Educational Advancement at Hahnemann
Anatomy Lab
Through the Rufus B. Weaver Memorial Fund, the Alumni Association gifted Hahnemann’s New College Building with new laboratories for the Department of Anatomy. They fully furnished the laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment for students to gain new skills and enhance their studies. Included in this purchase was a delineascope, a sought-after piece of equipment that projected lantern slides on walls. This teaching aid was able to project images and texts from newspapers, magazines and books.
Students listening to a lecture in the New College Building, 1964.
Anatomy lecture from the Purcell photograph collection, around 1899.
Student Loan Fund
Ensuring that students could receive an education, the Alumni Association established The Student Loan Fund for those who needed financial assistance.

A student loan check from April 9, 1940, for $183 at no interest to a Hahnemann student.
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