine to Host Lyme Disease Conference"
College of Medicine Newsroom (March 26, 2015)

"Two Drexel Faculty Members Named 2014 AAAS Fellows"
College of Medicine Newsroom (December 8, 2014)

"Health Innovators: A Conversation with Dr. Garth Ehrlich"
YouTube: Dr. Dan Sindelar (December 6, 2013)

"Twenty Years of Biofilm Research"
YouTube: Biofilm (May 17, 2010)


Editorial Roles

  • Editor-in-chief, Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc Publishers
  • Associate editor, BMC Ecology and Evolution, BMC Series Journals, Springer Nature Group
  • Associate editor, Frontiers in Microbiology
  • Associate editor, Frontiers in Genetics, Genetics of Common and Rare Diseases
  • Guest editor, Frontiers in Genetics (with Drs. Regie Santoz-Cortez [GEIC] & Allen Ryan); Human Genetics Section; Topic Title – Otitis Media Genomic and Middle-ear Microbiome
  • Editorial board, Microorganisms, MDPI
  • Editorial board, Journal of Clinical Medicine, MDPI
  • Editorial board, Genes, MDPI

See all Garth Ehrlich's publications in PubMed.

Recent Selected Publications

Development and Validation of Ultra-High-Fidelity Microbiome Analysis Pipeline Based on Full 16S Gene Sequencing on the PacBio
Earl JP, Krol J, Balashov SV, Bhat A, Hammond J, Sen B, Limbo J, Reed DR, Cohen N, Ehrlich GD*, and Mell, JC* 
bioRxiv, (also under revision for Microbiome)

"High Fidelity Point-of Care Diagnostic for Infected Arthroplasties: Perspective on The Accuracy of Alpha-Defensin Lateral Flow Device for Diagnosis of Periprosthetic Joint Infection. Comparison to a Gold Standard"
Ehrlich, GD and Palmer MP
J Bone Joint Surg AM. 100(1):e7, 2018

"Biobanking: Where Science and Society Meet"
Ehrlich, GD
Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers. 21(3)127, 2017

"Novel Genetic Markers for Common Degenerative Orthopedic Diseases"
Ehrlich, GD
Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 21(10):577, 2017

"Next-generation molecular diagnostics provide evidence suggestive of a role for non-traditional bacterial pathogens in osteoarthritis of the knee"
Ehrlich, GD
Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers. 20(12)719-720, 2016

Molecular Characterization of β-Lactamase Genes in Clinical Isolates of Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii
Raible KM, Sen B, Law N, Bias T, Emery CL, Ehrlich GD, and Joshi S 
Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials 16(1):75, 2017

Phenotypic diversity and genotypic flexibility of Burkholderia cenocepacia during long-term infection of cystic fibrosis lungs
Lee A H-Y, Flibotte S, Sinha S, Paiero A, Ehrlich RL, Balashov S, Ehrlich GD, Zlosnik JEA, Mell JC, and Nislow C 
Genome Research 27:1-14, 2017

Specific amino acids in HIV-1 Vpr are significantly associated with changes in patient neurocognitive status
Dampier W, Antell GC, Aiamkitsumrit B, Nonnemacher MR, Jacobson JM, Pirrone V, Zhong W, Kercher K, Passic S, Williams JW, James A, Devlin KN, Giovannetti T, Libon DJ, Szep Z, Ehrlich GD, Wigdahl B, and Krebs FC
Journal of Neurovirology 23:113-124, 2017

Prevalence of Propionibacterium Acnes in Discs of Patients Undergoing Lumbar Microdiscectomy: A Prospective Cross-Sectional Study
Capoor MN, Ruzicka F, Machackova T, Jancalek R, Smrcka M, Schmitz JE, Hermanova MA, Sana J, Michu E, Ahmed FS, Maca K, Lipina R, Alamin T, Coscia M, Stonemetz JL, Witham T, Ehrlich GD, Gokaslan ZL, Mavrommatis K, Fischetti VA, Birkenmaier C, Slaby O  
PLoS ONE Aug 18;11(8):e0161676, 2016

Comparing culture and molecular methods for the identification of microorganisms involved in necrotizing soft tissue infections
Rudkjøbing VB, Thomsen TR, Xu Y, Melton-Kreft R, Ahmed A, Eickhardt-Sørensen SR, Bjarnsholt T, Nielsen PH, Earl JP, Ehrlich GD, and Moser C 
BMC Infectious Diseases 16:652-664. 2016  DOI 10.1186/s12879-016-1976-2

Complete Genome Sequence of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans Strain IDH781
May AC, Ehrlich RL, Balashov S, Ehrlich GD, Shanmugam M, Fine DH, Ramasubbu N, Mell C, Cugini C
Genome Announc. 2016 Nov 10;4(6)

Identification and Characterization of msf, a Novel Virulence Factor in Haemophilus influenzae
Kress-Bennett J, Hiller NL, Eutsey R, Powell E, Longwell MJ, Hillman T, Blackwell T, Byers B, Post JC, Hu FZ, Ehrlich GD*, and Janto, B*.  
PLoS ONE  11(3):e0149891, 2016

Comparative Genomic Analyses of the Moraxella Catarrhalis Serosensitive and Seroresistant Lineages Demonstrates Their Independent Evolution
Earl JP, de Vries SPW, Ahmed A, Powell E, Schultz MP, Hermans PWM, Hill DJ, Constantinidou CI, Hu FZ, Bootsma HJ  and Ehrlich GD 
Genome Biology and Evolution 8(4)955-974, 2016

Shimoyama M, Smith J, de Pons J, Khampang P, Hong W, Erbe C, Ehrlich GD,Bakaletz L, and Kerschner J  Next-Gen Chinchilla – Resource for an Otolaryngology Disease Model.  DATABASE 2016: article ID pii: baw073, 2016.

HIV-1 genetic variation resulting in the development of new quasispecies continues to be encountered in the peripheral blood of well-suppressed patients
Dampier W, Nonnemacher MR, Mell JC, Earl J, Ehrlich GD, Pirrone V, Aiamkitsumrit B, Zhong W, Kercher K, Passic S, Williams JW, Jacobson JM, and Wigdahl B  
PLoS ONE 11(5):e015538, 2016

The Use of PCR/Electron Spray Ionization-Time-of-Flight-Mass Spectrometry (PCR/ESI-TOF-MS) to Detect Bacterial and Fungal Colonization in Healthy Military Service Members
Vetor R, Murray CK, Mende K, Melton-Kreft R, Akers KA, Wenke J, Spirk T, Guymon C, Zera W, Beckius ML, Rini E, Ehrlich GD*,and Vento T*  
BMC Infectious Diseases 16:338, 2016

Synovial fluid analysis using PCR-ESI-TOF-MS for detection of bacterial and fungal pathogens in native knee arthritis
Palmer MP, Hu FZ, Nistico L, Melton-Kreft R HK, Altman GT, Altman DT, Sotereanos NG, Costerton WJ, *DeMeo PJ and *Ehrlich GD 
Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 20(12):721-731, 2016

Search for Microorganisms in Men with Urologic Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: A Culture-Independent Analysis in the MAPP Research Network
Nickel JC, Stephens A, Landis R, Mullins C, Melton-Kreft R, and Ehrlich GD**, and the MAPP Research Network
J Urol. 194:127-135, 2015

The DpnIII Streptococcus pneumoniae restriction modification system is implicated in modulating genome plasticity and evolution among the PMEN
Eutsey RA., Powell E, Dordel J, Earl J, Clark T, Korlach J, Ehrlich GD*, and Hiller NL*
mBio. 16;6(3). pii: e00173-1, 2015

Diagnosis of periprosthetic joint infection
Zmistowski B, Della Valle C, Bauer TW, Malizos KN, Alavi A, Bedair H, Booth RE, Choong P, Deirmengian C, Ehrlich GD, Gambir A, Huang R, Kissin Y, Kobayashi H, Kobayashi N, Krenn V, Lorenzo D, Marston SB, Meermans G, Perez J, Ploegmakers JJ, Rosenberg A, Simpendorfer C, Thomas P, Tohtz S, Villafuerte JA, Wahl P, Wagenaar FC, Witzo E
J Arthroplasty. Feb;29 (2 Suppl):77-83, 2014

The Tsk2/+ mouse fibrotic phenotype is due to a gain-of-function mutation in the PIIINP segment of the Col3a1 gene
Long KB, Li Z, Burgwin CM, Choe SG, Martynanov V, Sassi-Gaha S, Earl J, Eutsey R, Ahmed A, Ehrlich GD, Artlett CM., Whitfield ML., Blankenhorn EP
J. Invest Derm. 36:9 2014. Oct 20. doi: 10.1038/jid.2014.455

The microbiome of chronic rhinosinusitis: culture, molecular diagnostics and biofilm detection
Boase S, Foreman A, Cleland E, Tan L, Melton-Kreft R, Pant H, Hu FZ, Ehrlich GD, and Warmold PJ
BMC Infectious Diseases 13:210, 2013. doi:10.1186/1471-2334-13-210. BMC Highly accessed article

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Classic Publications

Meta-omic characterization of the marine invertebrate microbial consortium that produces the chemotherapeutic natural product ET-743
Rath CM, Janto B, Earl J, Ahmed A, Hu FZ, Hiller NL, Dahlgren M, Kreft M, Yu F, Wolff JJ, Kweon HK, Christiainsen MA, Håkansson K, Williams RM, Ehrlich GD, Sherman, DH
ACS Chemical Biology 6(11):1244-56, 2011

Generation of Genic Diversity among Streptococcus pneumoniae Strains via Horizontal Gene Transfer during a Chronic Polyclonal Pediatric Infection
Hiller NL, Ahmed A, Powell E, Eutsey RE, Earl J, Martin D, Janto B, Hogg JS, Boissy R, Barbadora K, Post JC, Hu FZ, and Ehrlich GD 
PLoS Pathogens 6(9): e1001108, 2010

The Distributed Genome Hypothesis as a Rubric for Understanding Evolution in situ During Chronic Infectious Processes
Ehrlich GD, Ahmed A, Earl J, Hiller NL, Costerton JW, Stoodley P, Post JC, DeMeo P, and Hu FZ 
FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 2010 Aug;59(3):269-79

Characterization and Modeling of the Haemophilus influenzae Core and Supra-Genome based on the Complete Genomic Sequences of Rd and 12 clinical Nontypeable16 Strains
Hogg JS, *Hu FZ, Janto B, Boissy R, Gladitz J, Swierczek N, Hayes J, Keefe R, Yu S,  Post JC, and Ehrlich GD 
Genome Biology. 8(6)R103, 2007

Insights into the genome of large sulfur bacteria revealed by analysis of single filaments
Mussmann M, +Hu FZ, Richter M, de Beer D, Preisler A, Jørgensen BB, Huntemann M, *Glöckner FO, Amann R, Koopman WJ, Lasken RS, Janto B, Hogg J, Stoodley P, Boissy R, Ehrlich GD
PLoS Biology  Sep;5(9):e230, 2007

Comparative Genomic Analyses of Seventeen Streptococcus pneumoniae Strains: Insights into the Pneumococcal Supragenome 
Hiller NL, +Janto B, Hogg JS, Boissy R, Yu S, Powell E, Keefe R, Ehrlich NE, Shen K, Hayes J, Barbadora K, Klimke W, Dernovoy D, Tatusova T, Parkhill J, Bentley SD., Post JC, Ehrlich GD**, and Hu FZ 
J Bacteriol. 189(22):8186-95, 2007

Direct Detection of Bacterial Biofilms on the Middle-Ear Mucosa of Children With Chronic Otitis Media
Hall-Stoodley L, Hu FZ, Stoodley P, Nistico L, Link TR,  Burrows A, Post JC, Ehrlich GD, and Kerschner KE
JAMA 296:202-211, 2006** 

Bacterial Plurality as a General Mechanism Driving Persistence in Chronic Infections
Ehrlich GD
, Hu FZ, Shen K, Stoodley P, Post JC,
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research  437:20-24, 2005

Pseudomonas aeruginosa Displays Multiple Phenotypes during Development of a Biofilm
Sauer K, Camper AK, Ehrlich GD**, Costerton JW, and Davies DG
Journal of Bacteriology 184:1140-1154, 2002

Mucosal Biofilm Formation on Middle-ear Mucosa in the Chinchilla Model of Otitis Media
Ehrlich GD, Veeh R, Wang X, Costerton JW, Hayes JD, Hu FZ, Daigle BJ, Ehrlich MD, Post JC
JAMA  287:1710-1715,  2002

Hereditary pancreatitis is caused by a mutation in the cationic trypsinogen gene
Whitcomb DC, Gorry MC, Preston RA, Furey WF, Sossenheimer JJ, Ulrich CD, Martin SP, Gates LK Jr., Amann ST, Toskes PP, Liddle R, McGrath K, Uomo G, Post JC, and Ehrlich GD 
Nature Genetics 14:145, 1996

Crouzon Syndrome: Mutations in two spliceoforms of  FGFR2 and a common point mutation shared with Jackson-Weiss Syndrome
Gorry MC, Preston RA, White GJ, Zhang Y, Singhal VK, Losken HW, Nwokoro NA, Post JC, and Ehrlich GD
Human  Molecular Genetics  4:1387-1390, 1995

A gene for Crouzon craniofacial dysostosis maps to the long arm of chromosome 10
Preston RA, Post JC, Keats BJB, Aston CE, Ferrell RE, Priest J, Nouri N, Losken HW, Morris CA, Hurtt MR, Mulvihill JJ, and Ehrlich GD**
Nature Genetics
7:149-153, 1994

Prevalence of Human T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Virus Type II Infection Among High Risk Individuals:  Type-Specific Identification of HTLVs by Polymerase Chain Reaction
Ehrlich GD, Glaser J, Lavigne K, Quan D, Mildvan D, Sninsky K, Papsidero L, and Poiesz BJ: 
Blood 74:1658-1664, 1989

Detection of human T-cell lymphotropic virus-Type I in the spinal fluid and blood of cases of chronic progressive myelopathy and a clinical, radiological and electrophysiological profile of HTLV-I associated myelopathy
Bhagavati S, Ehrlich G, Kula R, Sninsky J, Kwok S, Udani O, and Poiesz BJ
New England Journal of Medicine 318:1141, 1988

Enzymatic amplification of HTLV-I viral sequences in peripheral blood mononuclear cells and infected tissues
Kwok S, Ehrlich G, Poiesz B, Kalish R, and Sninsky JJ
Blood 72:1117-1123, 1988

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Keynote Speaking Engagements

"Bacterial Plurality: a Comprehensive Rubric for Understanding Chronic Bacterial Infections"
International Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis & Host Response Mechanisms. Toronto, Canada, August 23–24, 2017

"Genomic Analysis of the Natural History of the NTHi in situ via a Population-level Whole Genome Sequencing Approach"
Recent Advances in Otitis Media, Gold Coast, Australia, June 4–8, 2017

"Towards re-potentiating Antibiotics against Bacterial Biofilms and Persisters through an understanding of Bacterial Physiology"
8th International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses, CEEZAD, Manhatan, Kansas, May 7–10, 2017

"The Role of nontraditional Pathogens in Periprosthetic Joint Infections. Session on Prevention of Biofilm Infections in Orthopaedics"
SICOT (The World Orthopaedics Meeting), Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, November 19, 2014

"What Next Generation Molecular Diagnostics and Microbiome Studies are Revealing about Sterile Sites and Sterile Conditions"
Surgery and Urology Departmental Seminar as part of the Dr. Andrew Bruce and Margaret Bruce Visiting Scholar, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, October 20–24, 2014

"Man vs. Microbe: Are We Winning the War of the Genomes?"
Dr. Andrew and Margaret Bruce Visiting Scholar in Surgical Innovation, School of Medicine, Queens University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, October 21, 2014

"Alzheimer’s disease, the oral-systemic link indicating a dental pathogen etiology"
TDO Endodontics Meeting, San Diego, California, October 2–4, 2014

"Next Generation Molecular Diagnostics Provide for Comprehensive Pathogen Screening at the Domain Level"
Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Asia Congress, Oxford Global, Singapore, June 10–11, 2014

"Periodontal Spirochaetes are Etiologically associated with both Periprosthetic Joint Infections and Osteoarthritis of the Knee"
Deutsch Borreliose Gesellschaft Annual Meeting, Erfurt, Germany, April 4-5, 2014

"Amadeus or Salieri, a Scientific Allegory"
Distinguished Speaker at Morton Klein Day (Graduate Student Research Day), Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania , November 1, 2013

"Periodontal Pathogens associated with Osteoarthritis and Periprosthetic Joint Infections of the Knee"
AAOSH (American Academy of Oral Systemic Health) Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 20-22, 2013

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Invited Speaking Engagements

"Development and Validation of a High-Fidelity, Species-specific, Microbiome Assay for Use in Precision Medicine"
American Aging Association, Annual Meeting – Section on Microbiomes and Aging, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 27-July 1, 2018

"RelA Inhibitors for Treatment of Chronic Bacterial Infections"
ILADS Europe 2018, 8th European Conference, International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society, Warsaw Poland, June 15-16, 2018

"Pacbio-Based Species-Specific 16s Microbiome Analyses"
Sequencing, Finishing, and Analysis in the Future (SFAF) Metting, Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 22-24, 2018

"Bacterial Plurality, a Comprehensive Rubric for the Study of Chronic Bacterial Infections"
Department of Biology Seminar Series, Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania, May 3, 2018

"Microbiology and Diagnostics" [View Video]
Focus on Lyme Patient Forum, Paradise Valley, Arizona, April 27, 2018

"Evaluation of the PacBio-based MCSMRT pan-domain molecular diagnostic using blood specimens for the detection of Lyme disease"
(Scientific Conference) Focus on Lyme, Scottsdale, Arizona, April 26, 2018

"Advances in Lyme and Related Tick-Borne Pathogen Diagnostics and Treatment Strategies"
2018 PA Lyme Medical Conference: New Frontiers in Lyme and Tickborne Diseases, Hershey, Pennsylvania, April 7, 2018

"Ultra-High-Fidelity Analyses of the Oral Microbiome Using the PacBio and Circular Consensus Sequencing"
Omic and Oral Biofilms Symposium, AADR/CADR Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, March 24, 2018

"High-Fidelity, Species-specific Microbiome Analyses of the Tick Gut Reveal a Complex Pathogenic Microbiota"
3rd Conference on Mitigations Strategies for Infections Diseases (Cali Conference on Zoonotic Infections), Cali, Colombia, October 24–27, 2017

"Development of Pan-Domain Diagnostics to Provide Accurate and Comprehensive Analyses of Lyme Disease and Tick-Borne Co-Infections"
Columbia-Lyme Disease Association Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 23–34, 2017

"Pan-Domain-based Molecular Diagnostics Approaches to Understand Normal and Diseased Microbiomes"
Applied Genomics Group (w/ cosponsorship from The Office of the Deputy Director for Science and Technology and the Physical and Life Sciences Directorate), Lawrence Livermore National Labs, Livermore, California, July 20, 2017

"Bacterial Plurality: a Comprehensive Rubric for Chronic Bacterial Pathogenesis"
University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, June 19, 2017

"Bacterial Plurality: a Rubric for understanding Bacterial Persistence"
Doherty Institute, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, June 13, 2017

"Bacterial Population-level Virulence Factors"
Menzies School of Health Research, Darwin, Australia, June 15, 2017

"Chronic Middle-ear Disease as Rubric for Modeling Persistent Bacterial Infections"
Adelaide University, Adelaide, Australia, June 9, 2017

"Utilizing the Distributed Genome Hypothesis and Statistical Genetics for the Unbiased Discovery of Novel Bacterial Virulence Genes"
Ira Cunningham Lecture Theatre, Massie University, New Zealand, May 30, 2017

"Toward Re-Potentiating Antibiotics Against Bacterial Biofilms and Persisters Through an Understanding of Bacterial Physiology"
8th International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses, Manhattan, Kansas, May 8, 2017

"Development of an Antibiofilm Drug to Repotentiate Antibiotics"
Canadian Lyme Diease Medial & Educational Symposium by Lyme Out Loud – Kids Canada, Toronto, Canada, April 21, 2017

"Bacterial Plurality and Population-Level Virulence Factors underlie Persistent Infections"
University of the Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 11, 2017

"Development of a PacBio-based High Fidelity Microbiome Analysis Pipeline for Species-specific Analyses"
Philadelphia Drug Discovery Forum, Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 9, 2017.

"Development of Anti-Biofilm Drug to Re-potentiate Antibiotics"
Focus on Lyme Meeting, Paradise Valley, Arizona, February 24, 2017

"Development of Meta-Omic Approaches and Their Applications in Biomedicine"
Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania, January 12, 2017

"Using the Distributed Genome Hypothesis to Aid in Selection of Microbiome-sparing Vaccine Targets"
Kansas State University, CEEZAD, Manhatan, Kansas, December 2, 2016

"Multiplex PCR Lyme Testing" (Breakout Session C - Laboratory Advances)
ILADS Annual Meeting – Lyme Disease: an Evolving Paradigm for Chronic Illness, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 5, 2016

"Examination of CNS Tissues from Patients with Dementia Using Molecular Diagnostics for Bacterial Pathogens" (Plenary Session)
ILADS Annual Meeting – Lyme Disease: an Evolving Paradigm for Chronic Illness, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania November 5, 2016.

"Multi-Infections, Gene Expression and What This Means for Immune Response" (Breakout Session C - Beyond Basics: Resistance in Stealth Pathogens)
ILADS Annual Meeting – Lyme Disease: an Evolving Paradigm for Chronic Illness, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 4, 2016

"Combining the Biofilm Paradigm and the Distributed Genome Hypothesis provides a rubric for Understanding Chronic Bacterial Pathogenesis"
International Conference on Mitigation Strategies for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Cali, Colombia, Ocotober 19–21, 2016

"Exploring the Intersection of Host and Pathogen Genomics"
Medical College of Wisconsin, August 29, 2016

"Pacbio-based Species-Level Microbiome Analyses"
Advances in Microbiome Diagnostics Symposium, Cambridge Healthtech’s Eighth Annual Next Generation Dx Summit, Washington D.C., August 26, 2016

"Comparative Genomics and Microbiome Studies Reveal the Diversity of Bacterial Populations and Provide Insight into Chronic Infections"
Metabolon, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, July 6, 2016

"Lyme as Chronic Biofilm Disease"
Focus on Lyme, Stram Center for Integrative Medicine, Albany, New York, July 15, 2016

"Development of a High Fidelity Pipeline for Microbiome Analyses"
AgBiome, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina July 5, 2016

"Mechanisms of Bacterial Persistence: Is There Evidence That Borrellial Species Can Induce Chronic Infections?"
ILADS, Helsinki, Finland, June 11, 2016

"Bacterial Plurality: a New Rubric for Understanding Chronic Bacterial Infections"
Staten Island University Hospital, Staten Island, New York, June 3, 2016

"Scientific Panel Member on Difficulties in Diagnosing Lyme and Related Tick-borne Infections"
Focus on Lyme Scientific Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, February 12, 2016

"Pacbio-based Species Level Microbiome Analyses"
Laboratory of Human Carcinogenesis, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, February 1, 2016

"Modeling Chronic Bacterial Infections"
Medical College of Wisconsin, December 4, 2015

"Comparative Bacterial Genomics to Identify Novel Virulence Genes"
Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Eastern Regional Reseach Center, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania October 23, 2015

"Towards the development of definitive diagnostics for Borrelia burgdorferi"
ILADS Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, October 16–18, 2015

"Comparative Bacterial Genomics and Microbiomics: Lessons in Diversity"
Monell Seminar Series, Monell Institute of the Chemical Senses, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania September 22, 2015

"PacBio-based High Specificity Microbiome Analyses"
Plenary Session 1: OMICS, 18th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media, Washington, D.C., June 7–11, 2015

"Complicating Factors: What Can We Learn from Genetic Heterogeneity in Relation to Treatment and Targets? Biofilms and Multiple Infections, Implications for Testing and Treatment"
Drexel University-ILADS 2015 – Tick-Borne and Other Chronic Infections, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, April 10–11, 2015

"Biofilms and Modeling Chronic Bacterial Pathogenesis"
Colloquium in Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, March 19, 2015

"The Distributed Genome Hypothesis Is Based on Polyclonal Colonizations and Infections"
Plenary Session, ASM Meeting on Polymicrobial Infections, Washington, D.C., November 2014

"Chronic Bacterial Infections Are Universaly Associated with the Biofilm Phenotype"
National Technical University of Singapore at the SCELSE Biofilm Center, June 12, 2014

"Nextgen Multiplex PCR Demonstrates That Periodontal Pathogens Are Associated with Both Periprosthetic Joint Infections and Osteoarthritis of the Knee"
Session VI: Diagnosis of Orthopaedic Infections: Promise of Molecular Techniques, Musculoskeletal Infection: Where are we in 2014? Research Symposium – ORS/AAOS, Rosemont, Illinois, May 8–10, 2014

"Bacterial Plurality: A Comprehensive Rubric to Inform with Respect to Chronic Infections"
Pennsylvania Biotech Center, Doylestown, Pennsylvania, February 27, 2014

"The Distributed Genome Hypothesis and Statistical Genetics Provide an Unbiased Means to Identify Novel Virulence Genes"
Prokaryotic Seminar Series, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 17, 2014

"Next Generation Molecular Diagnostics as Basic Research Tools in the Discovery of Etiological Agents of Infection and Inflammation"
Rothman Institute, Orthopaedics Fellows Seminar, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, January 10, 2014

"Advanced Microbial Processing: Tools for Biosynthesis and Biocatalysis"
"Meta-omics and Synthetic Biology: New Paradigms in Developing Diagnostics and Therapeutics for Chronic Infections"
Drexel University "Kick-off Symposium for the Center for Advanced Microbial Processing," Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 16–17, 2013

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Keynote Talks

“Defanging Pathogens: Development of Broad-Spectrum Anti-virulence Factors”
(ASMDL Lecture) Michigan Branch of ASM. Ann Arbor VA April 6, 2024

“Development, Validation, and Applications of a Trans-Pan-Domain Molecular Diagnostic for Comprehensive Microbiome Studies”
(a series of Keynote lectures associated with the International Conference on the Cooperation and Integration of Industry, Education, Research and Application organized to coincide with my visit). Jilin University Bethune Third Clinical Medical College, Jilin China, March 11-15, 2024

“How We Came to Explore the Microbial Dark Matter”
(ASMDL Lecture). Virginia Branch of ASM. Richmond VA. November 3, 2023

“Genomics of Bacterial Pathogens and Antimicrobial Resistance”
Fourth Conference on Mitigation Strategies for Infectious Diseases. Cali, Colombia, November 2, 2023

“Investigating the Bacterial Genomic Dark Matter with Machine Learning”
The CEZID Distinguished Seminar Lecture, Kansas State University, Manhattan KS, May 26, 2023

“Construction of a Dual Borrelia/Borreliella Genera Pangenome for Diagnostics and Therapeutics”
ILADS/ILADEF Annual Meeting. Orlando FL, September 23-25, 2022

“Identification of Novel Targets and Development of New Classes of Drugs for the Treatment of Chronic Biofilm Infections”
BioSpectrum 2020, University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata INDIA, virtual conference November 19-21, 2020

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Invited Talks

“Evidence for the Existence of a Bacterial Etiology for Alzheimer’s Disease and for a Temporal-Spatial Development of a Pathogenic Microbiome in the Brain”
SFAF, Santa Fe, NM, June 8, 2023

“Development and validation of long-read DNA sequencing-based 16S & 18S rRNA microbiome analyses provides for trans-pan-domain species-specific MDx assays for all non viral microbes”
Malibu Microbiome Conference, Malibu, CA March 18, 2023 (moved to online format)

“Development and Application of Species-specific microbial Pan-domain assays for use in Monitoring Vector-borne Zoonses”
11th Leipzig Veterinary Conference, Leipzig, Germany July 7-9, 2022

“How Next gneration molecular Diagnostics helped wit the Development of the Rubric of Bacterial Plurality to Explain Chronic Infections”
Montpellier University, Montpellier France June 30, 2022

“Lyme Disease (Its Complicated)”
West Virgina One Health Seminar, Morgantown, WV, May 24, 2022

“Interrogating the Haemophilus influenzae pan genome for the identification of disease-specific genes"
PacBio Roadshow. Philadelphia, PA, April 19, 2022

“Development, Validation, and Clinical Findings of a full-length 16S rRNA gene species-specific, pan-domain molecular diagnostic assay”
Human Gut Microbiome Summit, Barcelona, SPAIN November 4-5, 2021 (canceled – pandemic)

“Direct Detection of Tick-Borne Pathogens via DNA-based Diagnostics: Advantages and Challenges”
ILADS/ILADEF 22nd Annual Scientific Conference – Decoding Immune Dysregulation, Orlando, FL October 16, 2021

“Polyclonal Bacterial Biofilms Underlie the Majority of Chronic and Surgical infections”
Department of Urology, University of California San Diego, December 10, 2020 (delivered virtually)

“Iterative Approach to Structure-based in silico to in vivo Development of Combinatorial Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Therapy”
Corona Virus Virtual Event Series, Labroots. December 3, 2020 (delivered virtually)

“Bacterial Plurality in Periodontal Disease: Lessons from the Biofilm Paradigm & the Distributed Genome Hypothesis”
The Forsyth Institute, Boston MA, September 17, 2020 (seminar delivered via ZOOM due to COVID-19 pandemic)

“Rational anti-RelA Drug Development for the Treatment of Chronic Neuroborrelioses”
European ILADS Scientific Conference. Budapest, HUNGARY, June 4-6, 2020 (post-poned due to COVID-19 pandemic)

“Development, Validation, and Unique Applications of a Species-specific Microbiome Assay & Database that together Provide true Pan-Domain Molecular Diagnostics”
6th Annual Translational Microbiome Conference, Boston, MA, April 21-23, 2020. (moved online due to COVID-19 pandemic)

“Development of a Novel Class of Rationally-designed Anti-biofilm Drugs”
Mark Shirtliff Biofilm Conference, University of Maryland, February 27, 2020

“Functional Analysis of the Porphyromonas gingivalis supragenome”
Mark Wilson Conference of the Oral Immunology/Microbiology Research Group, San Juan, PUERTO RICO. February 7-10, 2020

“What can Large-Scale Comparative Genomics Teach us: the Use of Machine Learning to Identify Bacterial Virulence and Tropism Genes”
Merck & Co., Inc. West Point, PA, November 8, 2019

“Using the Distributed Genome Hypothesis and a Battery of Unbiased Techniques to Mine the Bacterial Genomic Dark Matter for Disease and Tissue-Tropic Specific Genes”
Center for Computational Genetics and Genomics, Temple University, Ocoter 23, 2019

“Development of Machine Learning Approaches to Identification & Characterization of Unannotated Virulence Genes from Bacterial Genomic Dark Matter”
5th Conference on Mitigation Strategies for Infectious Diseases Cali, COLOMBIA. October 15, 2019

“The Role of Age and HPV-subtype in the Clinical Course of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosus”
Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cancer Meeting, Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson University. September 25, 2019

“Development of Machine Learning Algorithms to Data Mine Pangenomic Characterizations of Complex Bacterial Species”
Labroots: Microbiology and Immunology Virtual Event, September 11, 2019 (original airing)

“Multi-informatic Approaches to Identifying OM-specific Virulence Genes from within the Bacterial Genomic Dark Matter”
International Society for Otitis Media (ISOM) Biennial Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, June 9-13, 2019

“Why Lyme Disease and other Chronic Infections do not Respond well to Antibiotics”
Lyme Disease Town Hall. Central Penn College, Summerrdate, PA, March 21, 2019

“Biofilms Cause Chronic Infections”
Focus on Lyme Patient Forum, Scottsdale, AZ, March 15, 2019

“Biofilms Explain Bacterial Persistence”
Focus on Lyme Scientific Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 15, 2019

“Transcriptomic Analyses of the peripheral blood leukocytes of Long-Term Ebola Survivors”
4th Conference on Mitigations Strategies for Infections Diseases (Cali Conference on Zoonotic Infections), Cali COLOMBIA, November 13-17, 2018

“Development and Validation of a High-Fidelity, Species-specific, Microbiome Assay for Use in Precision Medicine”
American Aging Association, Annual Meeting – Section on Microbiomes and Aging. Philadelphia, PA June 27-July 1, 2018

“Development and Validation of a High-Fidelity, Species-specific, Microbiome Assay for Use in Precision Medicine”
American Aging Association, Annual Meeting – Section on Microbiomes and Aging. Philadelphia, PA June 27-July 1, 2018

“Transcriptomic Analyses of the peripheral blood leukocytes of Long-Term Ebola Survivors”
4th Conference on Mitigations Strategies for Infections Diseases (Cali Conference on Zoonotic Infections), Cali COLOMBIA, November 13-17, 2018

“Biofilms Explain Bacterial Persistence”
Focus on Lyme Scientific Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, March 15, 2019

“Biofilms Cause Chronic Infections”
Focus on Lyme Patient Forum, Scottsdale, AZ, March 15, 2019

“Why Lyme Disease and other Chronic Infections do not Respond well to Antibiotics”
Lyme Disease Town Hall. Central Penn College, Summerrdate, PA, March 21, 2019

“Multi-informatic Approaches to Identifying OM-specific Virulence Genes from within the Bacterial Genomic Dark Matter”
International Society for Otitis Media (ISOM) Biennial Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, June 9-13, 2019

“Development of Machine Learning Algorithms to Data Mine Pangenomic Characterizations of Complex Bacterial Species”
Labroots: Microbiology and Immunology Virtual Event, September 11, 2019 (original airing)

“The Role of Age and HPV-subtype in the Clinical Course of Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosus”
Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cancer Meeting, Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center, Thomas Jefferson University. September 25, 2019

“Development of Machine Learning Approaches to Identification & Characterization of Unannotated Virulence Genes from Bacterial Genomic Dark Matter”
5th Conference on Mitigation Strategies for Infectious Diseases Cali, COLOMBIA. October 15, 2019

“Using the Distributed Genome Hypothesis and a Battery of Unbiased Techniques to Mine the Bacterial Genomic Dark Matter for Disease and Tissue-Tropic Specific Genes”
Center for Computational Genetics and Genomics, Temple University, Ocoter 23, 2019

“What can Large-Scale Comparative Genomics Teach us: the Use of Machine Learning to Identify Bacterial Virulence and Tropism Genes”
Merck & Co., Inc. West Point, PA, November 8, 2019

“Functional Analysis of the Porphyromonas gingivalis supragenome”
Mark Wilson Conference of the Oral Immunology/Microbiology Research Group, San Juan, PUERTO RICO. February 7-10, 2020

“Development of a Novel Class of Rationally-designed Anti-biofilm Drugs”
Mark Shirtliff Biofilm Conference, University of Maryland, February 27, 2020

“Progress towards Chronic Infections and Biofilms”
Focus on Lyme - Patient Forum, Scottsdale AZ, March 21, 2020. (post-poned due to COVID-19 pandemic)

“Development, Validation, and Unique Applications of a Species-specific Microbiome Assay & Database that together Provide true Pan-Domain Molecular Diagnostics”
6th Annual Translational Microbiome Conference, Boston, MA, April 21-23, 2020. (moved online due to COVID-19 pandemic)

“Rational anti-RelA Drug Development for the Treatment of Chronic Neuroborrelioses”
European ILADS Scientific Conference. Budapest, HUNGARY, June 4-6, 2020 (post-poned due to COVID-19 pandemic)

“Bacterial Plurality in Periodontal Disease: Lessons from the Biofilm Paradigm & the Distributed Genome Hypothesis”
The Forsyth Institute, Boston MA, September 17, 2020 (seminar delivered via ZOOM due to COVID-19 pandemic)

“An Iterative Approach to Structure-based in silico to in vivo Development of Combinatorial Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Therapy”
Corona Virus Virtual Event Series, Labroots. December 3, 2020 (delivered virtually)

“Polyclonal Bacterial Biofilms Underlie the Majority of Chronic and Surgical infections”
Department of Urology, University of California San Diego, December 10, 2020 (delivered virtually)

“Vaccination from a Public Health Perspective”
Clinical Pearls Session; ILADS/ILADEF 22nd Annual Scientific Conference – Decoding Immune Dysregulation, Orlando, FL October 14, 2021

“Direct Detection of Tick-Borne Pathogens via DNA-based Diagnostics: Advantages and Challenges”
ILADS/ILADEF 22nd Annual Scientific Conference – Decoding Immune Dysregulation, Orlando, FL October 16, 2021

“Development, Validation, and Clinical Findings of a full-length 16S rRNA gene species-specific, pan-domain molecular diagnostic assay”
Human Gut Microbiome Summit, Barcelona, SPAIN November 4-5, 2021 (canceled – pandemic)

“Interrogating the Haemophilus influenzae pan genome for the identification of disease-specific genes”
PacBio Roadshow. Philadelphia, PA, April 19, 2022

“Lyme Disease (Its Complicated)”
West Virgina One Health Seminar, Morgantown, WV, May 24, 2022

“How Next gneration molecular Diagnostics helped wit the Development of the Rubric of Bacterial Plurality to Explain Chronic Infections”
Montpellier University, Montpellier France June 30, 2022

“Development and Application of Species-specific microbial Pan-domain assays for use in Monitoring Vector-borne Zoonses”
11th Leipzig Veterinary Conference, Leipzig, Germany July 7-9, 2022

“Development and validation of long-read DNA sequencing-based 16S & 18S rRNA microbiome analyses provides for trans-pan-domain species-specific MDx assays for all non viral microbes”
Malibu Microbiome Conference, Malibu, CA March 18, 2023 (moved to online format)

“Evidence for the Existence of a Bacterial Etiology for Alzheimer’s Disease and for a Temporal-Spatial Development of a Pathogenic Microbiome in the Brain”
SFAF, Santa Fe, NM, June 8, 2023

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